2nd Black Belt
Originally posted by Kaith Rustaz
Personally, it depends.
I recently ran into a teacher from 7th grade...I did address him as "Mr.". He then said to call him by his first name. I just didn't presume now that its 20 yrs later that I had the 'right'.
Some instructors will always be 'mater' and 'professor' and 'sensei'. Both on and off the floor. You don't switch to a first name basis with your doctor once you walk out of the office right?
In some systems, it is expected that the juniors will 'work' for the seniors. I remember reading 1 such story about training in Japan where the students would clean the dojo daily as part of their training.
I see nothing wrong with ensuring that someone is available to assist a visiting master. I know at the sci-fi and anime cons I goto there is usually at least 1 person assigned to each guest. It just makes sence to me.
Now, the hero worship bits, that I disagree with...but, you'll find that in any group I think. MartialArts, fandom, amway.
I understand that. But, I am not talking about basic courtesy and protocol. That is expected in a polite society. What I have a problem with is some egoistical martial art instructors tend to put themselve on a pedestal and demand students to pay tribute and worship. And foolishly, some people buy into that bullcrap and bow down to their instructors as if they are in the presence of the almighty. That is ridiculous. You don't treat your golf instructors that way. You don't treat your football coaches that way. You don't treat your personal trainers that way. You don't treat any other instructors/teachers that way. But when it comes to the guys who teach martial art, why should people suddenly time warped into the jurassic era?