Questions and then some

I haven't asked any questions here in a while... just 1 question today. I like hearing people's opinions. What aspect of martial arts do you like doing the most? Sparing, Empty hand forms, Weapon forms, Basic stretches, Or something I didn't mention?

Personally at this point in my training I like the weapon forms the most. Its interesting learning weapons, seeing how different weapons are used, and learning the history behind them if possible.
That varies by day, for me. Sometimes I'm more cerebral and want to tinker with a problem. Other times, I want to work hard and sweat.
Why does an answer need to be so specific in the first place? I never get anymore specific than just answering "karate, aikido, jiu jutsu, etc. As posted previously martial arts is much too convoluted to truly sift out much more than that.
Why does an answer need to be so specific in the first place? I never get anymore specific than just answering "karate, aikido, jiu jutsu, etc. As posted previously martial arts is much too convoluted to truly sift out much more than that.

It doesn't need to be. But it's a forum, and it encourages interesting and engaging discussion. It's okay to enjoy certain aspects more than others :)
Why does an answer need to be so specific in the first place? I never get anymore specific than just answering "karate, aikido, jiu jutsu, etc. As posted previously martial arts is much too convoluted to truly sift out much more than that.
You like all aspects of the styles equally? That's fair enough. Personally for me sometimes there are certain aspects within martial arts that interest me more than other aspects ,and of course just because I'm more interested in one than the others doesn't mean I'm not interested in them. I'm just more excited about certain aspects... in my case Its weapon forms.
That varies by day, for me. Sometimes I'm more cerebral and want to tinker with a problem. Other times, I want to work hard and sweat.
Generally, I'd say that, from the beginning way back in the dawn of my personal Stone Age, I've always enjoyed the instructive, playful, semi-competitive format of sparring the most. I couldn't get enough of it. Point sparring, light-to-medium impact sparring, rolling, randori… that's my thing I enjoy most in class. So, because I enjoy it the most, I focus on it the most, my mental energy is tightly focused and I don't get distracted, so I think I get the most out of that.

Of course, I have to put in the work figuring things out to Do while sparring, but it's the sparring in its many aspects I enjoy the most.

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