Pies and glitter, left wing silliness?


Lifetime Supporting Member
Aug 12, 2007
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somewhere near Lake Michigan
Okay, I'm curious about the practice of throwing Pies and glitter on political opponents. Street theater and puppet shows still creep me out, I mean, why do adults do these things? The pies and glitter attacks are really rude and wrong and yet people on the left continue to do it. Why?



Ann Coulter in an interview about her new book mentioned the fact that assasination attempts on presidents are almost all from the left. The exceptions are the attempts made by actually mentally ill individuals. Are the pie and glitter attacks just a mild form of political violence?
Okay, I'm curious about the practice of throwing Pies and glitter on political opponents. Street theater and puppet shows still creep me out, I mean, why do adults do these things? The pies and glitter attacks are really rude and wrong and yet people on the left continue to do it. Why?

Pie throwing, as a political act, was invented by the Yippies-those fascists. :lfao:

Ann Coulter in an interview about her new book mentioned the fact that assasination attempts on presidents are almost all from the left. The exceptions are the attempts made by actually mentally ill individuals.

Really? She knows what was behind the JFK assasination, or she's just saying it was "from the left" because Lee Harvey Oswald spent time in the Soviet Union?

Every one after that, of course, has been made by actually mentally ill individuals-in fact, we don't know that Lee Harvey Oswald didn't fall into that element

Have to wonder how she makes John Wilkes Booth a leftist, and Leo Czogolsz, who colored himself as an anarchist, was also thought to be mentally ill. Guiteau shot Garfield because "God told" him to.

Lawrence was committed to an insane asylum for attempting to assassinate Andrew Jackson (who beat him down with a cane. Andrew Jackson was a BADASS, Irene...:lfao:..).

Schrank said that-get this- McKinley's ghost told him to shoot Teddy Roosevelt. :lfao:

Giuseppe Zangara was probably doing a mob hit on Chicago's mayor when he shot FDR.

THe men who tried to kill Truman were for Puerto Rican independence, which, while "revolutionary," can hardly be said to be "on the left" on that basis alone.

RIchard Pavlick spent time in a mental institution before serving jail time for his aborted suicide bombing of JFK.

Both attempts on Ford were by crazies, though both served time in federal prisons. Maybe Squeaky Fromme is a left, because she followed Manson? Nah,-that clearly makes her just plain nuts.

John Hinckley-nuts.

In fact, of 20-odd assasinations and attempts in American history, only the Puerto Ricans who tried to kill Truman and John Wilkes Booth had any clear politically ideological motivation. The rest were either nuts, or only speculative,like the possible attempt on George W. Bush of Sept. 11, 2001. A closer look clearly reveals that most assassination attempts have been made by stark-ravin nutters, and politcal motivation of any kind has been the exception, not the rule.

See-this is what I meant in that other thread about "right wing" propaganda. Of course, bill, you'll rush out and buy "her" new book because the hideous transsexual wrote it, and then you'll insist it's gospel....:lfao:

Are the pie and glitter attacks just a mild form of political violence?

No. They are, just as you said,really rude and wrong, and a relic of the 70's to boot.

They also, whatever their misperceived "harmlessness," could be legally interpreted as a threat.

Not so funny story: years ago, I bought my first wife a nice fur coat. It looked awesome on her. We were in Manhattan, and some PETA moron tried to throw a can of red paint on her, and wound up severely broken on the curb for his trouble. How was I supposed to know that can was "only paint?" I didn't do it (smash his clavicle, wrap his head, koshi guruma to the curb-hard, with a following stomp on the head out of reflex) to protect her coat-I did it to protect her.


Okay practice pies
about glitter and puppets
theater creep out
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Thank you for that insight, Elder - I hadn't realised, I confess with some shame, that there had been THAT many assasination attempts on the most senior of American government officials.

Makes you wonder if there is something amiss with your system, perhaps?

Oh and, as an aside, well done on protecting the then Mrs. Elder from an extremist lunatic.

President: William McKinley (R)
Assassin: Leon Czolgosz
Political identity and motive:
Czolgosz was an anarchist who believed that "there was a great injustice in American society, an inequality which allowed the wealthy to enrich themselves by exploiting the poor," and that he had to do something about it. Mimicking the assassination of King Umberto I of Italy, done for similar reasons, he shot and killed McKinley. Oddly, Czolgosz had earlier voted Republican, but the assassination motive was clearly as described above.

