Planned parenthood caught in video sting, ignoring exploitation

And this hits the head on one of the fundamental reasons why I despise Planned Parenthood. It's concept began with the ideas of a eugenist and racist, and no matter how much Planned Parenthood and like organizations try to distance her from it, it still remains. They certainly don't try to distance themselves from her though. And considering the fact that I think something like 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in predominately minority communities, her legacy certainly still stands.
not going there

Ok. So how about "don't get pregnant" as an answer to that question, rather then "abort the baby after you get pregnant"?

God forbid we put the cap back on that bottle.

well, there is reproductive health and contraceptives as well.

You look at the problem from the wrong angle. From what I understand her work bridged the 19th and the 20th century. That is a completely different kettle of fish than what you are loking at today.
well, there is reproductive health and contraceptives as well.

I didn't say "don't have sex". I said "don't get pregnant". That would include the above.

You look at the problem from the wrong angle. From what I understand her work bridged the 19th and the 20th century. That is a completely different kettle of fish than what you are loking at today.

Thought you weren't going there?

In any event, I'm not sure what you are trying to say. What problem am I looking at "from the wrong angle"?
And considering the fact that I think something like 80% of Planned Parenthood clinics are in predominately minority communities, her legacy certainly still stands.

Does that speak more to the racial composition of the communities, or does that speak more to the poverty of the the communities? I live in a racially mixed neighborhood and before I bought my home I lived in a neighborhood where whites were not the majority (same city).

Yet, the closest Planned Parenthood to me is in our capital city of Concord, a city that is poorer (and whiter) than mine.

I ask this partly because I believe a strong factor in the disparity between economic classes is self-discipline.
I ask this partly because I believe a strong factor in the disparity between economic classes is self-discipline.
Gee, be careful, Carol, that is remarkably close to suggesting that those who take responsibility for their actions succeed and those who don't don't.
Gee, be careful, Carol, that is remarkably close to suggesting that those who take responsibility for their actions succeed and those who don't don't.

Oops, sorry. I'll go back to my calculus homework now.
Does that speak more to the racial composition of the communities, or does that speak more to the poverty of the the communities? I live in a racially mixed neighborhood and before I bought my home I lived in a neighborhood where whites were not the majority (same city).

Yet, the closest Planned Parenthood to me is in our capital city of Concord, a city that is poorer (and whiter) than mine.

I ask this partly because I believe a strong factor in the disparity between economic classes is self-discipline.

I don't know. I can only tell you that Planned Parenthood traces it's origins to Margaret Sanger, a known eugenist and racist. I know that her eugenics beliefs weren't solely limitied to non-whites, and included the poor and mentally handicapped of all races. But that doesn't, to my mind, mitigate her racism in any way.

It may be correlation rather than causality, but since I hate many other things that Planned Parenthood does, I'll stick with it until proven otherwise.

I get that she may have started the concept of a birth control clinic, but I find it utterly disingenuous that Planned Parenthood does nothing to repudiate these beliefs, and instead sings her utter praises. And then the organizations practices fall right in line with her belief system.
Breitbart does not edit film or slant reporting, their detractors say that in order to protect themselves from the exposure they have been forced to endure. The pimp and prostitutes sting had the audio of the acorn employees cut out because of pending lawsuits, but other than that, the tape was great.

This is nonsense. More than just Acorn audio responses were cut out. The film was edited to make the employees look like criminals, even when there was no criminal action. There was no follow up of the employee actions, such as calling law enforcement with details. It was a hatchet job through and through. Then there is Sherry Sherod. Oh, then there is the attempted set up of the CNN anchor in which there was a written "script" of how the interview was supposed to go. Sorry, if something is scripted it isn't just reporting facts. Breibart and his cronies are hatchet men and anything they "report" should be taken with a huge grain of a salt lick size grain of salt.
I found this in an article one of my acquatinces posted on fb:

Adding to Planned Parenthood's woes, Live Action, an anti-abortion group, filmed an actor posing as a pimp asking a Planned Parenthood counsellor for advice on contraception and abortions for the underage girls he "works with". The adviser advised. This, according to Live Action, proves that "Planned Parenthood aids and abets the sexual abuse and prostitution of minors." The organisation, already feeling under siege, panicked and the counsellor was fired, although it would be interesting to know what, precisely, Live Action would have preferred the counsellor to do – refuse to help women who are in terrible and, yes, illegal situations? Tackle the pimp to the ground?
[....] although it would be interesting to know what, precisely, Live Action would have preferred the counsellor to do – refuse to help women who are in terrible and, yes, illegal situations? Tackle the pimp to the ground?

