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Then at 33, call me a kid

Okay, you're a kid.

I'm 34, and I'm right there with ya. When I learn something new (every class!!!) I always wind up laughing about it and I can barely keep my excitement hidden. I also then try to use that new, magical insight as often as possible. I also have to go write it down after class.....and I find myself smiling and laughing about it when I do that, too.

And I have been known to express my feelings about the neat stuff in emphatic ways. Our whole class does. It is really kind of funny to have an instructor show a Black Belt class a new "twist" and have the whole front row say things like, "SWEET", or "OH, yeah", or something similar. Like Christmas? Definitely.


Don't feel bad about blowing chunks. Back in the early 80's I did the same thing on a green belt test. We tested for over 1-1/2 hours then I got to fight the entire sparring class. We are talking about 12 people, mainly brown and green belts in a very physical school.

That was harder than my Black in terms of physical exhaustion. Or my Brown, when after basics, techniques and forms, we got to fight 3 single opponent rounds, 2 double opponent rounds, then one triple opponent round, and finish it all off by doing Long Form 4. At times I swear I was punching, but my friends said my arms were just sorta swinging side to side and a well armed cockroach could have taken me down.

Nice to have friends, huh? By the way, I do not test my students this strenuously, I don't think? But they are definitly tired when we are done and they have earned their new rank.

United Kenpo Systems
Originally posted by tonbo

Okay, you're a kid.

I'm 34, and I'm right there with ya. When I learn something new (every class!!!) I always wind up laughing about it and I can barely keep my excitement hidden. I also then try to use that new, magical insight as often as possible. I also have to go write it down after class.....and I find myself smiling and laughing about it when I do that, too.

And I have been known to express my feelings about the neat stuff in emphatic ways. Our whole class does. It is really kind of funny to have an instructor show a Black Belt class a new "twist" and have the whole front row say things like, "SWEET", or "OH, yeah", or something similar. Like Christmas? Definitely.


hehehe ... do you grunt or groan with each step of a technique?
While working with a partner, I can't help but "unh unh unh" as
I'm executing a technique! :iws:
There is alao a question of pacing yourself. I don't care how in shape you are if you go full out for the first 1/2 hour you are going to fade. Be aware of your limitations, always try to push them of course but be aware of how fast you can expend that energy and how fast you can recover it.

When I was training for my black belt tests I found that no matter how much in shape I was I could wind myself if I go too excited and started going nuts on everything. The flipside of all that training is that it allowed me to recover quickly when there was a chance for a rest. 3-5 min and I'd be ready to rock and roll again.

In my present pitiful condition I performed my weapons forms the other night (4) once slow and low and once with performance intensity and I felt that for the rest of the night.

I know instructors push people because many people don't know thier limits and are surprized at how much they can do if pushed. I'd rather be aware of my limits through constant intense training and pace myself to those limits in a testing situation. Keep in mind I don't mean that you can be lazy and dawdle through the grading, just don't let yourself get to that can't lift my arms to block stage.


P.S. My first degree test was 2 X 12hrs, if you didn't pace yourself.....well you get the picture.
Originally posted by Michael Billings
Don't feel bad about blowing chunks. Back in the early 80's I did the same thing on a green belt test. We tested for over 1-1/2 hours then I got to fight the entire sparring class, 12 people, mainly brown and green belts in a very physical school. At times I swear I was punching, but my friends said my arms were just sorta swinging side to side and a well armed cockroach could have taken me down.

Man, You had it rough!

Originally posted by Robbo
P.S. My first degree test was 2 X 12hrs, if you didn't pace yourself.....well you get the picture.

Yeah, I can see the importance of having a testing that long and gruelling because all my fights have always gone for 2 and a half hours.

Of course the remaining 2 hours and 28 minutes were spent on drinking with my friends afterwards.

Again, my sarcasm is just biting isn't it?
But Mick Jagger and Steven Tyler's lips together don't even have a chance of coming close to covering that butt of yours for a kissing!
Considering that most street fights last no more than 30 seconds, I only have to be in better shape than you for 30 seconds. Of course, that is assuming that my skills far outstrip yours. This is not meant as an attack or demeaning comment to anyone on this board. That is what I say to people that comment on martial artists not being olympic quality athletes their whole lives.
gosh, your black belt test was only 2.5 hours? my brown belt test was 3.5 hours... sigh...not looking forward to black belt test...
My actual "test" was about 2.5 years long. Does that count?

For my "test", I was reviewed during every class, pretty much. I was asked a whole slew of "why"s, shown whole new ways of moving, and given more than one whack to my head during endurance sparring sessions.

Now the "ceremony", on the other hand, where I presented my katas, did techniques, received my belt, etc. was only about an hour long, maybe a little over.

My wife's Black Sash test (for Tai Chi) was something like 4 hours, where they did the whole test outside: an endurance hike, techniques and forms, basic survival skills, more techniques and forms, more forms, etc.

