Quality or Quantity of Life ~ The Right to make your own decisions

Which is more important to you? Quality or Quantity? Do you have a living will that your family is aware of and will abide by? When will it be enough for you?

To me, quality is of the upmost importance, as, I am sure, it is to everyone. But how about your family? Are they going to abide by your wishes, are they bound legally to do so? And how do you feel about saying "enough is enough" and I don't want to live if I don't have quality in my life?

For me it is quality of life, not quantity. If at some I am incapacitated to the point that an acceptable level of quality can be maintained without burdening family, it is time to check out! I do not have it in writing yet, but I plan to do it.
Define quality.

:D Exactly.

Everyone's definition of quality is different now isn't it?

Some people are okay with a lessened state of being independant where others are not.
Which is more important to you? Quality or Quantity? Do you have a living will that your family is aware of and will abide by? When will it be enough for you?

To me, quality is of the upmost importance, as, I am sure, it is to everyone. But how about your family? Are they going to abide by your wishes, are they bound legally to do so? And how do you feel about saying "enough is enough" and I don't want to live if I don't have quality in my life?

Having at a young age watched my mom die of cancer of a couple of years of treatments. At the beginning she was fighting and all was well as her quality was less than being healthy, she still had a level of quality. Near the end, her quality was less and less. She removed her own oxygen tube (* just a simple assist of oxygen for the nose *) and let her self get weak and combines with her existing pneumonia she died. My Dad called for help when he realized she was out, but it was too late. I was at work. I decided to just leave and go to the hospital. I got there after she was dead and before they had come in to clean the body.

I of course was sad she was dead. But I was also glad as she was no longer in pain that no matter what was given to her, it would not go away.


I am working on the living will and or living trust. I have my wishes known by my Dad.
Quality, quality, quality. I've spent 25 years dealing with people who got the quantity but not the quality. I want no part of that. Any one of my kids that puts my in a con home instead of out of my misery is out of my will!
Which is more important to you? Quality or Quantity? Do you have a living will that your family is aware of and will abide by? When will it be enough for you?

To me, quality is of the upmost importance, as, I am sure, it is to everyone. But how about your family? Are they going to abide by your wishes, are they bound legally to do so? And how do you feel about saying "enough is enough" and I don't want to live if I don't have quality in my life?

Both are important, and the life you lead represents a series of trade-offs between one and the other. Quality is nice, but I wouldn't agree to one year of optimal living followed by a sudden death. Nor would I attempt to prolong my life without consideration for the way I lived it. Life is a finite resource and, like all finite resources, the trick is to find a use for it that will provide the best possible outcome for the longest possible time.

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