Question about adrenaline rushes

Jeezus, you're incapable of following any linear argument.

You remind me of the little kids at my friend's Dojo. They will ask you a question such as, "What would you do if...?" and then when you answer they will increasingly made the same question harder by looking for exceptions or outs such as adding another attacker, then weapons, then a nuclear weapon going off. To the point where their original intent is reached because you have no choice to agree. However, that doesn'tmake their point right.

If you want to constantly search for the exception to every rule you're more than welcome to. I could care less. You ask me to tone it down then continue being the same moron previously and then expect me to not react as I did before? Let me ask you this, when you walk into a closed door, do you do it again and expect a different result?

People will have variations on almost anything. Variations. There are people out there who have been hit by lightning (which by the way I am beginning to suspect are your lightning chi balls of flame) and they survive. By your reasoning that means that yes people can survive lightning bolt strike. But is it the norm? C'mon.

For a guy who wanted reasonable discussion you sure don't act like it. You're the kind of guy who yaps and yaps like a tiny dog until people give up and give it what it wants to shut it up. So here. Here is your scrap. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. Are you happy? I hope so. Now please pour yourself a big glass of shut the hell up and do us all a favour.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Jeezus, you're incapable of following any linear argument.

You remind me of the little kids at my friend's Dojo. They will ask you a question such as, "What would you do if...?" and then when you answer they will increasingly made the same question harder by looking for exceptions or outs such as adding another attacker, then weapons, then a nuclear weapon going off. To the point where their original intent is reached because you have no choice to agree. However, that doesn'tmake their point right.

If you want to constantly search for the exception to every rule you're more than welcome to. I could care less. You ask me to tone it down then continue being the same moron previously and then expect me to not react as I did before? Let me ask you this, when you walk into a closed door, do you do it again and expect a different result?

People will have variations on almost anything. Variations. There are people out there who have been hit by lightning (which by the way I am beginning to suspect are your lightning chi balls of flame) and they survive. By your reasoning that means that yes people can survive lightning bolt strike. But is it the norm? C'mon.

For a guy who wanted reasonable discussion you sure don't act like it. You're the kind of guy who yaps and yaps like a tiny dog until people give up and give it what it wants to shut it up. So here. Here is your scrap. Yes, there are exceptions to every rule. Are you happy? I hope so. Now please pour yourself a big glass of shut the hell up and do us all a favour.

Gou, you seemed to be a reasonalby intelligent person so I figured you could handle being disagreed with, I guess that is not the case. I asked you to tone it down so we could discuss it, which is exactly what I did. Because you are flying off the handle at my opinions does not reflect on my being a moron. I'm only dicussing a topic I happen to know quite a bit about. As an adult I understand that other will disagree with me, you should try to understand that, not everyone is going to agree with you.
I did ont attack you or your opinions in my post as you have so abundantly done in your last post. Get over yourself there bud, lets either discuss this topic like adults or admit you have no knowledge of the subject and move on to another thread. As a lab tech I have had alot of experience with this subject and I'm posting my opinions. My last post said nothing about you personally, so calm down, don't take things so seriously, and chill the hell out.

Originally posted by Damian Mavis

What the heck? Did you ride your bicycle without the seat or something?

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Damian et al,

Guys, this thread is enough of a mess without trying to make it worse.

I think what Bod was saying is that you were very excited the first time you rode your bike without training wheels. I know my son was scared and anxious, etc, etc, but now he will jump curbs and stuff without thinking about it.

I assure you that that my son had a "Adrenaline Rush" when I first let go of him and sent him flying without training wheels, but that now, he probably can't even remember it and he certainly doesn't feel anxious about riding his bike now.

Gee, whiz. Sometimes you guys make me think you are trying to start something.

Anyway, I hope I got that right and I'm not trying to start something myself, I am merely pointing out that this may have been obvious to Bod and I but it apparently went past you two. No big deal. This happens all the time. In person, we'd make a joke and move on. On the web too often this leads to... well, other stuff.
Originally posted by 7starmantis
I'm only dicussing a topic I happen to know quite a bit about.