:lfao: I can't wait to see those headlines....
I don't expect a frontline employee to tackle the pimp, however,

"After initially telling the couple that Planned Parenthood is "obligated" to report certain information about minors, the employee says she "doesn't want to get anyone in trouble." She pulls out a piece of paper and refers them to what is apparently another clinic for abortion services.
"You never got this from me," she says. "If they're 14 and under, just send them right there if they need an abortion. ... Their protocols aren't as strict as ours."
The employee said her clinic wants "as little information as possible" and later tells the couple to come talk to her if there are any problems. She urges any underage girls to lie about their age.
"Worse ever comes to worst, you guys come see me," she says. "I'll jump in ... with nobody looking. ... That's why you come and ask for me only."

Read more:

I definitely do not expect them to give the trafficker in sex slaves advice on how to avoid detection by sending them to another clinic, or telling the sex slaver to tell his girls to lie about their age and volunteer to help them, "..That's why you come and ask for me only."


well, bill, thats what I would do, i'd do what you just posted. If thats what the shady person did I'd fire em too.

But p- that said, I also know what the anti-abortionists are up to as well.
The ACorn video was edited only in the propaganda of the left wing defenders of acorn. the video speaks for itself, if you can find a version that still has the audio, it is really interesting to watch the acorn people helping the pimp set up a house for the purposes of running illegal underage prostitutes. What is it with these left wing groups and underage, illegal alien, sex slaves that they always seem to look the other way. YOu know these imaginary sex slaves are for the purposes of the video, actual people that they are failing to help. Is there a blind spot on the left for this sort of thing, or am I missing something. Does the illegal immigrant status and the right to an abortion while underage, trump saving girls from being sex slaves? Inquiring minds want to know.
The ACorn video was edited only in the propaganda of the left wing defenders of acorn. the video speaks for itself, if you can find a version that still has the audio, it is really interesting to watch the acorn people helping the pimp set up a house for the purposes of running illegal underage prostitutes. What is it with these left wing groups and underage, illegal alien, sex slaves that they always seem to look the other way. YOu know these imaginary sex slaves are for the purposes of the video, actual people that they are failing to help. Is there a blind spot on the left for this sort of thing, or am I missing something. Does the illegal immigrant status and the right to an abortion while underage, trump saving girls from being sex slaves? Inquiring minds want to know.

and by not giving them the information requested you help these girls how?

Now to being locked up in a basement and used like a piece of furniture they may do so with STDs and being pregnant...or being dragged to a colleague of that lovely doctor mentioned in the other thread, you know, the baby killer...rusty coat hanger and all, let to bleed to death.

Considering that the connections in the sex slave trade do not operate under the guidelines of the boy scouts, *I* would not openly confront them either.
(doing so might nessesitate that I purchase a 33 round hi cap mag...)

And yes billi, the evil leftist conspiracy winglets edited the videos. As my mom would say: tell it your your Grandma....
the video speaks for itself, if you can find a version that still has the audio, it is really interesting to watch the acorn people helping the pimp set up a house for the purposes of running illegal underage prostitutes.

Only parts of the video were released, and in addition the employee in question contacted the police about the encounter. Sound familiar?

Yet more lying for The Cause.
Considering that the connections in the sex slave trade do not operate under the guidelines of the boy scouts, *I* would not openly confront them either.
(doing so might nessesitate that I purchase a 33 round hi cap mag...)

