Re-examining Jukado, the art of Bruce Tegner

I agree... there are videos of every style that can be bought though one can find youtube videos that have "classes" as a result of covid lockdown.

oh and the book that was used in the karate kid:
"Mastering karate" by Mas Oyama...

there was one error with my post concerning savate:
there are 2 books written by Bruce on savate. The earlier one does have him showing the techniques and appears to be before savate was really organized. The techniques seem to be a bit more street oriented and he was wearing sweat clothes (workout clothes) and tennis shoes.

the later book had savateurs with tights and I think when they had colored rankings for skill level.
and they demonstrated the techniques.

My personal opinion is that the earlier book was better.
Savate has been part of French foreign legion’s hand to hand combat training since late 19th century, sometimes later adopted by French Army/Navy and also by French police force for a while. So I think it was an organized system from early on
Savate has been part of French foreign legion’s hand to hand combat training since late 19th century, sometimes later adopted by French Army/Navy and also by French police force for a while. So I think it was an organized system from early on
Yes, savate was around in the late 1800's as "dirty" fighting by the tough guys on the waterfront. I also think that it was organized in some fashion in the early 1900's with acknowledged "masters," many of whom died in the battles of WWI (this from an old Black Belt Magazine article around 1968). But like the Okinawan martial artists who suffered great loss of life in WWII's bombing and invasion (along with great loss of TMA historical writings) the art survived.
Savate has been part of French foreign legion’s hand to hand combat training since late 19th century, sometimes later adopted by French Army/Navy and also by French police force for a while. So I think it was an organized system from early on
True but I think there were different styles of savate during this time. And actually savate changed Japanese karate. Gichin funakoshi's son added kicks from savate , changing karate.
All I was saying was that the later version of the savate book had a more polished look by the models which made it look more sport oriented compared to the earlier one that had different versions of kicks that looked more street oriented. But I guess I'm hitting my limits on what I know about it.
True but I think there were different styles of savate during this time. And actually savate changed Japanese karate. Gichin funakoshi's son added kicks from savate , changing karate.
All I was saying was that the later version of the savate book had a more polished look by the models which made it look more sport oriented compared to the earlier one that had different versions of kicks that looked more street oriented. But I guess I'm hitting my limits on what I know about it.
Found this interesting article. Scroll down a little and it talk about Savate -

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