thread has convinced me that the American Way of Life is unsustainable. I am curious as to what people on Martial Talk would be willing to give up in there lives in order to better live in a future of constrained resource and energy supply.
For example, would you...
1. Buy a smaller house?
2. Share a home with another family?
3. Plant a garden to supplement your diet?
4. Drive one small car?
5. Move out of the suburbs and back into the city?
6. Live less then a mile from work?
7. Walk, ride, or ski to do errands?
8. Would you change careers?
9. Would you use more public transit?
10. Would you reuse anything that could be reused?
11. Join an organic commune?
12. Start a farmer's coop?
13. Vacation closer to home?
14. Communally share a snowblower for multiple families?
15. Communally share a truck for multiple families?
16. Etc...
I think I could do everything on this list. What would you add or subtract? Why?
The goal here is to cut your energy usage and your waste by 50% to 75%. What would you be willing sacrifice in order to accomplish this goal? What sacrifices couldn't you make? Do you think that you would have the same "quality" of life when you have accomplished this goal?