Yeah, while we're at it, why not just cut out the whole trial process? They're all obviously guilty anyway, right?
While we're all sitting here on an internet forum pretending we know how easy a life it is inside a modern prison, when was the last time you heard an ex-con say they enjoyed their time in the slammer, or that they wouldn't mind at all going back? Last time I checked, which I'll admit consists of only reading Pete Earley's "The Hot House: Life Inside Leavenworth Prison" and speaking to a recently exonerated murder convict, IT STILL SUCKS IN PRISON; it is still, not in fact, the day spa that conservatives such as yourself think they've become.
Additionally, I would propose that conditions in prison aren't going to affect crime rates because most criminals don't think they're going to end up there anyway.
With all due respect, I beg to differ on a few points. I worked in a prison, I have a few friends who work in the prison system, so I think I'm qualified to comment on the system here in CT.
I worked the 4-12 shift. A headcount was done at 4. When the count cleared, meaning that everyone was accounted for, the dinner process began. They came out of their cells and into the dayroom, where they ate. Once they were done, they were locked back up while the cleanup process was going on. At 6pm they were allowed out of their cells and did not have to lock back up until 10pm. During this time, they had the following options:
phone calls
watch tv
play board games
rec, either indoor if it was bad weather or outdoor if it was nice
a wide assortment of programs they could attend such as AA, drug programs, Bible study, to name a few. Additionally the following:
medical treatment including dental
the ability to get a job in the prison
laundry done
ability to purchase things from the prison store in addition to their 3 square meals a day
ability to have a tv in their cell
ability to have a radio in their cell
access to weight machines
So, granted, they were still 'locked' up so to speak, they still had 4 hrs of free time. I saw a number of repeat offenders. I'd talk with some of them, and they'd tell me that they were getting out at the end of the week. There was more than one time when a short time later, I'd see the same person back again. To me, if they really didn't like it that much, they'd watch what they did once they got out. I also had a number of people state that they wouldn't think twice about assaulting staff. If you were really interested in doing your time and getting out, you wouldn't be saying stuff like that.
That being said...while it may 'suck' don't be fooled. Its not as harsh as some may think.