President: Gerald R. Ford (R)
Would-be assassin: Sara Jane Moore
Political identity and motive:
Revolutionary leftist political activist.

President: Franklin D. Roosevelt (D)
Would-be assassin: Giuseppe Zangara
Political identity and motive:
"In the Dade County Courthouse jail, Zangara confessed and stated: 'I have the gun in my hand. I kill kings and presidents first and next all capitalists.'" From Zangara's own words, much can be taken. However, he may also have been mentally ill. (Perhaps anyone who wants to kill a president is a touch deranged

President: Harry S Truman (D)
Would-be assassin: Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola
Political identity and motive:
Oscar Collazo and Griselio Torresola were members of the Puerto Rican Nationalist Party. Puerto Rican Nationalists, represented by Marxist terrorist groups such as FALN, who were responsible for scores of bombings in the U.S.; they were arguably the most active terrorist group in U.S. history. (Interesting side notes: President Carter freed Collazo in 1979, and President Clinton pardoned several FALN terrorists. Il n'y a aucun ennemi du cote gauche?

(Hmmm...Marxists....could they possibly be a little more left than right...)

John wilkes booth supported slavery, so he didn't support individual liberty, more left than right. A democrat he killed the first republican president, hmmm...

Sorry Sukerkin, this post may be a bit long....

This article from the canada free press describes political assassins and their political leanings, in particular it discusses John wilkes booth...

From the article: http://canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/32194

II American Political Assassins

For brevity, here is a list of America’s most highly successful political assassins, including the political affiliation of the four US presidential assassins.
A. John Wilkes Booth—Assassin of Pres. Lincoln

Booth (1838-1865) murdered Abraham Lincoln on April 14, 1865 in Ford’s Theater. But Booth was not a modern Conservative. First, he was not a Republican, but a Democrat, of the “Copperhead variety,‚” aka “Peace Democrat.‚” He was a belligerent racist, a member of the Know-Nothing Party as a young man. This nativist group initially opposed immigration and religious liberty in America, and then naturally moved onto excoriating Lincoln’s politics, the Civil War, and especially Emancipation of Black slaves.
Booth originally planned on kidnapping Lincoln to trade him for Confederate prisoners of war. But he supposedly heard Lincoln speak on Emancipation and it so enraged him he changed his mind:
Upon this, Booth turned to the two of us and said, “That means ****** citizenship. Now by God I’ll put him through!‚”
The Know-Nothings favored State’s Rights not to create more freedom, but to take rights from Irish, German and Catholic immigrants, and Blacks.
According to author Jennifer L. Webber, in Copperheads: The Rise and Fall of Lincoln’s Opponents in the North, the war protestors of Lincoln’s time bear a shocking similarity to antiwar Democrats today. The following describes Lincoln’s “fire in the rear‚”:
Copperheads came perilously close to defeating Lincoln and ending the war in the South’s favor. Indeed, by the summer of 1864, they had grown so strong that Lincoln himself thought his defeat was “exceedingly likely.” Passionate defenders of civil liberties and states’ rights—and often virulent racists—the Copperheads deplored Lincoln’s suspension of habeas corpus, his liberal interpretation of the Constitution, and, most vehemently, his moves toward emancipation.
The Conservative movement is not anti-war, or fundamentally racist. In fact, Republicans—the default Conservative political group—was started by Lincoln as the anti-slavery party. Further, Conservatives are not against immigration, but merely opposed to illegal entries. Third, Conservatives do not counsel deposing unpopular leaders by murdering them, as they believe in keeping the Rule of Law. Therefore, the Tea Party waited till the November 2010 election to express its peaceful protests.


