

3rd Black Belt
If I am attacked by someone, I feel that it is a threat on my life. I feel if I loose the fight, that something like that will happen to me. Then they will rape and tourcher my wife after they beat me to death. That is why I practice martial arts so seriously. I honestly belive thats what will happen if I let myself loose in the street. People are sick, and you MUST assume that if someone attacks you, that they are one of the sick ones. That is my modivation in a fight. Good vid. Well not really good, but it shows true life, and what some people are capable of doing, it is cold hard reallity, and should be seen by all adults. Kind of made me feel the way that neck cutting video did. Not a good feeling, but its something that cannot be overlooked in todays world, people must remove the rose colored glasses and see the world for what it is, and the importance of your martial arts training. Some people in this world make me ashamed to be part of the human race sometimes. This is a movie clip, but it shows what can happen in real life at the bar, just recently down the street from me, a guy was curb stomped until his brains hit the street. It happens, but you never hear about it until it happens to a rich person or someone who is supposedly more important than the rest of us.

WARNING- graphic violence. Real Life. Can you handle it?
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