Rights and lefts a new thread

Which liberal was that? Pretty stupid. I. Would love to see a quote. I am glad that us conservatives don't continuously quote from the conservative rightwing media. That would be hypocritical. And it would be am admission that there is a right wing media... which would break my brain and also be hypocritical. :)

That would be Senator Rockefeller.

"There's a little bug inside of me which wants to get the FCC to say to Fox and to MSNBC, 'Out. Off. End. Goodbye.' It would be a big favor to political discourse; to our ability to do our work here in Congress; and to the American people, to be able to talk with each other and have some faith in their government and, more importantly, in their future."

Because, you know... people have no faith in the government, Not actually because of the lies, the waste and overspending, corruption, etc... but because we have news media on both sides TELLING US ABOUT IT.
Same can be said for the Left

Freedom of Religion- Unless you actually believe in god then you cling to your bibles and guns

Freedom for the pursuit of happiness, less government intrusion into people's lives Unless your poor and black then we will make you dependant on the Dem party by putting you in Section 8 housing giving you food stamps and telling you the Republicans are the reason you live here.

Less Govt- Unless youÂ’re taking over health care, Auto industry, Credit Card industry

Pursuit of life- Unless you make more than x amount of dollars a year then you have no right to have that much money we need to take it and give it to other people that did not earn it

Freedom of religion Only applies to Muslims and atheist anyone else is out of touch with the times and should stop trying to put 10 commandment statues in court houses And should get that damn "in God We Trust" off our money. And donÂ’t get us started on Christmas

Freedom of speech- unless youÂ’re on the right then its just hate speech and need to be stopped

Personal responsibility unless were talking about keeping your legs closed, getting a job, paying your bills, getting your own health care

I could keep going, but won't. You get the idea. Obviously not every liberal person is so hypocritical

Oh and im sure ill get neg reps I seem to get a few when I post funny thing is nobody leaves their names.

I have to hand it to you, you are effecient. You both miss the point and make it. :) It seems that too many people on both sides are willing to believe anything in order to attack the other side. Never mind that there is plenty of idiocy and stupidity to go around from both sides. Doesn't matter as long as you are able to attack the other side. Too many are doing as much as they can to make the other side less than real people who care about thier country. Billcihak is a perfect example of this. He'll believe anything negative of the left and then repeat it for the world to hear. Look for yourself. He starts a thread with a negative article about the left being "pacifist." In the same thread he writes a post denigrating the left for being responsible for "most of the political violence." See the problem there? In all fairness, billicihak isn't by any means alone in that type of behaviour, from the right or the left. However, it is pretty difficult to have an honest political conversation when the only constant is the desire to attack the other side.
My impression of "the left" is that they seem to be on the constant march for more laws, regulations and restrictions. There is no issue that a new law cant solve.This whole thing about Rep. Giffords shooing...watch how many new bills and laws are going to be proposed and where they will come from. We will try to muzzle radio personalities as part of a "fairness doctrine". "Fairness doctrine" sounds much nicer than 1st Amendment infringement.
I will say it directly, I believe that the left is wrong. At their best they drag a society down and at their worst they are dangerous. I am also a conservative, so I believe in democracy, limited government, individual rights, especially those in the Bill of rights of the constitution of the U.S. I believe in the freedom of religion, the press and the right of every individual to life, liberty and the pursuit of hapiness. I believe that the left does not hold these to the same respect that I and other conservatives do. You need only look to the murder on Saturday and the reaction of the left wing politicians and media to see how they view the world. Are all people who are left of center violent. Of course not. Do I think they are wrong. Absolutely. I will put my energy to electing people who agree with me the same as you and people of your beliefs will try to get your guys elected. I will fight to protect your rights the same as I will fight to protect my own.

I like to post sites that match my opinion, in the way I feel comfortable expressing it. If people here do not like my just linking to other sites, read something else. We each have our own way of expressing ourselves and I am more than happy with the way others here express themseleves. I don't believe in stopping anyone from posting whatever they like as long as it matches the forum rules, because this site is the property of the people who created it. I believe in the right of people to control their own property as well.