C. Charles Guiteau—Assassin of Pres. Garfield

Guiteau (1841-1882) assassinated U.S. President James A. Garfield on July 2, 1881. Guiteau was a self-trained lawyer considered likely insane from an early age, and suffered from extreme delusions. Guiteau was infatuated with John Humphrey Noyes teachings on Utopian socialism, and produced his own work plagiarized from Noye’s book. Noyes founded the infamous Oneida community, which Guiteau joined. This commune abolished traditional weddings for group marriage. In fact, it was Noyes who coined the term “Free Love.‚”

E. Sirhan Sirhan—Assassin of Bobby Kennedy

Leftist Sirhan Bishara Sirhan (b. 1944) murdered presidential candidate Robert “Bobby‚” Kennedy on June 5, 1968. The vociferously antisemitic Sirhan is said to have come under the influence of the Baath party, a French socialist movement, described thus: “Its main ideological objectives were secularism, socialism and pan-Arab unionism.‚” There are several explanations for why Sirhan killed Bobby Kennedy, perhaps not mutually exclusive. The first was anger of Kennedy’s support of Israel. Says one source,
Sirhan believed he was deliberately betrayed by Kennedy’s support for Israel in the June 1967 Six-Day War, which had begun exactly one year to the day before the assassination. He wrote, on May 18, 1968: “My determination to eliminate R.F.K. is becoming the more and more of an unshakable obsession…Kennedy must die before June 5th.”
Another writer claims Sirhan was acting at the behest of Palestinian terrorist leader Yassar Arafat.

President: William McKinley (R)
Assassin: Leon Czolgosz
Political identity and motive:
Czolgosz was an anarchist who believed that "there was a great injustice in American society, an inequality which allowed the wealthy to enrich themselves by exploiting the poor," and that he had to do something about it. Mimicking the assassination of King Umberto I of Italy, done for similar reasons, he shot and killed McKinley. Oddly, Czolgosz had earlier voted Republican, but the assassination motive was clearly as described above.

Yes-I said that, he considered himself to be an anarchist. It's not so odd that he voted Republican, when you factor in that he was crazy. From wikipedia, which cited Dr. Briggs paper:

In 1921 Lloyd Vernon Briggs, Director of the Massachusetts Department for Mental Hygiene, reviewed the Czolgosz case[3] and the cases of Clarence Richeson and Bertram G. Spencer, men who had histories of mental illness before committing murder. Contrary to views almost universally expressed at the time of the assassination, Briggs concluded that Czolgosz was "a diseased man, a man who had been suffering from some form of mental disease for years. He was not medically responsible and in the light of present-day psychiatry and of modern surgical procedure, there is a great question whether he was even legally responsible for the death of our President."

Not so sure that "anarchist" qualified as "leftist" in 1901, anyway.....

President: Gerald R. Ford (R)
Would-be assassin: Sara Jane Moore
Political identity and motive:
Revolutionary leftist political activist.


rich exploiting the poor, more left than right

Gerald Ford pronounce Sarah Jane Moore as "off her mind," however I'll give that one to you. I'll even throw in the anarchist, Czolgosz..
That makes two out of about twenty-even if we say they're on the left, the nutters are the majority, and Ann Coulter is a fool, both for saying that anywhere near a majority of assassinations or attempts were made by those on the left, AND for paying for such an obvious and hideous sex-change operation....:lfao:
I still have not found the law that Clinton violated in having a relationship with Monica so i will give that one to you. But...


In reviewing many acts of political violence the major motivation seems to be fame seekers and nut cases. There are many examples of presidential assassins who are progressive, marxist, etc - left leaning. The violent groups through the 60's and 70's were mostly left leaning anti war groups. It is only recently (Oklahoma City) that there have been serious anti-government led efforts, though Nazism is a left wing philosophy. There is no real evidence that the right wing in the United States is prone to kill or blow things up for a political end.

Also, this article:


The above article from freerepublic also adds in Obama's friend Bill Ayer's to the left wing violence list.


"Between 1974 and 1985 the FALN (Puerto Rican Armed Forces of National Liberation) organized 120 terrorist bombings in the United States. Many Americans were killed in those bombings, and many more were crippled. In 1983, another Puerto Rican terrorist group known as the Macheteros, attacked and robbed a Wells Fargo armored car in Connecticut. The Macheteros intended to use the money to finance a terrorist campaign against the United States. Working under the cover of Puerto Rican nationalism and claiming to act on behalf of the 'oppressed people of Puerto Rico,' the FALN and the Macheteros are nothing but Communist revolutionaries. Both groups were organized by Fidel Castro's secret police. The ultimate goal of the FALN and the Macheteros is the creation of an independent Marxist-Leninist dictatorship on the island of Puerto Rico."
I still have not found the law that Clinton violated in having a relationship with Monica so i will give that one to you. But...

Because it doesn't exist.

