Its one thing to offer the services to the prostitutes to tell the pimp the legal process for which to get his girls help if that was her real goal. Its a whole different ballgame to help the pimp by telling him to Lie about the girls ages and if they are too young send them to a different clinic, tell them to call her direct since she already knows what he wants and can streamline the process. Tell him to avoid the other employee because they dont like her because she follows the rules, Tell them to make sure the girls dont tell the other workers how old the males are. Thats way above trying to help the girls.
You are looking at it from your paradigm. For instance, if the girl doesn't lie about her age, will she in fact get help?
If some clinics have age restrictions and others don't, doesn't it make sense then, if her goal is to help the girl, to send them to the one where she will get actual treatment?
If the process is too difficult, and the pimp would not bother with that then, wouldn't it make sense to help streamline the process in order that she would get medical help, otherwise she wouldn't get it?
I don't know that, looking at it from the health paradigm, that it's going too far.
Thats about padding the numbers for her clinic so she can get increased funding and be damned about the young 14 year old slaves that are raped multiple times a day.
I often don't presume to read people's minds to know there intentions.
For him to offer her money on the side to help him and for her to say yes. Ive never seen a group so set on not telling parents whats going on. That rule in it self just boggles my mind. How can anyone think thats a good idea.
Now here you and I can agree. I actually hate the organization. But, I won't presume to assign ill intention based on this video.