William, I'd wish you good luck, but I don't think you'll need it. Rely on your skill instead. If you weren't ready, they wouldn't have sent you to the test....
Think of it as just another class. That oughta lessen the tension a bit. At least that's what they used to tell me, and I never listened. I panicked every time, but went through every time..
Anyway, I agree with a lot of what William had said about the testing procedures. At my school, you are not sent to the tests if you are not ready. Sometimes, you decide you are ready to test, and sometimes, the instructors decide it for you. Mostly, it is the latter, although some people think it's the former...
Seriously, though. The way I have heard it described (and described it to students) is this way: the evaluations (pre-test qualifications) are to see how you perform under pressure, and what you need to work on. The tests are more of a show for parents and friends, as well as a ceremonial application.
As an instructor, I can see where students are each time they are in class. I know basically what they are capable of, and how they are doing. Same with my being evaluated--my instructor knows my karate pros and cons better than I do. He can judge my progress much better than I can.
I don't want to ramble again, so I'll just leave it at that.
Parting word of pretend wisdom, William:
Think of a song that makes you happy. Listen to that song before your test and keep it in your head. When the test starts, take a deep breath. Relax, breathe, and listen to the music. Have fun. You are at the test, which means it is now time just to show what you know. The instructors have faith in you, so show them *why*..