Planned parenthood caught in video sting, ignoring exploitation

Wow, so because, in your opinion, this doesn't happen often, it shouldn't be exposed and we should just keep funding these pukes one third of a billion dollars, to keep teaching pimps how to abuse children?

It amazes me that some on this forum don't mind our nation's children being abused, as long as their ideology remains unmaligned. This isn't about abortion people, it's about an organization that routinely protects statutory rapists from prosecution, abuses parental rights by lobbying for laws that allow them to give abortions to teenage girls without parental notification

well i got my own thoughts on them parental notification laws, but thats for another topic. :D
Lying, or as Bill stated, skewing the viewpoint to make it seem as though this occurs often, rather then as a rare occurance? Or are you talking about the subsequent commentary?

The former. If all you're presenting is a cerefully, out of context clip, it's lying. Michael Moore does the same thing. His movies have the same value. Other than some bits can be funny.

It's like a comedian putting together a clip showing 10 people being dumbfounded by simple questions. Were those the first 10, or did he film 1,000 to get 10?
This isn't about abortion people, it's about an organization that routinely protects statutory rapists from prosecution, abuses parental rights by lobbying for laws that allow them to give abortions to teenage girls without parental notification and gives advise to pimps who would sexually abuse young girls to make a profit.

I haven't seen any evidence that supports Planned Parenthood supports breaking the law. if they do, then they should be prosecuted. What I do see a lot of is empty allegations to sway public opinion against Planned Parenthood so it will become easier to close them down through legislation and decreased funding. That is all about opposition to Planned Parenthood's approach to sex education, supplying contraception, and yes, abortion. While I don't agree with the way Planned Parenthood does things, lets not pretend much of this is anything other than what it is, politics.

Here's just a fraction of the above article:

LiveAction Films, which has already released undercover footage shot at Planned Parenthood facilities in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and in the Virginia cities of Richmond, Falls Church, Roanoke, and Charlottesville, this morning released yet more footage, this time from the Planned Parenthood facility in The Bronx in New York City. (See a transcript, and also these stories from Human Events and The Wall Street Journal.) As usual, LiveAction sent in a team of videographers posing as a prostitute and her procurer. The footage shows an employee at the Bronx facility offering advice similar to that offered at the other five facilities, but with a new twist: that the procurer could pose as the guardian of an underage prostitute when seeking sexually-transmitted disease (STD) testing or abortion services.

Wow....Looks like there'll many more PP workers thrown under the bus to protect this insideous organization!!
The footage shows an employee at the Bronx facility offering advice similar to that offered at the other five facilities, but with a new twist: that the procurer could pose as the guardian of an underage prostitute when seeking sexually-transmitted disease (STD) testing or abortion services.

This time, the actors talked to a receptionist who explained the appropriate law, and they never got beyond the front desk. Again, this facility reported the encounter.

The liars really need to up their game, this is pretty pathetic.

Honestly, if someone came up to you in your place of work claiming to be a criminal, do you pull the citizen's arrest routine on a potentially dangerous person, or do you play along and call the cops after? Well option 2 is what everyone caught up in these "stings" have done, from ACORN to Planned Parenthood.

I guess if your cause is right, then deceptive editing and lying is justified, eh?
Yeah, it's one thing to remain quiet and wait for the criminal to leave to report it to your supervisor, and another to offer ways around the law and ways for the underage girls to continue to work. The correct response should have been silence or to tell the criminal that any illegality, by law, must be reported.
Yeah, it's one thing to remain quiet and wait for the criminal to leave to report it to your supervisor, and another to offer ways around the law and ways for the underage girls to continue to work.

It was no "way around the law", it was the law. Judicial bypass exists for the underage who need it, and no guardian signature was required in the Bronx case, as correctly stated by the receptionist. They offer health care, not prostitution.

The correct response should have been silence or to tell the criminal that any illegality, by law, must be reported.

And in so doing decrease the chances that you will be able to give useful information to law enforcement, thus leading to an arrest. It's almost like you care more about ideology and what looks good on tape than actually catching criminals.
Yeah, it's one thing to remain quiet and wait for the criminal to leave to report it to your supervisor, and another to offer ways around the law and ways for the underage girls to continue to work. The correct response should have been silence or to tell the criminal that any illegality, by law, must be reported.

I don't know about Planned Parenthood, but for many of the companies I worked for if someone came in or phoned with criminal intent we were instructed to keep them talking and in front of the camera as long as possible while complying with thier demands as much as we could. This gives more information to law enforcement. I would have huge issues if something of the nature that has been described happened and it was not reported. However, it was immediatley reported. For me that shows the intent of the person at Planned Parenthood.

