Wow.. Neat thread.
I see both points being made here. To analogize:
I see the valiant knight rushing off to help those he can. He may not have the perfect country, and he cannot cure all the sick, heal all the injured, make the blind see and crippled walk, but he has tried... He understands he is human and canÂ’t fix every social injustice because to try would be a social injustice. So he looks to find the perceived Evil where he hears his neighbors scream and do what he feels is doable.
I also hear the voice of our common conscience trying to justify our knight leaving to help others when he has needy at home. It wants proof that the knight is indeed fixing something that: 1.) Can be fixed 2.) Should be fixed 3.) Is the knight the one who should fix 4.) Is the evil real, or is just someone elseÂ’s right.
Now before someone starts with accusations of wanting to "Knight" Mr. Bush, I donÂ’t. He won, get over it. Vote again next time. My analogy of the Knight is our country, past, present and future. There IS evil in the world. WE can do something about it. Our culture has created, built, cured, and healed more than every other culture in the world, throughout history. WE are AMERICANS and we try to do the right thing.
Now before someone starts with the accusations of consorting with the commies, we do have a litany of things at home our resources could be applied towards. Our way of life is not for everyone. Our country and culture is rare and voluntary. Our country has taken in every race, culture and religion from every mound of dirt on Earth and made them American. This does not give us the moral authority to float 4.5 acres of US airstrip off the coast of the "Peoples Republic of Mr. I Hate America" and incinerate them.
The previous post of the poor guy walking the 10x10 perimeter is appropriate and in some cases the moral course of action, may be to do nothing.
It may have been sarcasm about seeing the lady on the street getting raped and beaten and us doing nothing but I recall another thread with a post about someone rushing to the rescue only to then be attacked by the victim because it was "her husband and she loves him". Battered woman syndrome, Stockholm syndrome, what ever you want to label it, sometimes those who make their bed must sleep in it.
I have answered no questions, I offer no answers (at this time), but respect for both sides I not only have, but also protect. (See 1st & 2nd Amendments)