Cryzombie, taxes are at thier lowest rates since the 1950's so you are not spending more and more and more. Bob, infrastructure cost money. Prior to 1913 there weren't many maintained roads in the US. Should we go back to horses because we don't want to pay for the roads for our automobiles? Goods and services would skyrocket in cost then.
I don't understand why this is a difficult concept. Those taxes spent to help people from falling through the cracks helps yourselves as well. It isn't "them" your taxes are going to help, but yourselves if you find yourselves in a situation that you need help. If you think that being in a position where you need help could never happen to you, you are niave. All it takes is one accident or illness, even if you are well employed and have great insurance. As the system is now, you would still pay even if no tax dollars went to help those people because as a society we are all connected through the minimum of our shared economy. The "F you I got mine mentality" is just not part of reality anymore. Our society is too interconnected and inter-dependant in today's world.
I'm ok with going back to horses.

How about this though, since maintaining infrastructure such as roads IS a Constitutional requirement, but paying people to plow fields under ISNT, we simply drop all the things the government does that's not in the Constitution. 80% savings, and we can drop income tax entirely then.
This includes medicare, social security, subsidizing doctor visits, and paying 10,000% over cost for drugs.
I've seen the detailed "if we cut this unauthorized bs we save a crap load of coin" idea in detail, but on a quick glance I can't find it (ie quick google and look at first page). It's out there and was associated with one of the indy candidates from the 08 election I think. Got bounced around on here a bit so might be in an old thread.
Old age, or just general tiredness though, keeps me from really caring to 'debate'. To be honest, if they'd cut the bs out of the budgets, actually keep costs down, and make sure most of the taxes go towards keeping the country safe, strong and healthy, I'd be fine with it all. If a few bucks a week helps kids get safe educations, I'm cool with it. $2,000 hammers, not so much. Arni and I argued alot about this way back when, and I still act cranky out of hobbit. But he's right, people ain't gonna prepare and having 100,000,000 seniors wandering around broke would just be wrong on so many levels. So, while I'll argue the Constitutionality of things, sometimes they are things I'm ok with, at least in principle, if not implementation.