Well I see we are all going around in circels like what usually happens in this debate.
I support the war yes. Do I think violence is always the best way, no. But I do know there are some "kids on the block" who dont listen to their mommies if you know what I mean. All they know is to stop picking on other kids when they get their butt kicked. So when neccessary and if peace talks dont work after a given amount of time then I say yes, do what needs to be done.
I dont think it is the Muslim religion that is at fault. Just like we have catholic neo nazis that hate the U.S. and want to control everything and everyone. Its and Idea people. Not the religion, not the country. The Idea.
And here is my big point to you all. Screw the war. Screw the government. Its about us supporting the men and women who are fighting no matter if you agree with them or not. I dont see you out their risking your life. (and if you are more power to you). I hear of children writing the men and women of uniform horrible letters because their teachers have told them its the right thing to do. COME ON PEOPLE. Shame on you!!
If the war ends fine. If it doesnt fine.
All I want to see is the U.S. coming together in some form. Even during the world wars not everyone in the U.S. agreed. I mean going to war was one of the biggest issues of that time. But you know what, they came together they supported and the won. After Pearl Harbor was bombed, they didnt squabble or think hmmm maybe the japanese were in the right. To this day they dont question...all they know is this...
They killed brothers, sisters, husbands, fathers, sons, and so on. Shouldnt have done it so now your dead too.
Terrorist cells are not just in one country. So we decided to start in Iraq, big whoopie. Honestly I see it as the luck of the draw. We could have started in Iran, or Syria, or China , or whatever. But thats not the point.
And if you cant get over your own ego to support people who are willing to give their lives shame on you!
Even if you dont support why, say it once, nicely then get over it. You wont bring them back. Because the military you join on your own. They werent drafted. They asked to be there.
Be an American. Be Proud. Say BOOOOYAHHHHH.
And yes, I am glad the fight is over there. I dont want it over here where my child, friends and family could be hurt. I dont want the fight anywhere honestly, but sometimes you have no choice.
And as I said before, you let one bully get away with it and they will all get away with it. And we all know of how judges will make an example out of someone who doesnt neccessarily deserve it, well that might be the case here. I dont think so but its something to think about.
I dont have the fact of 9/11 as far as the report goes. And honestly I wouldnt even know how much of that is true or how much is written from someone who was paid off, so I go by something I can trust. My eyes, my feelings and the thoughts and opinions of those I love. My friends and family. From my parents and so on.
And you know what, if they wanted to move into Iraq for oil, whatever. As long as someone who had a part in the plane crashes of 9/11 are held responsible. So what if oil is part of the agenda, Oil is always said to be part of the agenda. Dont think its true, but oh well.
So boys and girls, i just say to you. Be an american. Stop bashing america. If you dont like it, do something to help instead of sitting around complaining. Dont start a civil war or a bloody riot, but do something. I mean it is america after all.