Again it comes down to where you are in the country. Some places in the US high school football is king they have huge stadiums ect. MOST places however are not like this. Like I said where I live now my kids highschool does not even have a football team and has no stadium. Most schools around here dont charge admission or if they do its usually a 1 or 2 dollars for ticket and thats used as a fundraiser for the program since most schools dont pay for high school sports any more due to budget cuts. Roosevelt looks to fall into this catagory. Check there website out it def looks like a small town to me I live in a small town and we have still have 12000 people here.
Im saying if the officer approached the group asked them to move and they refused and he just backed down and walked away the message he would be sending to them is the cops in this town are sissys and we dont need to listen to them. It also would cause the citizens that saw that happen loose faith in there police force.
You keep saying they didnt hear the officer. I can hear people on the tape saying move and the guy filming is not even close to the crowd. But ok lets say they didnt hear him. The def saw him he was moving people out of the way walking thru the middle of the crowd. They knew they were blocking the exit. If you #1 Blocking and exit at the end of a game #2 know people want to leave the game since its over #3 see a cop walking towards you well at some point common sense needs to set in and you need to move. When you dont well you see the results.
In fact I just watched the clip again there were 2 officers both saying move and were moving people out of the way even before the dance started. They refused to move and then began the dance. There is no way you cant see and hear 2 officers standing right in front of you moving people away.
Please read what I write. I don't keep insisting they didn't hear him, I said we are assuming they did hear him, a lot of stuff is assumed whenever we have an OP like this, people read into the situation what they want. We can't possibly know what actually happened just from looking at a video so what we do is specualte on various scenerios based on what we can see, some are possible, some not, some very unlikely and some that may as close to the truth as you can get on somewhere like that. We can't deal with the truth here, no one can. We are speculating so in fact anyone with a theory can be right.
This is turning into a mass of misunderstandings, I wasn't saying it wasn't a small town to you, but it's a large town to us, as I said we have a couple of cities that have less than 6000 people. We are a small place, our towns are small, our cities small compared to yours. We have villages and hamlets, they are very small. You seem to think I'm contradicting you all the time, I'm not.
They may have heard him, they may not have, we can't assume either is absolutely true. The may have been criminal in not clearing the exit or they may have just been oblivious doing their haka, we cannot know unless we were there. We can only surmise based on our own experiences and knowledge.
The video was presented in such a way that it looked like a racial incident, again we can't know whether it actually was or not. the point of discussing it here can only be so get peoples opinions, there can't be a right or wrong because we weren't there.