Proper tiltes for Arnis Black Belts

I feel like the step child. The Professor called me "Bob". When I asked him to give me a quote for my business flier. He said " Bob you just got your quote" " what you say is what I say"!
Well Harold I find most titles pretentious. That goes for ones bestowed upon someone (though then I understand their using it) and also for those one bestowed upon themselves. (I find those well very pretentious) Myself I go by Brian to all my students and yes I am an instructor so any word in a language will work but since I use English then instructor probably works pretty well. Now that is just my opinion and yes I use some titles on my website under my instructor bio but in person it is always Brian.

I do not go around having people call me anything other than my name. Though I understand other people doing so and would never be rude to say that they can or should not. Just that I wish more people would not in my opinion.

I recognize anyone's title if that is what they wish to be called.

In the end the more outlandish titles that appear with a cool sounding name just continuously waters down the whole title thing.

Just my opinion for what it is worth.
I have to completely go along with Mr. VanCise on his statement. His students call him Brian. All kidding aside, how many of us are "masters". Think about it. Yes, we train, but then those of us have to stop training and go make a living. You know, a job. How much time do we actually train compared to some that spend thier whole lives training and learning fighting skills. For the vast majority of us, modern times have changed all of that. Most of us "masters" are part timers. "Hobbyists", probably describe it best. I am not afraid and take no shame in placing myself in that catagory. Yes, a black belt signifies that we know the "basics" of the system and that's about it. Have we spent our lives like "Tatang" Illistrimo and played for real and then live long enough to tell about it? Thats a master!
In todays busy world we could probably call those who have motivated many, built a loyal following, put out tapes, books over the length of time a master as well soley by his hard work and success in growing the art, not to mention the skills he built along the way due to his efforts!

How do I define a master? Hell, I don't know. But he has got to be a bit more qualified than some of I see giving themselves the title. Look in the yellow pages in any USA city. The title has become overused and abused. Why is it that most traditional MA schools can only exists as a glorified baby sitters. Has the misinterpretation of martial skills been deminished to to such a pitiful level, especially when the school owner has given himself such B.S title. Lack of respect by the general public, Hollywood and paper tiger masters have done a lot to turn off most adults to the arts. Hopefully the emergence of MMA and non-traditional arts such as ours can turn it around. That is, if we don't abuse it or lower our standards.

Now that I've said it, I think that I will jump on the bandwagon and although admittedly NOT a master. I will personally be more than happy to award those who have masterly ambitions but no time to honestly train for the many years required a title of : "Master in Training".
No belts! But I was thinking along the lines of a high collar, black cape complete with handholds so the master, when running could have the cape fly beautifully behind him. In this way, the "Master in Training" would strike a stunning figure for all those to admire!

Sounds silly, but in light of the passing of many legitimate MASTERS lately, a little levity is well deserved and needed. And those who are disrespecting the title need to honestly take a look.

Chris A
I agree with all of you, the only thing that I do demand is that my young students do not call me by my first name. I'm still the big person. I got the handle sifu a few years back and really wish it didn't stick. Mr.Quinn to under belts and Bob to others. My Mom and my wife are the only ones to call me Robert. As far as masters, yea we deserve to be called something as long as it is positive. It all comes down to being on the mat. You guys have kept your feet on the ground. Hope we can hit sticks some time.

Bob Quinn
I occasionally visit other clubs. I know some of the instructors or school owners. I ask for them almost always by their first name or First followed by Last name if I do not see them directly.

This is what I have a concern about, almost always the colored belts will immediately "correct" me with their tile and last name.

I have found this to also occurs with lower ranked belt belts and the correction is from mild amusement of correcting someone who "obviously" does not know, to those who are upset that some form of insult has occurred.

The issue is that I have either drank beers or sent potential students their way for people looking for a specific art. So, I know them as friends or as business associates as well as through martial arts.

I smile and just move on with my question of the where about of the person I am looking for.

So, while people may be humble they may be teaching the wrong lesson through their actions.

As to minors, I agree they should use proper forms of address of Mr(s) Last name. For those of my friends, I support the use of Uncle Rich as they are closer to me then just strangers, but proper form of address is something that can be taught. But, even when they slip and they always do, I still answer them. Children make mistakes.
Rich I totally agree with you. Do you or others think it is an ago trip when instructors go on a power trip and get wrapped up in self gratification? Just an overview.
Bob Quinn

OH Yea any time you want to visit us down here,let me know and it will happen.
Thank you so much. My daughter gave me that handle and out of the mouths of babes.

Ruler Of The Universe.

Just reminds me of the saying
To the world you are one, to one you are the world!

I do thank you, as it could have been taken in the wrong direction.

Bob Quinn

I'll get started on your cape right away!

Do you want the "ROTU" in bright red Gothic print on the back! or a more subtle but stated longhand on the collar?

I would recommend a high collar, at least 1 inch above the ear and a gold braid tie! (No mamby pamby collarless capes here!) Especially for such a title!

Chris A
Perverted purveyor of pugilistic phashon

On another note.

In 2000, I was in Atlanta on a business training trip and was able to attend Remy's seminar that, luckily for me, was scheduled over the same weekend that I was held over. Did you attend that particular seminar?

As I was from the west coast, we were a little behind the times in regards to the Tapi-Tapi that the prof. was teaching. That seminar was my first exposure to it. At the time, it seemed like rocket science.

Chris A
If the professor did a seminar in 2000 then it was at my school. I stopped hosting that year as my father was suffering from brain cancer and life was put on hold. Do you remember the location? Stone Mountain Ga?
That's the one! I remember that Tuhon Ray Dionaldo was there as well. In fact, I spent most of my time during that seminar working with Ray and his training partner, as he was interested in my instructor, Kelly S Worden and we spent much of the time doing knife work and stick related empty hand flow.

I was dressed in the typical NSI training garb, torn black gi bottoms and an equally ratty NSI Water & Steel tank top. (Datu's gym at the time was a mouthpiece and no cup slam and jam). As Datu did not, and still doesn't get that far into Tapi-Tapi as most Modern Arnis players do today. His Modern Arnis style mixes a lot ot Seattle Pre JKD modified wing chun into the mix, plus Sibat Staff and a bunch of blade work. In fact, Datu Worden training was closer to Dionaldo type training. So if you can remember a really ratty looking stranger, that would probably have been me!

However, I did get a taste of Tapi-Tapi from the Professor. Then again the following week when he travelled to Seattle for the next seminar in greater detail. Since then, I have gone though the Tapi-Tapi program from all of his tapes. Then also with his son, Remy Jr. for 3 more years until we had some serious disagreements in regards to his refusal to honor Kelly's ranked students, go over Datu's head and give glad hand belt promotions, with no testing. (I publicly turned down a MARPIO 4th degree and elected to stay a lakan Isa). ( I hate B.S.).

Looking back, I remember that Prof. Presas stated during the break that he wasn't feeling well and had been having migranes. I spent most of the lunch hour in conversation with him. He asked me to help him take his T-Shirts and some tapes with me on my flight home for the Seattle Seminar. Were these migranes a sign of his tumor that showed up a year or so later? Makes you think a bit!

Chris A
You run with good people! Professor didn't put people in there place when he was with us and now, well look around the picture is clear. Go with the flow man!

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