Purpose of this forum


Senior Master
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hey guys,
as the title already indicates, this is the place to discuss anything related to traditional Japanese arts aka Koryu. This includes not only things like some of the old content of the Traditional Ninjutsu forums (such as Togakure Ryu) but also topics like Hyoho Niten Ichi Ryu or Daito Ryu.

The reason e did this as that the line beteen 'modern' and 'traditional' ninjutsu as getting blurry, and e also started to get some koryu discussion, and it seemed a good idea to go to 1 ninjutsu forum, and have another place for koryu. We'll see how it goes.
Could we use this forum to discuss the koryu roots of gendai budo?
Yes. That's the idea.

Rather than having various bits and pieces floating around in the gendai subforums / general martial arts / general Japanese arts / ... subforum, those topics would have a home here. And because of the fact that those arts are the purpose of this forum, we can also put some FAQ information in a sticky so that people can get up to speed rapidly about some of the terminology involved, such as the menkyo licensing system, the concept of Soke / Shihanke, etc.
Could we use this forum to discuss the koryu roots of gendai budo?


That would be manna from heaven for me.

As a Wado-ryu karateka, I have developed an interest in Koryu (and now study it) as a result of Wado's Shindo Yoshin Ryu parentage.

Koryu Corner - Good Idea :)

I will start by moving some stuff from the ninjutsu forum that is applicable.
Meanwhile if there is anything you want to discuss, go right ahead and we'll just see how it goes :)