Political Arrogance

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First off, I think that our country's government should be worrying more about domestic issues than it should be worrying about founding democracy abroad. That aside, I think the fact that over 70% of Iraqi's showed up to vote under threats of violence/death if they did, goes a long way to show that the people there are commited to making a democracy work.

Now, the fact that they will probably end up with a theocracy run by the Shiites, who will then join with the Iranians to form a modern day Persian state under one Shiite rule (or pretty much so at least) seems to have escaped Bush and cronies. But hey, it ought to be interesting at the very least.
It's been a pleasure to see the justifications for attacking Iraq slide from self-defense to regional stabilization to bringing democracy to Just Helping.

One wonders what the next rationalization will be.
Political leftists do seem to take an awful lot of pleasure in American military failures. One wonders what the next rationalization for their lack of patriotism will be.
Speaking of, "political arrogance...," it's always good to see the old, "Anybody who disagrees with me or objects to my government's lying must Hate America," once again.

After all, that's way much easier than learning about the world as it really is.

But hey--if ya need to find traitors, I'll be honored to be put in the same bag as Samuel Langhorne Clemens and the rest of those wacky, strange out-there Commies....you know, Thoreau, William Jennings Bryant, Eisenhower...
But it's true. Anyone who didn't vote for G.W. is unAmerican. After all, he has a mandate from the people (like 50% is a real mandate) to continue to lead this war against all UnAmerican things (that are possibly profitable to his buddies), and those of us who dare question his Divine Right to do so should pack our tooth brushes and prepare to be anally violated (in the name of Freedom!) by an elite group of specially trained Inquisitors who are acting without orders (right) and are just a bit over zelous (right) in performing their duties (asking questions, sexually assaulting children) in promoting all that America stands for (as long as it is ok with God and Our Glorious Emperor).

Lets invade a few more nations under the pretense of "freedom" and "war on terror". Who cares if there are people in the US who are unemployed, hungry, cold or sick? Who cares if our infastructure is crumbling, if our citizens can no longer support a bloated lethargic pig of a government. We can draft theitr young, tax the old and have the middle work 2 jobs just to reach zero. Lets continue to pay people $80-120,000 a year to read romance novels and play cards, while shutting libraries and parks and vital services like police and fire. Lets continue to allow fat-cats to have their drivers and annual pay raises while the rest of us debate if we pay the heat OR eat this month. Yep, lets spread that good American lifestyle to the rest of the world.

And, before anyone says "Amerrrrica! Love it or Leaaaave it" answer this:
Did you vote? Do you get involved or do you just shoot the mouth off online?

If not, I got 2 words for you.

And if you're some nutcase who thinks everyone who doesn't think your way should be shot/deported/locked up/etc, then I have those same 2 words for ya.

So, what I want to know is, when are we going to invade France and force them to use soap?
Bester said:
Lets continue to pay people $80-120,000 a year to read romance novels and play cards, while shutting libraries and parks and vital services like police and fire. Lets continue to allow fat-cats to have their drivers and annual pay raises while the rest of us debate if we pay the heat OR eat this month.
Sounds like you are familiar with whats going on in Erie County here in New York.....cant blame that on the Feds though. I have friends in North Carolina who are doing just fine.

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