Recognizing a concussion.


Don't get Chewed!
MTS Alumni
Jul 22, 2004
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a happy place
As martial artists and as coaches of others it is important to recognize the signs of a concussion, management of the Athlete with the concussion.

I figured I would post a quick guide to recognizing and evaluating a concussion. I know of many coaches in all kinds of disciplines that have these simple signs/symptoms and managements on small cards that they carry with them to competitions for quick reference if they are ever needed. Good idea, IMO.

REMEMBER: This is just a guide, if you are ever concerned with an athlete, sit them out of what they are doing and seek medical attention.

A concussion is a result of an injury/trauma that causes a temporary change in mental state. The may be caused by a blow to the head, face or jaw or from a whiplash effect to the neck.

Signs and symptoms to recognize a concussion are:

Dizziness/dazed feeling
seeing starts/feelig "dinged" or stunned
Double or blurry vision
Sensitivity to light
Ringing in ears slepiness/loss of consciousness
poor balance
slow to follow instructions/respond to quesitons
unusual/inappopriate emotions/personality changes

When an athlete shows signs of a concussion they are not to return to play, not to be left alone and should be medically evaluated as soon as possible. They will require regular monitoring for deterioration and should be awaken every 2 ours overnight for the first 24 hours.
Sometimes with head injuries, the pupils are different- one might be dialated, the other constricted (as a somewhat extreme example). That's what I learned when I had taken a first aid course a while back.
Great stuff Lisa. I do however think you are just reasearching concussions so as to be better able to give me one.

JeffJ said:
Great stuff Lisa. I do however think you are just reasearching concussions so as to be better able to give me one.


I am always prepared to do my modly duties :D
tkdgirl said:
Sometimes with head injuries, the pupils are different- one might be dialated, the other constricted (as a somewhat extreme example). That's what I learned when I had taken a first aid course a while back.

this condition is called: can be congenital or be caused by high-grade concussions or repeated sure when first checking the athlete, if you are a ref, to check their eyes as the difference in pupil size may be normal for them ((i have aniscoria)) or if you are the athlete, make sure to tell your coach so they know...if the ref does not know and you get hit in the head and they look at your eyes, you could be DQ'ed

also an athlete with a concussion should not be able to return to play until they are asymptomatic...or showing no signs...better safe than sorry guys

it is imperative that all athletes wear a mouth guard when head contact is expected to occur...multiple studies have shown that wearing a mouth guard significantly decreases the severity of a concussion..mouth guard=a must!!
Slippery_Pete said:
this condition is called: can be congenital or be caused by high-grade concussions or repeated sure when first checking the athlete, if you are a ref, to check their eyes as the difference in pupil size may be normal for them ((i have aniscoria)) or if you are the athlete, make sure to tell your coach so they know...if the ref does not know and you get hit in the head and they look at your eyes, you could be DQ'ed

also an athlete with a concussion should not be able to return to play until they are asymptomatic...or showing no signs...better safe than sorry guys

it is imperative that all athletes wear a mouth guard when head contact is expected to occur...multiple studies have shown that wearing a mouth guard significantly decreases the severity of a concussion..mouth guard=a must!!

Good points Pete! We had a really good discussion going on here about the importance of mouthguards. If you wish, go check it out and add any further comments you might have.

I couldn't agree more with the better safe then sorry thing. Don't push yourself and follow the doctor's orders so that you can return without a relapse. :)
Slippery_Pete said:
this condition is called: can be congenital or be caused by high-grade concussions or repeated sure when first checking the athlete, if you are a ref, to check their eyes as the difference in pupil size may be normal for them ((i have aniscoria)) or if you are the athlete, make sure to tell your coach so they know...if the ref does not know and you get hit in the head and they look at your eyes, you could be DQ'ed

also an athlete with a concussion should not be able to return to play until they are asymptomatic...or showing no signs...better safe than sorry guys

it is imperative that all athletes wear a mouth guard when head contact is expected to occur...multiple studies have shown that wearing a mouth guard significantly decreases the severity of a concussion..mouth guard=a must!!

Nothing like a little formal education and some personal experience to learn ya about stuff, eh?
Yeah...there is nothing quite like it...

they say that someone can tell you not to do something a thousand times but you will never learn not to do it until you have done it for yourself and experienced the consequences...its true...but i still havent learned my lesson
Here we go...

As a former athletic training student we have guidelines set about concussions...we were required to carry cards around that had this information on it...hint...suggestion...