Cool. Some of my best acquaintances at university were right wingy. They were nice people.

as for tongue in cheek about the right wingy, I have some too:

[FONT=&quot]1. Jesus loves you, and shares your hatred of homosexuals and Hillary Clinton.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] 2. Saddam was a good guy when Reagan armed him, a bad guy when Bush’s daddy made war on him, a good guy when Cheney did business with him, and a bad guy when Bush needed a “we can’t find Bin Laden? diversion.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] 3. Trade with Cuba is wrong because the country is Communist, but trade with China and Vietnam is vital to a spirit of international harmony.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] 4. The United States should get out of the United Nations, and our highest national priority is enforcing U.N. resolutions against Iraq.
[FONT=&quot]5. A woman canÂ’t be trusted with decisions about her own body, but multi-national corporations can make decisions affecting all mankind without regulation.[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot] 6. The best way to improve military morale is to praise the troops in speeches, while slashing veteransÂ’ benefits and combat pay.
[FONT=&quot]7. If condoms are kept out of schools, adolescents wonÂ’t have sex.
[FONT=&quot]8. A good way to fight terrorism is to belittle our long-time allies, then demand their cooperation and money.
[FONT=&quot]9. Providing health care to all Iraqis is sound policy, but providing health care to all Americans is socialism. HMOs and insurance companies have the best interests of the public at heart.
[FONT=&quot]10. Global warming and tobaccoÂ’s link to cancer are junk science, but creationism should be taught in schools.
[FONT=&quot]11. A president lying about an extramarital affair is a impeachable offense, but a president lying to enlist support for a war in which thousands die is solid defense policy.
[FONT=&quot]12. Government should limit itself to the powers named in the Constitution, which include banning gay marriages and censoring the Internet.
[FONT=&quot]13. The public has a right to know about HillaryÂ’s cattle trades, but George BushÂ’s driving record is none of our business.
[FONT=&quot]14. Being a drug addict is a moral failing and a crime, unless youÂ’re a conservative radio host. Then itÂ’s an illness and you need our prayers for your recovery.
[FONT=&quot]15. Supporting “Executive Privilege? for every Republican ever born, who will be born or who might be born (in perpetuity.)
[FONT=&quot]16. What Bill Clinton did in the 1960s is of vital national interest, but what Bush did in the Â’80s is irrelevant.
[FONT=&quot]17. Support for hunters who shoot their friends and blame them for wearing orange vests similar to those worn by the quail.
[FONT=&quot]18. Believe that Ann Coulter, her Skeletor-like body and Adam's Apple are attractive.
[FONT=&quot]19. must support the appointment of child predators to congresional committees that are aimed at stopping the abduction and exploitation of children
[FONT=&quot]21. Every country that is not Westernized deserves to be bombed
[FONT=&quot]22.you must encourage people to be themselves,unless being themselves involves being liberal
[FONT=&quot]23.Having an intern give you oral sex in the White House is a crime punishable by impeachment, but unilaterally invading a country, lying to the world and getting almost 5,000 American soldiers killed is perfectly fine... And, God is a white American who hates foreigners...[/FONT]

there were a malevolent power "Out there" who wanted nothing more than the dissolution of the United States and ALL that it's stood for. What would they want to do to RUIN us the best??
Get us to rally against ourselves. To draw up two dichotomous positions so that no matter which way any American felt about life and priorities therein...they'd find it easy to slip right into one of two very general camps: Right VS Left. (But in the eyes of this imaginary malevolent adversary....all that would matter is NOT which of these two camps was "Correct" or "best", but just so long as it was camp one against camp two and that it was American VS American.)

