Karl Rove - Valerie Plame - Joseph Wilson - Exposing a CIA covert operative


are you saying that a citizen that has a preconcieved notion, that President Bush could not possibly be involved in the deliberate exposition of an United States spy, nor in the intentional cover up of that exposition with lies to the from the White House Press Briefing room, will not be able to find Mr. McClellan credible?

Why then, do you suppose, does Scott McClellan hate America?
As previously established, Bush has the authority to make a deliberate exposition. And I'm surmising that Bush has the authority to information about the exposition a state secret.

Lots of press about how Val and her hub were harmed by the release of information, but I haven't heard of any foreign agents shooting at them (now that they know Val was the 007 who made their lives miserable). Heck, they made the talk show rounds and published books...how else has their income been increased?

All I'm saying is
Because it was the President who took an action, it's legal? That is the Nixon defense. The President is above the law.

The Central Intelligence Agency did create a damage report. The findings of that report have not been released. The United States government spends millions of dollars training operatives, and providing credible backround dossier's on operatives. At the time of her exposition, Ms. Plame was busily tracking Weapons of Mass Destruction, and their alleged movements in Iraq and Iran.

The morning Mr. Novak printed Ms. Plame's name, intelligence agencies across the globe were checking the VISA files for their countries. Every entrance and exit to a foreign country by Ms. Plame was scruitinized. Any person with whom Ms. Plame had contact was in jeopardy.

The White House, through an official spokesperson, lied to the YOU and I when they told us that Mr. Rove, and Mr. Libby were not invovled. Mr. McClellan now tells us that Mr. Card, Mr. Cheney and Mr. Bush were also complicate in the lie told to the American People by the White House.

All I'm sayin' is ... if you are willing to let your President weaken national security at this time, for a political vendetta . . .

Oh, and talk shows don't usually pay guests for appearing. As for book royalties, yes, they exist. I recommend 'Fair Game', by Ms. Plame. It is a very sad book. Sad for our country, I mean.
Because it was the President who took an action, it's legal? That is the Nixon defense. The President is above the law.

Oh, and talk shows don't usually pay guests for appearing. As for book royalties, yes, they exist. I recommend 'Fair Game', by Ms. Plame. It is a very sad book. Sad for our country, I mean.
Certain powers, responsibilities and authorities are granted to people in certain positions. Example: most businesses - some people have authority to take action (approve overtime, make purchases, fire people, etc). Another Example: Congress has the responsibility to declare war. As has been established, Bush has the legal authority to do what he did. Nixon, bless his heart, did not have the legal authority to do what he did. So really, no one is above the law, but not everyone has the same job to do--I can't legally detain someone right now, but I once held a job that I legally did and was required to do daily.

I haven't read Plame's book yet. I'm sure it's a good book. It's not on my list of things to read at the moment. I didn't know that talk shows don't pay guests for appearing...I thought Johnny Carson paid people $50.
Interesting thought concerning Carson. I believe you are correct, that he does pay appearance fees ... consistant with Screen Actor Guild union requirements, I believe.

But, when you mention media appearances, I think about '60 Minutes', 'Meet the Press', and the like. Because these programs are 'news programs', it is my understanding that they do not pay for appearances. They might provide the travel for a guest. Don't really know.

But, there are other media appearances that I did not think about ... such as NPR's 'Wait, Wait ... ' quiz show and the 'Daily Show'. These media appearances are, no doubt, organized by the book publisher, and part of the 'Book Tour'. I don't know if there is any additional compensation, beyond the travel, and hopeful book royalties.

There are private speaking fees that a personality can receive from institutions who choose to host them. Although, those can not be called media appearances ~ even if the media does cover the event (See Alberto Gonzales - http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/004738.php).

But, all of that really smack of 'The Wilsons are in it for the fame'. Which really has nothing to do with National Security, or the allegations of Mr. McClellan.
Interesting thought concerning Carson. I believe you are correct, that he does pay appearance fees ... consistant with Screen Actor Guild union requirements, I believe.
But, all of that really smack of 'The Wilsons are in it for the fame'. Which really has nothing to do with National Security, or the allegations of Mr. McClellan.
I should have said "Carson used to pay" (I think he's either dead or retired; or retired and dead. But I get my Boolean operators mixed up).

I don't think the Wilsons are into it for the fame nor the money; just taking advantage of the opportunity to make a little and to get their point across. They can disagree with anyone they want to, including the Prez, it's their right.

The bottom line is either the Prez has the legal authority to do what he did; or he didn't have it. Just as the Congress had the authority to declare war in Iraq but gave didn't, They merely gave the Prez the authority to make war without a declaration (and then congress can complain about it with righteous indignation).
Can't believe this ... .

And, we still don't know what people think Bush did.

And we don't know why they think it is OK?

You do know Richard Armitage owned up to being the leak, right?
If the President leaks it is ok, he is the ultimate classifying authority...

So, if the President chose to expose a covert operative to a member of a foreign intelligence service, that would be OK.

"My President, right or wrong." - eh? Really?

We have become country of man, and not of laws. Is that what you are saying?
Mr. Edward - I'm certain that you are not specifically targeting me.

Ray, You can call me Mr. Atkinson, or Mike. Edward is my middle name.

But, yes, I did ask you specifically those two questions in the previous post. I am wondering if you know and understand what happened? As Phoenix44 asks, Treason is not Treason if the President commits it?

And, the video clip, Ray, was not directed toward you.

I would remind Mr. Gibson of this President Bush, and his words


“I have nothing but contempt and anger for those who betray the trust by exposing the name of our sources. They are, in my view, the most insidious of traitors.”

And, I will note that this earlier version of President Bush, was the head of the Central Intelligence Agency, and would therefore, know of that which he speaks.

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