Strange as it might seem I have done a great deal of clinical research on this issue both in the medical setting and in the police/fire/social practical setting. I have a good grasp on what is going on.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
As an adult I understand that other will disagree with me, you should try to understand that, not everyone is going to agree with you.

You're not even trying to discuss to reach common ground or acceptable language rules. You're looking for loopholes and the exception to argue a point trying to make it a commonality in the theory. Which it isn't. You're looking to pick apart any theory by using the least variable. Poor reasoning. Evading the topics when pressed. Unable to maintain linear discussion. Hell, you'd argue the ship isn't going down with the guy trying to rescue you until your were a foot under water on the deck.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
Get over yourself there bud

I said we're not friends or buds. You can try to use words like that all you want, it won't come true.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
lets either discuss this topic like adults or admit you have no knowledge of the subject and move on to another thread.

I have knowledge of a subject I have been studying for a long time and if you want to searches on martial talk I have been trying to bring this subject up for a while. The problem is that dorks like yourself feel the need to try and discredit things with poor arguing skills and poor positioning.

I'll give you this. If someone skydiving fails to have their parachute open and survives the fall then yes, it does say it is possible. It doesn't mean that we will call it the norm. According to you it means we should re-evaluate the theory of gravity because of an exception. You spin your wheels, I'll be moving forward thanx.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
As a lab tech I have had alot of experience with this subject and I'm posting my opinions.

Wow. Get out of the lab then. The only thing that I appreciate about this section of your post is that you said it is just your opinion.

I have been talkin and working with people and getting multiple opinions that are not just my own but qualified people in their fields. I cross reference, compare both the lab style results with field results. I need these things for "critical stress debreifing" work I have to do. I depend on this stuff.

Originally posted by 7starmantis
don't take things so seriously

I stopped taking you seriously a few posts ago.
Bod, "Think about the first time you rode a bicycle. Do you still get the same dump now? No, at best you only get a small rush."

Me, "What the heck? Did you ride your bicycle without the seat or something?"

Nobody got my joke so I figured I better explain since cdhall took me seriously. Bod mentioned getting a rush out of riding a bike so I asked if he rode the bike without the seat... you know getting the pleasure and a rush out of...uhm... well you get the idea. It was supposed to be roll on the floor funny... but I guess i'm just juvenile. heh

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by GouRonin

Not really. if you look at it like a drug then you can use the analogy that much like an addict, the more exposure to it they have the more the levels need to change for the same effect. Like a drug addict needing more and more to maintain a nearly same level high. A same level dosage would not have the same effect as the body builds up tolerances and the mind does as well. There is an effect, but not as much as the inital time.

As an aside, many drug addicts call the act of looking to feel the same affects of that first time they got high, "Chasing The Dragon." because you never really get the same high as that first time and you always need more to come near to it. Hence you are chasing a dragon because you never catch it.

First, I know I am late to this argument / discussion.

Gou, we can talk in detail later over a beer or something about my addiction to a drug called Adrenaline. It was a fun ride for a while. At one point I could even drop adrenaline into my system at my call. After a while of realizing that riding on the hoods of cars at 55+ MPH and on roofs of cars at 85+ MPH and looking forward to the weekend when you knew that some bozo would just come looking for you for a fight was a bad thing. When you find yourself in places that any other sane person let alone college student would find repulsive and your are their for the fun of it? You know it is bad. When I was chasing the dragon for the Adrenaline High it was very difficult to get off a drug your body makes naturally. You can decide to not put yourself into places and situations that would lend to Adrenaline being dumped into your system. Yet it is hard, you feel tired all the time and/or even angry and short tempered.

I have seen and know guys that hit themselves in the head or chest to get the adrenaline rush before the 'fight' begins. This is their trigger system and they beat you to the punch so they get the effects of the Adrenaline first. So, I guess I used my tricks to get my Adrenaline dump before or at the same time as them.

I went through some distinct states:

Not wanting to get hurt on my Bouncing Job.

Not getting Hurt in confrontations.

Looking forward to the confrontations.

