Planned parenthood caught in video sting, ignoring exploitation

Lying again, I see.

The workers immediately reported the incident to superiors, and they called the police.
EMPTY HEAD, for you,

"Live Action and its founder, California anti-abortion activist Lila Rose, have accused Planned Parenthood workers of covering up the sexual abuse of minors. The reproductive health organization vehemently denies the allegation -- but it fired a clinic worker in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, earlier this week after the woman was caught on video in another of Live Action's stings.
The New Jersey worker appears to advise the fake pimp and prostitute how to avoid mandatory reporting laws for abortion and how to find another provider in case an underage girl needs an abortion. Planned Parenthood spokesman Stuart Schear called the remarks "repugnant" and "completely inconsistent with Planned Parenthood's guidelines."
In a statement issued Thursday, Rose said her group shot the latest footage in a clinic in Richmond and argues it shows the counselor "coaching a pimp about how girls as young as 14-15 could circumvent parental consent laws for secret abortions." The clinic worker depicted in the video describes Virginia's law, including a provision that authorizes a judge to waive the parental notification provision."

Yesterday, pro-life activist Lila Rose released a video that showed the manager of Planned Parenthood of Central New Jersey advising a man, posing as a sex trafficker, on how he should go about evading the law in order to get abortions and STD-testing for his 14-year-old prostitutes/sex slaves.

"We're involved in sex work," the man tells Planned Parenthood manager Amy Woodruff. "Some of [the prostitutes] are like, ah, they're kind of young. Some of them are like 15, 14, and some of them don't speak any English," he continues, asking Woodruff why the prostitutes shouldn't be worried they'll be reported while coming in for Planned Parenthood's services.

More by John McCormack

"As long as they just lie and say, 'Oh, [my sexual partner is] fifteen, sixteen.' You know, as long as they don't say 'fourteen' and as long as it's not too much of an age gap then we just kind of like--then we just kind of play stup[id]," says Woodruff.

"It's like, you know, she's still entitled to care without mom knowin' what the hell's goin' on," says Woodruff. As shocking as Woodruff's words may be, they're actually a concise summary of the New Jersey Supreme Court's 2004 ruling that invalidated the state's parental consent law. Though legally protected in part by the court's decision to enshrine a right to abortion-on-demand for teens, the Planned Parenthood employee is still willing to run afoul of laws against covering up statutory rape and sex trafficking. Woodruff even gives the 'pimp' advice on what kind of sex acts his prostitutes should perform while they're recovering from abortions. "Waist up, or just be that extra action walking by,” she says.
Planned Parenthood's response to this sting video has been rather incoherent. On one hand, a spokesman for the organization accuses Lila Rose's group of using "surreptitious videotaping and manipulative editing." That defense hasn't worked too well for the men caught on NBC's To Catch a Predator, and it doesn't seem to be working out for Planned Parenthood either. Today Planned Parenthood fired Woodruff for the statements she made on the tape. That's a clear concession that the tape is authentic and accurate, right? (And you don't need to take anyone's word for it. You can watch the full unedited version of the tape here).
Lying again, I see.

The workers immediately reported the incident to superiors, and they called the police.

what the hell are you trying to protect?
were you there?
Or do you just like to lie, or just like to believe that the only people who do are the ones who dont allign with your way of thinking?

a worker sure as hell did do this, and if one is doing it, maybe more are.
Actually, Luckyboxer, there are more videos of these stings and more than one front line worker gave shall we say, advice that was sort of grey as pertains to the protection of underage sex slaves.
I'd like to remind everyone here, that while a certain amount of heat is allowed in the Study, all-out flames are not allowed.


Please keep this conversation civil.

-Ronald Shin
-MT Supermoderator
Woodruff even gives the 'pimp' advice on what kind of sex acts his prostitutes should perform while they're recovering from abortions. "Waist up, or just be that extra action walking by,” she says.

Thats pretty messed up right there.
I hope that clip turns out to be a fake because that woman made my skin crawl. Anyone that can sit back and give tips on a pimp with Child Sex Slaves deserves to rot in jail. We raided a child sex slave ring here a few months back run by MS-13. A 4 bedroom house had 4 girls per room and the oldest we found in the house was 17 the youngest was 12 these girls had sex 20+ times a day. They were never allowed out of the house they were not even allowed to have shoes so they could not run away. Most were kidnapped from central America.
"The Planned Parenthood staff member reacted professionally to a highly unusual person posing as a patient," said spokesman Stuart Schear in a statement. "After the encounter, the staff member immediately notified her supervisor, who subsequently notified members of Planned Parenthood's national security team, who are working with the FBI, which is investigating these visits."

I'm not the liar here, Lila Rose and her crew are.
"The Planned Parenthood staff member reacted professionally to a highly unusual person posing as a patient," said spokesman Stuart Schear in a statement. "After the encounter, the staff member immediately notified her supervisor, who subsequently notified members of Planned Parenthood's national security team, who are working with the FBI, which is investigating these visits."

I'm not the liar here, Lila Rose and her crew are.
Telling them "waist up" for 2 weeks and lie about the girl age is acting professionally?
"The Planned Parenthood staff member reacted professionally to a highly unusual person posing as a patient," said spokesman Stuart Schear in a statement. "After the encounter, the staff member immediately notified her supervisor, who subsequently notified members of Planned Parenthood's national security team, who are working with the FBI, which is investigating these visits."