We're writing on a "Martial Arts" website here. What's MORE effective? Throwing your attacks at an opponent? OR Getting them to defeat themselves? To cause them to be SO concerned with their own internal choices, to get them to oscillate back and forth between two 'opposing' choices to the point that they oppose themselves? The cliché of "Use their own strength against them" comes to mind. A house divided....between two pillars that pull in opposite directions.....cannot stand.

ME? I feel that partisanship, on either "Side" is the greater of the three evils.
To knee-Jerk OPPOSE someone, get angry and distrustful of them, and to immediately doubt them and think them a Fool or worse....your opponent....simply because they come form ( OR: You THINK they come from... ) the opposite camp as You (Right vs. Left / Left vs. Right, Conservative Vs. Liberal) ...... is WRONG

IF America fails or succeeds, it won't be the fault of the Left, it won't be the fault of the Right, it WILL be the fault of AMERICAN's. The "Fail" or "Succeed" choice is as simple as "United"

Your Brother
Liberal Pacifism was supposed to be ironic. The violence of the left is incredible, and is easily documented. It wouldn't be as annoying if it weren't for the fact that they then blame groups like the tea party for the "potential of violence," when there haven't been any violent gatherings of the tea party. Of cours, every time the g8, g20 the wto, and any other group comes in, they are rioting, throwing garbage cans through the windows of every starbucks they can find. They threw eggs at tea party buses, which was caught on video, the beat up Bobby Jindals campaign worker and Ken Gladney, they attack Prince Charles and his wife. The list is long and distinguished.
You know, this thread is rights and "lefts," thanks blade96 for the list.
actually bushidomartialarts(long name, lots of typing) that is incorrect. Conservative today means someone who supports low taxes, free enterprise, individual rights, strict construction of the constitution, the bill of rights including freedom of religion and the second amendment and others. Liberal means supports redistribution of income through heavy taxation of people deemed wealthy, a large federal bureaucracy, dicrimination based on past inequality, a living breathing constitution, seperation of church and state to an extreme degree, and the second ammendment applies to hunting(for now) and muskets and a militia, it is not an individual right, to name a few differences.

I don't suppose you want to add that 'American liberals' believe that because it's the only place they do, liberals here and the rest of Europe believe what you say American conservatives do. If you are going to post things up about Europe, the UK etc you need use the words correctly.
Not all states have a dept of education and its in our best interest to have an educated citizenry.
Would that money not be better spent by the states? Look at the "No child left behind" a federal Govt program that has totally screwed up our school system. Teachers now teach to pass a test and not teach kids to think and figure out real skills. I think each state knows what its people need.
I have to hand it to you, you are effecient. You both miss the point and make it. :) It seems that too many people on both sides are willing to believe anything in order to attack the other side. Never mind that there is plenty of idiocy and stupidity to go around from both sides. Doesn't matter as long as you are able to attack the other side. Too many are doing as much as they can to make the other side less than real people who care about thier country. Billcihak is a perfect example of this. He'll believe anything negative of the left and then repeat it for the world to hear. Look for yourself. He starts a thread with a negative article about the left being "pacifist." In the same thread he writes a post denigrating the left for being responsible for "most of the political violence." See the problem there? In all fairness, billicihak isn't by any means alone in that type of behaviour, from the right or the left. However, it is pretty difficult to have an honest political conversation when the only constant is the desire to attack the other side.
It was more of a tongue and cheek response to your post I donÂ’t believe most of it nor do I believe most people really believe that its said more of a joking stereotype like when you make fun of a rival sports team. If you look at the very next one I gave you my true feelings about the topics you posted.
making fun of the south?
heaven help me...but when a politician runs on the platform of 'but the other guy wants to teach evolution in school' you have to admit things are a bit out of whack. Besides, I can make fun of my home state, so right back atcha.

But maybe you are right, maybe they don't deserve to be enlightened by oh, let's say DC and given a shot in the arm, after all, they do their darndest to make state money support the neighboring states (AKA we don't want no lottery...)

