Radical's take on Cheney

I saw that this morning.

Although I tend to cut this particular leftwing nut a bit more slack than some of his peers. I usually find him thoughtful and convicted, even if I generally disagree with his conclusions. I have been known to take greater understanding of society from this man. One specific instance is the two ways society can punish one of its members: Loss of Freedom & Loss of Property.

However, many of the rats (peers of this author) are scurrying away from this sinking ship. Attempt to distance themselves from earlier statements (Kind of like when President Bush says "we've never been stay the course").
another leftwing nut pipes in on Dick.:wink1:


leftwing, indeed. ;)

He's seems to be one of the few remaining conservative voices in the media (well, him and Andrew Sullivan). The ones that has actually stayed conservative and not blindly defended the Republican leadership as it abandoned it's conservative principles. He is more of a Cato type guy than a neo-con PNAC kind of guy.