Given and Andrew Brietbart's track record, I wouldn't trust anything they "report." They have already proven they will edit film and slant reporting, not to uncover any truth, but rather reinforce thier already scewed narrative. The source of this information must be considered.
Breitbart does not edit film or slant reporting, their detractors say that in order to protect themselves from the exposure they have been forced to endure. The pimp and prostitutes sting had the audio of the acorn employees cut out because of pending lawsuits, but other than that, the tape was great.
Actually, Shirley Sherrod is not an example of editing. If you know what Breitbart is addressing, the cheering and aproval of racism in the NAACP, That covers Sherrod, no editing and no out of context video. It doesn't matter that her story is about a change of heart on her part, the story, which Breitbart clearly explained was about NAACP racism, not about sherrod.

The people who are trying to limit the damage Breitbart is doing are the ones taking his videos out of context because, The Truth Hurts THem alot. By the way, have you looked into the farm scandal that Sherrod is involved in, I won't jump from this post but there is more to her story than that speech.
This is seven minutes from the new Planned Parenthood sting. You can also see the full un-edited video and judge for yourself. The demeaner of the front line planned parent hood people is not that of " I'll pretend to go along and then get help." It is more like " The fact that these people are using under age girls as sex slaves is going completely past me and I am completely unfazed or concerned about this situation." Watch the video and see for yourself and judge their demeaner for yourself.

Lila Rose’s has released the third video in the growing series of Planned Parenthood public relations nightmares. The just-released third video illustrates how staff at a Bronx PP facility in New York coached an undercover pimp and prostitute team in ways to obtain free abortions for under age immigrant sex slaves.
It doesn't matter that her story is about a change of heart on her part, the story, which Breitbart clearly explained was about NAACP racism, not about sherrod.

Then why didn't Breitbart go to bat for her after she was fired? Where was our brave truth-seeker when the heat fell on Sherrod rather than the NAACP? Why did he only change his story to "NAACP racism" after the full video came out and the story changed? Why did he only release a partial video that eliminated statements that would exonerate Sherrod?

More lying. It's truly remarkable that these people, these shameless and inveterate liars, claim to have the moral high ground.
On Breitbarts response to his attackers and the Sherrod video, I am putting it here, on a thread I started to defend a point. If anyone has a problem with a small side track here, please let me know before you go to a moderator.,2933,597324,00.html

BREITBART: The reason why Shirley Sherrod is the story right now, not the NAACP, is because the White House which stands by the firing or the forced resignation — harassment as she said — they made the story about Shirley. They threw her under the bus.
I have not asked that she get fired. I've not asked for an investigation into her. The whole point was to show that the — for the NAACP to spend five days on national TV saying that the Tea Party is racist without any evidence when we can prove that the central argument didn't happen and the mainstream media won't play it — for them to talk about racism they should not be throwing stones in glass houses.
And what this video shows and what the NAACP affirms in their initial rebuke is not just that Shirley Sherrod, what she said was wrong, but that the audience was laughing and applauding as she described how she maltreated the white farmer

BREITBART: Did the people in the audience know that there was going to be a point of redemption?
BREITBART: The point is that the NAACP at a dinner honoring this person is cheering on a person describing — describing a white person as the other. This is far worse than anything —
HANNITY: Let me ask you this.
BREITBART: — that has ever been alleged against the Tea Party and certainly not proved.
HANNITY: And the history of you and this Tea Party and this allegation of racism, you offered 100,000 out of pocket if there were any video or audio tapes that would prove the allegations that racial epithets were hurled at African-American congressmen and women, correct?
BREITBART: Yes. But enough about me, Sean. I'm going to get to the heart of the issue right here. Mary Francis Berry was the former chair of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights appointed by President Carter and Clinton. This is not a conservative, OK.
This is what she said that has to do with what's going on right now and why this is not about Shirley and Andrew, this is about the NAACP and the Congressional Black Caucus and the Democratic Party: "Tainting the Tea Party movement with the charge of racism is proving to be an effective strategy for Democrats. There's no evidence that the Tea Party adherence are any more racist than other Republicans and indeed many other Americans. But getting them to spend their time purging the ranks and having candidates distance themselves should help Democrats in November, having one's opponent rebut charges of racism is far better than discussing —
Where is the evidence that a police report was filed, the police were contacted in anyway or that planned parenthood did anything in regard to the video crew? So far, all we have is what they are telling us, they being the ones who were unfazed by underage sex slaves. From what I have seen, it seems they were more concerned with contacting the F.B.I. about the video sting than they were about reporting the endangered young girls.

Here is a quick question, Why did Margaret Sanger start Planned Parent hood?

Just saying.
Also, some people need thicker skin.
Again, just saying.

maybe that answers a few of your questions.

And this hits the head on one of the fundamental reasons why I despise Planned Parenthood. It's concept began with the ideas of a eugenist and racist, and no matter how much Planned Parenthood and like organizations try to distance her from it, it still remains. They certainly don't try to distance themselves from her though. And considering the fact that I think something like 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in predominately minority communities, her legacy certainly still stands.

Having Babies is a huge reason why women are always at, around and below the poverty level...I know you don't care, but I thought I mention it anyways...

Ok. So how about "don't get pregnant" as an answer to that question, rather then "abort the baby after you get pregnant"?

God forbid we put the cap back on that bottle.

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