Thanks for your reply! I am in most of those videos. I am not sure if you know me or of me other than these few posts, but I have been with Dillman for almost 13 years now. I was recently teaching in Scandinavia (6 seminars in Finland and Sweden).
At present there are not, at least I have not seen any, charts on breakdowns of American Kenpo forms / sets. I am currently working with some TKD people to put some of the forms on tape and break them down for them. The method of breakdown for any form, unless someone made them up purely for asthetics, is pretty much the same. Gichen Funakoshi said in KARATE-DO my way of life, that once you know your form completely, then you will know the essence of the forms of other styles. They will just have to show you some of the finer points. This I believe to be true. The problem lies in the fact that most of the breakdowns that I have seen all over the world (I have taught 90 seminars in Europe since 1996) would not work because they need the cooperation of your opponent and that is not going to happen. Kenpo is based on body movement (at least that is my understanding of it) and knowledge of how the body will react when certain points are struck, pressed / manipulated, is essential to understanding how to break down the movements of any style that teaches true self defense. Knowledge of the destructive cycle of acupuncture / chinese medicine is an integral part of this!
I am also looking for people in the Kenpo community to do the same thing. All you have to do is film a form (digital video preferred or hi 8 mm), send me the tape and I can put together a professional quality video of the breakdown. If you go to my website you will see a listing of the titles that I have produced so far. I shoot, edit and market them myself. I am working on another one as I type this (No! I do not have 4 hands! A clip is rendering on my other computer).
You can email me privately if you have any questions on price, etc.