Mostly Harmless
And this, from both sides, is the crux of the problem. When one starts to believe that the other side is wrong. Not a view I don't share, not coming from a differnt angle. Just plain wrong. They're wrong, they don't count. I have no need to listen to what they say. That is a dangerous path to go down. You lose civility in the political discourse. It's easier to put down your opponent because he doesn't count. After all, he's wrong, so why bother. Never mind he may have a better approach, or that combining solutions may result in a better one.
All you end up with is 2 polarized sides that don't talk to each other, whose goal is to wrest power from the other, and the welfare of the country be damned.
I really think you liberals need to understand the rules of the game. It's about time someone wrote a few of them down for you.
To start with, you're just being a wishy washy. Moral relativism is a trait to be reviled and detested (I know they mean the same thing, but that's how hated it should be). It's also a leftist trait. True conservatives believe that there is right and there is wrong. There is no middle ground, nor is there any room for debate. So, this bollocks about meeting half way is going to have to stop.
Conservatives are right, even when they're not. And liberals are wrong all the time... and when they're right, it's because they listened to a conservative.
And should a conservative be wrong, we will discuss at length all of the liberals throughout history who were also wrong.
And if a liberal is wrong, we will say, "I told you so."
And if a trait is shown to be evil, we will make that trait liberal. Particularly if we don't share that trait... but even if we do.
And if there is a villain, whether fictional or not, he or she or it was a liberal. Darth Vader was liberal. So was the Grinch.
If a conservative media outlet says something over the top or incorrect, it was a joke... come on, people. A joke.
If a liberal media outlet says something over the top, it was a plot.
All media outlets are liberal. Fox news, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Times, The NY Post and Drudge don't exist... move along, there is nothing to see here. These aren't the droids you're looking for. You can go about your business.
If a conservative media outlet says something three times, it's fact. Even if it isn't fact. And if they're called on it, see above: it was a joke.
And before I get hate mail, I'll just say out loud that this is intended to be tongue in cheek. Deep breaths.