As far as the whole left wing assassination thing goes, you do realize that I agreed with you about pies and glitter? I'm just not agreeing with Ann Coulter, because, just like Stossel and Rush were about "the First Thanksgiving, " she's wrong. Most of the assassination attempts were made by grade A loony-tunes nuttier than a wagonload of pralines. It isn't even worth arguing about.

This, though


"Between 1974 and 1985 the FALN (Puerto Rican Armed Forces of National Liberation) organized 120 terrorist bombings in the United States. Many Americans were killed in those bombings, and many more were crippled. In 1983, another Puerto Rican terrorist group known as the Macheteros, attacked and robbed a Wells Fargo armored car in Connecticut. The Macheteros intended to use the money to finance a terrorist campaign against the United States. Working under the cover of Puerto Rican nationalism and claiming to act on behalf of the 'oppressed people of Puerto Rico,' the FALN and the Macheteros are nothing but Communist revolutionaries. Both groups were organized by Fidel Castro's secret police. The ultimate goal of the FALN and the Macheteros is the creation of an independent Marxist-Leninist dictatorship on the island of Puerto Rico."

Is erroneous and misleading at best. The Roosevelt assasination attempt took place a half century before the FALN and Los Matcheteros existed, or Castro came to power. you cannot simply equate "Puerto RIcan nationalism" with "left/socialist/communist," especially since so many of the Puerto Rican nationalists of today are anti-Castro/communist/socialist, and have been for all of my life:the other half of the last century.....:lfao:
from wikipedia:

In 1979, Collazo and the other nationalists were decorated by Cuba's President Fidel Castro. In the Puerto Rican Cultural Center of Chicago, Illinois, there is a mural painted honoring Puerto Rico's independence leaders which include the images of Collazo and Torresola.[3]

So 71 years later, the leader of another Caribbean island who happens to be a communist gives them a medal. This in no way equates Puerto Rican nationalism with communism/socialism/Castroism or any other leftism-nor does their depiction on the wall of the Puerto Rican Cultural Center. All that shows is that Puerto Rican nationalists are anti-United States, which is kind of a Duh thing, isn't it?

Sorry, nice try, but most presidential assassinations were right outn of Son of Sam ville crazy, as is that anorexic transsexual with the shoddy jaw work, Ann Coulter for saying otherwise :lfao:
I am looking for the "platform" of the puerta rican nationalist party and there isn't an answer that is easy to find. some of them broke off and joined the socialist parties. Once I can find out what their goals were besides independence, or after independence occurred, then we can determine if they were lefties. the fact that they did not plan on participating in the voting process is one sign they were lefties though.
This article from the canada free press describes political assassins and their political leanings,http://.

Dude, just so you know and remember I am a Canadian Conservative, this is not a good Canadian Conservative website to quote from. I went through their list of columnists, and recognised maybe two or three out of hundreds listed.

If you want Canadian political news this one is good. http://www.nationalnewswatch.com/

If you want Canadian Conservative blogs, try this one: http://www.bloggingtories.ca/

A hardcore Canadian Conservative forum is here: http://www.freedominion.com.pa/phpBB2/recent.php

If political leanings were indicative of assassination attempts, would not more western countries have more attempts? In almost 150 years we have seen two in Canada. Two.
Once I can find out what their goals were besides independence, or after independence occurred, then we can determine if they were lefties. the fact that they did not plan on participating in the voting process is one sign they were lefties though.

Nobody knows in America, Puerto Rico's in America :lfao:

A first clue into the puerto rican nationalist party...


From this article which is hardly a right wing article:

Sara Jane Moore, who attempted to kill Gerald Ford, was involved in left wing politics, as were the Puerto Rican nationalists who tried to kill Harry Truman. Giuseppe Zangara, who fired at the great liberal president Franklin Roosevelt, insultingly described Roosevelt as a capitalist. Make of that what you will.
. Giuseppe Zangara, who fired at the great liberal president Franklin Roosevelt, insultingly described Roosevelt as a capitalist. Make of that what you will.

He killed the mayor of Chicago in doing so, probably at the behest of Al Capone. Roosevelt was collateral damage in a mob-hit, and Zangara covered for his boss by making it political.
I wasn't looking for a conservative canadian paper, just evidence that the assassins were left wing. But thanks for the heads up.