You also should not tell them to lie about the age of the girls and say to call me directly so I can stream line the process and stay away from the nurse practioner because shes a @$#%# and follows the rules. Then agree to maybe do it on the side to earn some extra cash.
I am on my way to class so I haven't checked out the whole article, but this article may address some of our questions, the first being, when did planned parenthood actually contact law enforcement?

Deception 6) “We reported this to the FBI”
Planned Parenthood wrote the FBI a letter a week after our investigation, only after they realized that Live Action had conducted the sting.They say this themselves. As much as they may pretend, Planned Parenthood was not attempting to help send human traffickers to jail; they were attempting to pre-empt the release of Live Action’s footage.
If Planned Parenthood really cared about reporting potential sex traffickers to authorities, they would have called police while the pimp was in the clinic, or immediately after. Not wasting a minute. Planned Parenthood, where are the reports from the now SIX clinics we’ve released, that you immediately called the police?

Deception 3) Virginia Staff Acted “Professionally”
This is one of the most disturbing statements we have heard yet from Planned Parenthood higher-ups.
Virginia staff, on all four tapes released in Virginia, were very helpful to the self-identified pimp of underage sex slaves. Staffers assured him it was confidential, offered him information on how to get cheaper birth control (link: ), on how to get free STD testing, told him how to use the website and phone system and even coached him how to use judicial bypasses to get secret abortions for his underage sex slaves.

These appear pretty interesting from the quick look I was able to take.
To a certain extent, I can see both sides of this issue.

On the one side should a health care worker give advice to a pimp of a child prostitute enabling him to further exploit said child.

On the other, what can the worker do to really prevent said pimp. There is a potential that she could say, "hold on a minute, I'll be right with you", leave call the cops, and stall until they get there.

What are the cost / benefits to each decision.

In the second case it is likely that the pimp will be arrested, do a short jail sentence (speaking from experience, though it may be different in other jurisdictions) and be right back out pimping underage prostitutes, but this time they will not go to a clinic to get health care for an underage child who may have an STD or is pregnant.

On the first case, the child care worker has saved (at least temporarily) an individual child from a life of prostitution and exploitation.

The health care workers perspective is just that: health. Not law enforcement. That is their paradigm. Is it right, I don't know. I tend to look at these things from a holistic perspective, hence the cost / benefit dynamic.
To a certain extent, I can see both sides of this issue.

On the one side should a health care worker give advice to a pimp of a child prostitute enabling him to further exploit said child.

On the other, what can the worker do to really prevent said pimp. There is a potential that she could say, "hold on a minute, I'll be right with you", leave call the cops, and stall until they get there.

What are the cost / benefits to each decision.

In the second case it is likely that the pimp will be arrested, do a short jail sentence (speaking from experience, though it may be different in other jurisdictions) and be right back out pimping underage prostitutes, but this time they will not go to a clinic to get health care for an underage child who may have an STD or is pregnant.

On the first case, the child care worker has saved (at least temporarily) an individual child from a life of prostitution and exploitation.

The health care workers perspective is just that: health. Not law enforcement. That is their paradigm. Is it right, I don't know. I tend to look at these things from a holistic perspective, hence the cost / benefit dynamic.
Its one thing to offer the services to the prostitutes to tell the pimp the legal process for which to get his girls help if that was her real goal. Its a whole different ballgame to help the pimp by telling him to Lie about the girls ages and if they are too young send them to a different clinic, tell them to call her direct since she already knows what he wants and can streamline the process. Tell him to avoid the other employee because they dont like her because she follows the rules, Tell them to make sure the girls dont tell the other workers how old the males are. Thats way above trying to help the girls. Thats about padding the numbers for her clinic so she can get increased funding and be damned about the young 14 year old slaves that are raped multiple times a day. For him to offer her money on the side to help him and for her to say yes. Ive never seen a group so set on not telling parents whats going on. That rule in it self just boggles my mind. How can anyone think thats a good idea.
One good thing came from this thread it did give me an idea for a new operation at work. We have planned parenthood clinics and we have busted several of these sex slave houses over the last few months I feel an undercover operation coming on.