As another fellow beginner with only 2.5 years experience with kyokushin, I feel the same way still! So just be patient and hang on, as others already said.
Our highest instructors that has 30+ years of experience with fighting. There sense of timing, dynamical control and reading the opponent is impressive, and there is no way to get there in just a few years.
But of course, looking back, I am MUCH better now as when I started. So I feel that I learned alot, but I still every week polish and obsess over small details, sometimes too embarassing to say loud. I learn and develop the most when doing free sparring, and speed, balance and power of techniques I polish myself on heavy bag.
I do sparring only once a week

and extra sessions for either normal classes or heavy bag work but feel that sparring 2-3 times a week would be alot better if you dedicate to it. In between sessions I always think of some little detail to improve or try the next time, and here one week is a bit long as you easily loose the thinking, as you brain is flushed by other things (work, etc.)