I agree. In this day and age someone should have seen the potential there...which still leaves the question...do we edit out ANY "potentially" offensive material regardless of intent? If so then why the lack of uproar over the cartoons Carol posted? It smacks of a double standard. (not anybody HERE...directed to those who took offense at this comic but ignored the others)
I don't know.I don't even have a guess.
I don't know, and no one is going to like my guesses: Many black people's opinions of Clarence Thomas and Condoleeza Rice are in line with the sentiments of the cartoons and magazine cover. The magazine's target audience is black people. Some may even feel that way about Colin Powell (it's possible that even Colin Powell felt that way for a time, but that's another story.....)
It's also possible that they didn't see them........the only places I've seen the Condoleeza Rice ones is here on other threads.....
The world is full of ugly little double standards around things of this nature-it doesn't just "smackl of a double standard," it simply is a double standard.
In fairness...esp. to my recently posted images...
The magazine "emerge" has gone belly up. It is no more.
The website, blackcommentator.com, is still around...but is currently in beg-a-thon mode, reporting that they will be 50K in the red for FY2009.
While I don't think that is a complete justification to the (lack of) ourtage over the images, it may also show that there are way too many black Americans that are too busy studying, working, and/or taking care of their families...too many to be bothered with a media outlet that will sometimes focus on "victim politics"
However, this is a demonstration of another inequality. Take, for example, Mr. Juan Williams. He is a longtime correspondent for NPR news, as well as a regular at Washington Post and Fox News television. He has often voiced a conservative opinion, and has frequently been critical of the Obamas.
Yet google his name and you will also find references to him as a "sellout" or a "race-traitor" or other unsavory labels. You'll also find people that question why he is being labeled as such, when Rush Limbaugh makes more money than gawd as a white guy that criticizes other white guys, often in a cruder fashion...yet he escapes such labels.
I'm glad that I saw in my lifetime the day where a person of color was fairly elected as leader of the free world. I hope someday I can see the day when a person of color can be a conservative without being shot down with the very racial labels and epithets that most Americans (black or otherwise) find offensive. :asian: