Psychobabble 'r us

Feisty, I would think that, as Herrie pointed out, Maslow's hierarchy of needs would fit quite neatly with what you're doing.


Personally, I regard Maslow's needs hiearchy as one of the several lines or modalities of "intelligence" that developmental psychologists study today (kinesthetic, musical, cognitive, mathematical, intepersonal, etc). Of course, clealry, some of these lines are closely interrelated.

In the common vernacular, this gets translated into the idea that human beings have multiple "intelligences" (i.e., there should maybe be more than one type of IQ test). ;)

Here. I'll encapsulate for everyone.
Freud=had the edipus complex thing backwards because of cocaine induced dementia. Actually he's probably the only one that wants to sleep with his mother (neice) and kill his father. Disregard this if you are from Oella Maryland. There are exeptions to all rules.
Skinner= complete fraud. I have serious doughts neobehaviorism has ever worked. More likely the results have been falsified like they were at the Vermont state hospital's project Giant Step.
I hope this was helpfull.

lol! That's not how I'd summarize it, but very funny, nice to see others geeking it up.

Skinner not = complete fraud, though.
heretic888 said:

Personally, I regard Maslow's needs hiearchy as one of the several lines or modalities of "intelligence" that developmental psychologists study today (kinesthetic, musical, cognitive, mathematical, intepersonal, etc). Of course, clealry, some of these lines are closely interrelated.

In the common vernacular, this gets translated into the idea that human beings have multiple "intelligences" (i.e., there should maybe be more than one type of IQ test). ;)

Where've you been? There are different types of IQ tests -- have been, even during the Dark Ages when I studied Psych... all useless, in my opinion.

Are you referring to right vs left brain, or am I showing my age again?
Are you referring to right vs left brain, or am I showing my age again?

Nope. The hemispheric dichotomy is overestimated by many people, in my opinion --- especially those that are keen to exaggerate cognitive differences between males and females (i.e., radical feminist psychologists).

I am referring to the multiple number of "intelligences" that most developmental psychologists acknowledge now --- including (but no limited to) interpersonal, kinesthetic, psychosexual, affective, cognitive, logico-mathematic, self-identity, self-needs, morals, musical, aesthetic, and so on. Most IQ tests don't tend to take things like psychosexual, kinesthetic, or musical "intelligences" into account.

It is interesting, though, to see the effects that meditation or martial arts practice can have in the development of any number of these developmental lines....