Personally, I don't understand the lengthy tests. Yes, a test ought to be difficult, but not impossible. After all, the real testing is done every class period, not one final shot at the "end".....

Same here - Except the pre-test portion was about 12 hours and the test was only about 8 hours. This was in the mid 70's.

Originally posted by Robbo

P.S. My first degree test was 2 X 12hrs, if you didn't pace yourself.....well you get the picture.
all hooked up on the length of this event............. As I recall many of my tests Orange - Black were anywhere from 1/2 hour to 3 hours...... but the length didn't really matter. It was all about showing the material that the Instructor or Board wanted to see.

Whatever the amount of time needed was what it took. Every test I had was different. Here are some of the different themes of my testing.........

1) Everything that I had learned to date (All Levels)

2) All Basics (all levels)
Creed, Sayings & Pledges
Select Techniques, Forms, & Sets (all levels)
No Sparring

3) Select Basics
Creed, Select Sayings & Pledges
Select Techniques, Forms, & Sets (various levels)

4) Creed
Select Basics (all levels)
All Self Defense Techniques solo and with partner
Few Select Main Forms
No sparring

5) Creed, Sayings, & Pledges
Select Basics (mostly kicks)
Various Techniques (various levels)
All Forms & sets to date

6) Blindfolded thru entire test
Creed, Sayings, & Pledges
Select Grab Attacks with attacker (various levels)
All Forms & sets to date

7) Creed, Sayings, & Pledges
Select Basics (all levels)
Various Physical Exercises thrown in between
categories such as push ups, sit ups, jumping
jacks, jumping rope, 200 speed punches on bag,
100 power punches on bag, etc.....
Select Forms & sets (all levels)
All Techniques (all levels)
Sparring with Partner

Those are just a few, you can make several different combinations of material depending on the individual student. I don't particularly like extremely long tests..... Mr. Parker didn't either... LOL several times we have had to wake him up. :rofl:

I frequently have my students practice their forms blindfolded and some of them have even performed their form blinded for competition. But I've never been tested or have tested my students blind folded. Interesting idea!

Re: We seem to be......
quote: Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Blindfolded thru entire test

Really? I didn't think people actually did that outside of low budget martial arts films!

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

all hooked up on the length of this event............. As I recall many of my tests Orange - Black were anywhere from 1/2 hour to 3 hours...... but the length didn't really matter. It was all about showing the material that the Instructor or Board wanted to see.

Whatever the amount of time needed was what it took. Every test I had was different. Here are some of the different themes of my testing.........

I have to agree with the Golden Dragon,
I have had longer tests of a few hours, when I was
being reviewed for everything up to that rank and
other tests that were about 30 - 45 minutes
if I was only being asked specific details for
a specific Rank.

I even had the privilege of testing with others
once where I was kept being asked to be the
attacker for the other guys only after one or two
demonstrations myself. I thought I was doing
horrible and I was concerned. Later I found out
that they instructors were happy with my movements
and they wanted to see more of the other guys.

So, I re-iterate GoldenDragon in that a test is
a demonstration of what the instructors wish to

Just my thoughts, Have a nice day everyone.

Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Those are just a few, you can make several different combinations of material depending on the individual student. I don't particularly like extremely long tests..... Mr. Parker didn't either... LOL several times we have had to wake him up. :rofl:


Sounds like another Mr.Parker story about to get posted :)

My first instructor always made a big production of tests. he already knew whether the student would pass or fail but he wanted to add to the tension. He always did the grading during regular class time so you performed everything in front of all the other students, but only tested one person in a night. he said everybody could learn somethng from a grading, and that way you always had fresh Uke's.

My brown belts tests were about 2 hours long each and that was before the written portions. I remember the day I tested for my 1st degree Brown belt, we had just finished the belt ceremony and I recieved my kick , when he asked me what my first degree black Belt thesis was going to be about. He wanted to know then that way he could also do research to see what I might have missed.

When it came time for my 1st Degree Black Belt my instructor asked everyone to clear their saturday to assist him. The test was 6 hours long and we went over everything form yellow to black, all the forms the self defense techniques. he had me teach a class during my test and he acted like to worst student ever to see how I would handle the situation. He then picked apart my thesis for the last 2 hours of the test and we went over short form one as many ways as possible. All in all the test lasted 6 hours, most of the other students were completely exhausted. They had never seen anything like that befroe since I was his first Black Belt. I was ready to jog across town twice as he laid the Black Belt in front of me.

My second degree Black Belt test lasted maybe 30 minutes. He knew I had the material down and we did the test more or less at full speed and great control. The next day he asked me how i had enjoyed the last 8 yrs training with him, I replied I loved it. he tossed me the keys to the place and said the school was all mine and he would only train me privately from then on.

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