I'm not the liar here, Lila Rose and her crew are.

ok lets look at facts..
the fact is the worker was giving advice to the "pimp and prostitute" on how to get around the law.

planned parenthood is saying they contacted law enforcement, but ther eis nothing that says law enforcement confirmed that, If I was planned parenthood I too would say that to get people off our backs, but it does not make it a fact.
You people that will dismiss videotaped facts and just buy into hearsay because it fits your needs make me sick.

sure they may have contacted law enforcement, but even if they did, the fact remains their worker was giving advice on how to get around the system, a system that is in place to try to prevent abuse, especially abuse of minors.

What is wrong with people? Blindly following whatever ideology they believe in no matter what facts there are...

I dont think this article says anything about abortion being wrong, or right..
its simply sheding light on a potentially huge problem, what is so hard about recognizing that and addressing that?
im pro choice but i agree, no one who is hurting teens and kids should be helped to get around the law. by PP or anyone.
If I may inject an opinion here, with malice towards none...

I suspect that these 'video stings' will become more and more popular as time goes by. They have been used against ACORN and now against Planned Parenthood; I suspect that we'll soon be seeing them used by many groups, on the left and the right.

Because here's the thing...people are fragile, foolish, and some will be willing to break the law to support their cause. And we see only the final result; what we don't see is the number of times that the video sting failed to get what they wanted. We don't see the unedited video and sound of the entire encounter. This is not journalism, but it is presented as if it was; there isn't even a pretense of objectivity, but it is presented as if it were objective.

Do any of you for a moment suppose that if this group had done the videos to expose Planned Parenthood and failed utterly, that they would have published that information and said "Well, folks, we completely disagree with Planned Parenthood, but we were unable to catch them breaking the law." Do you?

Those who break the laws should be held to account. And I'm not a fan of Planned Parenthood or abortion. But I am not going to simply accept videos like this as exemplary of what Planned Parenthood employees are doing en masse. There is too much of an agenda at work here; this is nothing more than the other side of "Roger and Me." It's not pretty no matter who does it. It's not news, it doesn't outrage me, and I'm not even sure what the point it.

It's not going to change any minds. Fans of Planned Parenthood will continue to support it. Those against it will continue to be against it. Does anyone think any eyes will be opened by this honest and open objective reporting? It's just noise and hatred. We've got enough of both from both sides of the issue.
It's reported that the worker then went up the chain to report the incident. It is entirely possible that at a certain point during the meeting the worker realized that this matter would need to be dealt with by the authorities, gave the 'couple' the answers that would satisfy them and let them leave without a scene.

Until these 'stings' are done by qualified law enforcement, my baseline is that they're lying.
It's reported that the worker then went up the chain to report the incident. It is entirely possible that at a certain point during the meeting the worker realized that this matter would need to be dealt with by the authorities, gave the 'couple' the answers that would satisfy them and let them leave without a scene.

Until these 'stings' are done by qualified law enforcement, my baseline is that they're lying.

Lying, or as Bill stated, skewing the viewpoint to make it seem as though this occurs often, rather then as a rare occurance? Or are you talking about the subsequent commentary?
Lying, or as Bill stated, skewing the viewpoint to make it seem as though this occurs often, rather then as a rare occurance? Or are you talking about the subsequent commentary?
Wow, so because, in your opinion, this doesn't happen often, it shouldn't be exposed and we should just keep funding these pukes one third of a billion dollars, to keep teaching pimps how to abuse children?

It amazes me that some on this forum don't mind our nation's children being abused, as long as their ideology remains unmaligned. This isn't about abortion people, it's about an organization that routinely protects statutory rapists from prosecution, abuses parental rights by lobbying for laws that allow them to give abortions to teenage girls without parental notification and gives advise to pimps who would sexually abuse young girls to make a profit.
Now, of course, after these exposes, Planned Parenthood are going to be very cautious how they do business for a while.
I find it appauling that my tax dollars contribute to one third of their budget.
Wow, so because, in your opinion, this doesn't happen often, it shouldn't be exposed and we should just keep funding these pukes one third of a billion dollars, to keep teaching pimps how to abuse children?

Wow, slow down there buddy. I was asking questions to understand Canuck's position better. I made no commentary one way or another about this particular situation.

It amazes me that some on this forum don't mind our nation's children being abused, as long as their ideology remains unmaligned. This isn't about abortion people, it's about an organization that routinely protects statutory rapists from prosecution, abuses parental rights by lobbying for laws that allow them to give abortions to teenage girls without parental notification and gives advise to pimps who would sexually abuse young girls to make a profit.
Now, of course, after these exposes, Planned Parenthood are going to be very cautious how they do business for a while.

The fact of the matter is that you don't know how often this occurs, or whether it's routine or not. You have seen this one instance of exploitive behavior regarding this particular issue. That's like saying that because there was one instance of a military atrocity, then the entire organization is subject to malignment.

I would actually agree with you about your other points, so you need to chill a bit. But I will not malign this organization because of this one instance of wrong-doing.

I don't have to. Their regular, legally condoned business practices are appalling enough.

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