You think DC is enlightened? I live here come take a ride with me and see how enlightened we are. By the way dont bring anything you dont want stolen and make sure you have a good life insurance policy for your family when you come because you might not make it back.

The South has some of the best universities in the country including Alabama, Florida, Auburn, LSU, Mississippi State, Clemson, Texas, Texas Tech, ect to say the only "smart" people come from the north is just not true.
You think DC is enlightened? I live here come take a ride with me and see how enlightened we are. By the way dont bring anything you dont want stolen and make sure you have a good life insurance policy for your family when you come because you might not make it back.

The South has some of the best universities in the country including Alabama, Florida, Auburn, LSU, Mississippi State, Clemson, Texas, Texas Tech, ect to say the only "smart" people come from the north is just not true.

And where did I say that? Or anybody for that matter.

Yes, there are a lot of smart people in the south. And a lot of good schools.

But they are vastly outnumbered by the blind folded and piss-poor schools that make your eyes bleed.
And frankly, you, like most everybody else, falls for the secondary education thing.
The primary education, Elementary schools to High School, that's where it's sadly lacking.

And like I said: I am here, so don't tell me what I see out my window!
Would that money not be better spent by the states? Look at the "No child left behind" a federal Govt program that has totally screwed up our school system. Teachers now teach to pass a test and not teach kids to think and figure out real skills. I think each state knows what its people need.
I don't believe it's at all that simple. Education, like health care, needs to be addressed. Also like health care, there are many stakeholders each with idea and interests, and not all of them are altruistic.

So, simple answer: maybe. I don't know. If it's done right, sure. It would be great. If not, it would be a debacle. I do think that we can reasonably expect a certain standard throughout the country. Kids should know how to read, write, manage their bank account, be able to think critically and know a little about the world in which we live. That's not too much to ask.

Also, we need to remember that public schools are funded through a combination of public funds from all levels of government, federal down to local. It's not as though States have no say in how the kids are educated.
I don't suppose you want to add that 'American liberals' believe that because it's the only place they do, liberals here and the rest of Europe believe what you say American conservatives do. If you are going to post things up about Europe, the UK etc you need use the words correctly.
Tez, you keep bringing this up. Just to clue you in, I think everyone understands that politics in England are even more screwed up than here. You've made that very clear. ;)
So, simple answer: maybe. I don't know. If it's done right, sure. It would be great. If not, it would be a debacle.

Local control has many things to recommend it, to be sure. However, there is one big glaring downside to local control/local funding: how well funded most schools are is entirely a function of local property values. In many cases I am aware of, maybe even most, local schools are funded by local property taxes, and in some cases, locally voted on bond measures.

The implications are obvious. We say we want to give everyone a chance to get a decent education and work their way out of poverty, but schools in poor districts will generally be deficient in funding.
A good column about when American politic was really violent, and you get the bonus mugshot of President Obama's terrorist friend Bill Ayer's included.


the “Days of Rage” as described by John Jacobs of the Weatherman faction of the Students for a Democratic Society:
Weatherman would shove the war down their dumb, fascist throats and show them, while we were at it, how much better we were than them, both tactically and strategically, as a people. In an all-out civil war over Vietnam and other fascist U.S. imperialism, we were going to bring the war home. “Turn the imperialists’ war into a civil war”, in Lenin’s words. And we were going to kick ***.

And kick *** they did, hurling Molotov cocktails, setting off fatal bombs, and shooting police. Well, it was the sixties and the early seventies and that was what we did and said then. Ask Bill Ayers and others of the time who remain unrepentant. I’m not one of them. I think it was crazy.
But I bring it all back now for one reason — to point out that what we are going through currently, this supposed period of extreme rhetoric bemoaned by so many pundits and politicians, is but a minute radar blip compared to that era.
And some of these pundits and pols are old enough to remember. Apparently, they choose not to.

The left’s confused and ambivalent attitude toward violence has never gone away and has now been projected out on their opponents.
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