Looking forward to hurting them first to avoid being hurt. (* Note: I had done this for the second step, but it was unconscious. *)

Trying not to hurt others. (* Joining Martial Arts to learn controlling techniques. *)

Realizing I was getting my *** kicked a lot and it sucked. (* Getting my *** handed to me because I was hesitating, not because I had started Martial Arts. :) *)

Disarm or take out the opponent verbally or with minimal physical damage, and still not get hurt. (* It was getting real hard to explain to police officers why either myself or someone else almost always went to the hospital and to stay out of Jail. I was floating between multiple stages at this point. *)

Realizing that I needed to change jobs or I might not graduate College to be a nice geek engineer.
I became a cook. :)
I then Graduated and became the Engineer :D

Now, did I get the shakes after the fights? At first I did, but if it was just a simple fist fight then no. If it was the first plate glass window I went through then yes. If it was the first time I jumped onto the hood of a car to avoid being run over and grabbed on for life. I shaked like hell. Yet the next time, and yes there was a next time, I kept striking the wind shield until the guys stop so I could get off and walk back. So, over time it had less effect on me. Could this also resemble rejection? Yes it could.

Just my Opinion and Experience and my apologies for the long post

Let me say that having to much of a adrenaline dump can be bad . IN a fight, You get extremle tired and arnt able to move as fast , Your temper is over board. You start to shake a little befor and after. but over all i would rather having a small dos conpared to a larger dos of adrenaline.
Damian I got your joke. It made me laugh a lot.

Riding the bicycle without a seat has distinct martial advantages. I only need to say starfish ....
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
First, I know I am late to this argument / discussion.

Good post Rich. Some great insights into the actual field use/experience of the adrenaline high.
Originally posted by Damian Mavis
Some people shake so bad they can barely function.

Loss of fine motor function. In times of fight or flight a large portion of the body's function is self preservation. Usually these do not include fine motor skills. People will train under adverse conditions to be able to do things like, bomb disarm for example, during the surge.
Speed: Without Limits on TLC

I saw this on TLC the other night and they talked about adrenaline rushes, dopamine and another chemical. It talks about how some people get an adrenaline rush and what they do with it and it goes on to talk about how and why some people can do stuff like mulitask like a fighter pilot during a rush and some people just get scared or sick.

Very interesting and relevant to this thread.
Today i fought in the Continental Judo Crown 2002 and my first match in judo compitition , It was great, i Watched alot of matchs then it was my turn, I walked out and we did are bows it started . I was in a stat of total trance. It was almost like a dream , I won and didnt even know it. after i threw the guy down i started choking wal the ref was yelling mati at me. He final was like that means stop/ And i won. I was in shock. it was great at the end of the tournament i had gotten second place and a nice trouphy > great fun!!!!
Yeah i know... Once i am in the zone my oppent better run for the hills.
Now it wouldn't be any fun if opponents just turned and ran off the mat would it? :)

Olympic gold would be a doddle though.
As some have stated in this thread, people get shaky and uncontrollable on adrenaline and others do quite well with it. The difference is often experience. As @Rich Parsons states he used to get shaky, and then it took more and more to feel the shakes. Adrenaline is the chemical for mental presence, focus, vigilence. One may use the chemical means or mentally exert themselves to develop presence, focus and vigilence but it will be quite difficult to train one's mind and body to reach the level Adrenaline can easily get you to.

There are 2 adrenalines and one is "rabbit adrenaline" which is adrenaline or epinephrine, the other is "lion adrenaline" which is noradrenaline or norepinephrine. Rabbits have a 50:1 ratio of the two in favor of adrenaline. Lions have a 1:1 ratio, including the noradrenaline to do with ANGER and is more creative and beneficial. These are connected to the nervous system so it's difficult to fight without releasing some adrenaline or noradrenaline.

Anger protopathically has to do with DESTRUCTION. Fear of course avoids, perhaps it can be summed up as SURVIVAL or somesuch. Remember that Lions have half Survival, half Destruction in mind. You can read a bit here:

As you may notice it discusses the protopathic nature of emotion. It is the fastest and most automatic way of organizing and functioning in a person. It bridges goal, mind, physiology, and action. Emotion is like your nervous system, eyes, and connective tissue in that way.
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