I'm not even saying it couldn't be true, just that it sounds like the argument of someone with a vested interest in banning the shops & supply.
Nope. I have left my own personal feelings about medical marijuana at the door for this thread.
Similar arguments can and have been made about tattoo parlors in many neighborhoods where the residents don't want them because they will attract "undesirables" to the area.
Ahem. Are you saying that this does not happen? I live in the Detroit area. I can tell you that many tattoo parlors, strip joints, and other such 'adult' businesses do indeed attract a great deal of crime to those areas. And you're talking to a guy who has tattoos and has nothing against strip bars. But yeah, you get them, you get a certain clientele in the neighborhood. Goes with the territory, and sometimes neighbors aren't happy about it, especially if the neighborhood didn't always have such businesses nearby.