Sensitive to light and noise
Short term memory loss
Vacant stare
Visual problems
Slowed processing/reactions
Sleep changes
Personality changes

Sideline Evaluation
Basic Exam
Alert and conversant
Date, place, opponent, what happened
Months in reverse
Any four, random sequential numbers in reverse
Recall three words and three objects at zero and five minutes
Recall recent newsworthy events
Recall details of contest
Exertional Tests
40 yd. sprint
5 push ups
5 sit ups
5 knee bends
Single leg stance with eyes closed
Straight line heel to toe walking
Sport specific exertion
Neurological Tests
Strength, coordination, agility, and sensation

Concussion Grades
Grade One:
No loss of consciousness
Symptoms resolve in under 15 minutes
Grade Two:
No loss of consciousness
Symptoms last longer than 15 minutes
Requires physicians evaluation
Grade Three:
Loss of consciousness
Prolonged signs/symptoms
Requires immediate referral for medical care

Return to Play Guidelines
Same day return:
All signs/symptoms clear in under 15 minutes
Exertional tests do not cause return of signs/symptoms
Return after grade two:
Determined by physician
Must be symptom free at rest and exertion
Return after grade three or history of repeated concussions:
Determined by physician
Must be symptom free at rest and exertion

I would like to say that concussions should not be taken lightly and they can cause some serious long-lasting effects if not treated correctly or if the athlete returns to play too soon...another injury while the athlete is symptomatic could result in tragedy...DONT TAKE THE CHANCE

...oh and if bignick reads this...dont pay attention to the repeated concussions RTP...:lookie:
I know this is not sports related but I had a concussion by being hit by a beer bottle over the head. I went staggering into the bushes and managed to make it home then I went to the bath tub and took a cold bath (dont know why) and was moaning. After that I went and drank a beer and smoked cigarettes. That night I went to sleep normally. Is this bad? The reason for my post is to know if part of my recent mental illness is caused by a hard hit to the head and no medical treatment. Also would have this kind of injury in the past make me open to death by another head trauma? I would like to do boxing ot muay thai but I think my past head truama might make it more likely for me to die by another concussion. Is this true? Thank you
rabbit said:
I know this is not sports related but I had a concussion by being hit by a beer bottle over the head. I went staggering into the bushes and managed to make it home then I went to the bath tub and took a cold bath (dont know why) and was moaning. After that I went and drank a beer and smoked cigarettes. That night I went to sleep normally. Is this bad? The reason for my post is to know if part of my recent mental illness is caused by a hard hit to the head and no medical treatment. Also would have this kind of injury in the past make me open to death by another head trauma? I would like to do boxing ot muay thai but I think my past head truama might make it more likely for me to die by another concussion. Is this true? Thank you

Those are very serious questions. They are worthy of asking...but they should be asked of a doctor.

I have also experienced a very bad concussion. A head injury is nothing to mess around with. See a doctor to be sure.

Good luck to you!
rabbit said:
I know this is not sports related but I had a concussion by being hit by a beer bottle over the head. I went staggering into the bushes and managed to make it home then I went to the bath tub and took a cold bath (dont know why) and was moaning. After that I went and drank a beer and smoked cigarettes. That night I went to sleep normally. Is this bad? The reason for my post is to know if part of my recent mental illness is caused by a hard hit to the head and no medical treatment. Also would have this kind of injury in the past make me open to death by another head trauma? I would like to do boxing ot muay thai but I think my past head truama might make it more likely for me to die by another concussion. Is this true? Thank you

Umm...I gotta agree with Carol here. You should have seen a doctor. Head injuries are nothing to fool around with and continuing to drink afterwards is playing with fire.

How long ago did this happen?
god I wish I had read this two days ago. got hit in the head very hard by a punch during sparring by a higher rank and got a headache that lasted for 26 horus though I didn't lose consciouness. I am better now but if I had known this I wouldn't have tried to continue sparring with the bad headache. God I feel stupid now.

*moans and dies of stupidity*
KenpoSterre said:
god I wish I had read this two days ago. got hit in the head very hard by a punch during sparring by a higher rank and got a headache that lasted for 26 horus though I didn't lose consciouness. I am better now but if I had known this I wouldn't have tried to continue sparring with the bad headache. God I feel stupid now.

*moans and dies of stupidity*
You're 12 - no one expects you to know everything. However, have you discussed this with a parent? Concussions can have long-lasting effects if not treated, and you should be seen by a doctor. This reinforces the need to talk to your instructor - that other student could cause serious injury if not stopped - causing a concussion goes way beyond "excessive contact" and he needs to be stopped before he does something worse. And please tell a parent - even if the headache is gone. Residual swelling can cause problems in the future unless properly treated (if needed) - and it may not be needed - but why take chances with your brain?
my parents know. they were the ones that gave me mediacation to relieve it so I could sleep.
KenpoSterre said:
my parents know. they were the ones that gave me mediacation to relieve it so I could sleep.

That's good - just wanted to check!