From wikipedia:


Raymond Moley, a leading criminologist, interviewed Zangara in depth and concluded he was not part of any larger plot, and that he had intended to kill Roosevelt. All major historians agree with Moley.[citation needed]

However, then and later, alternative conspiracy theories have circulated, especially in Chicago, where there were rumors that Zangara was a hired killer, working for Frank Nitti, who was the head of the Chicago Outfit (Chicago's largest organized-crime syndicate). Allegedly, Mayor Cermak was the real target, because of his pledge to clean up the rampant gang violence in Chicago, though it's unlikely that campaign rhetoric would have provoked such an extreme response. Another speculation is that Cermak was connected to the Outfit's underworld rivals.

Some versions of this story assert that Zangara was a diversion for a second gunman who was to shoot Cermak; but this second gunman (if there was one) did not fire and was never seen.[citation needed]

Another point is that Zangara had been an expert marksman in the Italian Army (though not with a pistol from a great distance), and would presumably hit his target, so perhaps Cermak was the intended victim.[6]



Giuseppe Zangara's last words were spoken to the judge present at his execution, "You give me electric chair. I no afraid of that chair! You one of capitalists. You is crook man too. Put me in electric chair. I no care! Get to hell out of here, you son of a ***** [spoken to the attending minister]... I go sit down all by myself... Viva Italia! Goodbye to all poor peoples everywhere!... Lousy capitalists! No picture! Capitalists! No one here to take my picture. All capitalists lousy bunch of crooks. Go ahead. Pusha da button!"

Raymond Moley a leading criminologist interviewed Zangara in depth and concluded he was not part of a radical plot, and that he was gunning for Roosevelt. All major historians agree with Moley. Nevertheless some conspiracy ideas circulated in Chicago at the time to the effect that Zangara was a hitman hired by the Capone faction of the Chicago Mafia as a diversion for a second killer --who never fired a shot and was never seen--to shoot Cermak, an enemy of the Capone mob, not Roosevelt. Chicagoans genuinely mourned the passing of Cermak, and attributing his death to some tangible, conspiratorial reason, instead of an accidental collision with a deranged assassin's bullet, was likely part of the city's necessary grieving process.
Ya know, what is it? Twenty odd assassination attempts, most of which simply can't nbe attributed to "the left." Twenty odd assasination attempts, most of which were done by loonies-which is the rule, not the exception, and I point out that Ann Coulter is out to lunch on this one, and you just have to leap to her defense? Oh, the guy who killed the mayor of Chicago was gunning for the newly elected Roosevelt, and he was an anti-capitalist. Really? Ooh, FALN, founded in 1961 is Marxist, and they were Puerto Rican separtists just like the guys who tried to kill Teedy in 1916 were, so they must have been leftists too..... even before the Bolsheviks took over in Russia....:lfao:......okay, fine.Zangara was a leftist expert shot gunning for the newly elected President who ran on a somewhat leftist platform, and he shot the anti-crime mayor of Chicago. Oh, and from the same wiki cite that you used:

Zangara, a poorly educated bricklayer, suffered severe pain in his abdomen, later attributed to adhesions of the gall bladder. These were later cited as a cause for his increasing mental delusions. It became increasingly difficult for him to work due to both his physi cal and mental conditions, and in his fevered mind came to believe that the President of the United States was supernaturally responsible for causing his pain

Nope. Nothin' nuts about that. Clearly a leftist. :lfao:, as were, if ou like, Sarah Jane Moore and the Puerto Rican separtists. 3 out of 20 or so still mostly nutters, and Ann Coulter is still mostly wrong-curious that you leap to her defense so readily-are we just here to argue? I mean, it's Ann Coulter-what comes out of her mouth is rhetoric, only meant to resemble the truth, and only once in a while at that. Geez.:rolleyes:

Saw Aaron Kay hit someone with a pie when I was a kid....think it was Pat Moynihan, but I really can't remember who, now......:lfao:
Well, in a clownocracy, the clowns should expect some pies to the face. It's a part of the natural order of things. Clowns come up, pies go down, never a miscommunication.

(...)Ann Coulter is a fool(...) AND for paying for such an obvious and hideous sex-change operation....:lfao:

:( Please stop insulting human kind by implying Ann Coulter is one. She's obviously a terror agent planted here by the insectoid overminds of Arcturus Prime to sow weakness and anarchy - her disguise is way too bad to cover a humanoid, and she's too far away from the overminds to let them do the thinking for her. :lfao: