Senior Master
actually Brainard, NO.
I have seen the Iraqi's attack the US.
They did it on a nearly daily basis for 10 YEARS
The UN resolution that ended the Gulf war? It included lots of conditions. One of which was that the US was going to enforce the "no fly" zones
Iraq Shot at those us planes nearly every day. Those acts ALONE made the invasion of 2003 legal.
Did you really not know this?
not to mention the PROVEN support Saddam gave to AQ and Hammas
Not to mention that the American presence on the "holy" Arabian peninsula in support of the no-fly zone was one of al Qaeda's justifications for declaring war against us. One of those "root causes" that everyone said we should look at.
At least give us credit for being in the ballpark - it's not like that one time when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and we responded by invading... Morocco.