the punches were nada.
but the knee should be dropped from the repertoire.
it was'nt all that hard, but that is a lot of mass coming down. my style specializes in that type of blow and you can easily cause some serious damage, for obvious reasons.
the saving grace was that the guy was likely drunk and the ground was soft. people are pretty rubbery to begin with, and the drunken style usually gives you some 'seong'. so there was quite a bit of give.
like i said, i dont think that particular knee was too hard, but it is not easy to gauge the force with a gross motor movement like that.
the stun punches might be civil restraint, but the knee drop is a combat technique.
as a rule, i consider fighting with the cops to be a class A betarded move, and you deserve what you get. otoh, it would be shame for some drunk and disorderly to get a permanent injury from a skirmish with police.
i remember some years back, here in wny, two cops slapped a truncheon choke on a guy and busted his hyoid, and the swelling suffocated him.
a knee, like a stick, is a force multiplier, compared to the hand strike. and they both are difficult to meter as well.