Pens as Weapons.

Tokamura Kensho Sensei has created a kata specifically for a weapon that resembles a pen. A pen or a pair of pens could easily be substituted. I have used a pair of scissors to practice the kata. Works fine.

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I can't be bothered to read all 6 pages so sorry if this point has already been mentioned but if you want to carry a pen for stabbing/striking/wrist-locks/pressure points etc don't get a pen with a clicker on the top. Get one with a lid or one that protrudes the tip by turning. If you ever do have to strike someone with a pen you're probably going to use some variation of a hammerfist and you'll want your thumb on top of the non-stabbing/impacting end. With a clicker pen this doesn't work because in pressing down you're protruding/withdrawing the nib.
The movie casino has a great pen scene. Violence warning. You can google casino pen scene and get all kinds of hits. Decent movie great scene. Just in case a person cannot be bothered to google here is one link.

Brian King
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I carry one of the so-called "tactical" pens in the ER. It works just fine as a pen, plus it has a penlight in the top.

At one point, I got one for a female co-worker that worked just fine as a pen, after you twisted it to extend the tip. And if you pressed the clicker, it shot pepper spray.
I carry one of the so-called "tactical" pens in the ER. It works just fine as a pen, plus it has a penlight in the top.

At one point, I got one for a female co-worker that worked just fine as a pen, after you twisted it to extend the tip. And if you pressed the clicker, it shot pepper spray.

And a give away if someone "borrowed" her pen... They're the ones with the face full of pepper spray!
Was reading through this thread again today and had a thought. A felt tip marker being quite bulky, could marry itself to a Sheffield steel fork. Yeah a random thought, but the more I think about it, still removed from the idea, that would be deadly!!
Just as an aside, does anyone still use a fountain pen for writing ( as opposed to fighting with lol) I love writing with them so use mine quite a bit.

yes I love my fountain pen for writing. prefer a ballpoint if I need a weapon!
Decade ago.Was getting onto Greyhound bus.Security guard and I were joking about how he had to search all.everyone for fingernail clippers etc ,small illegal items.But we were laughing about how the simple plastic ballpoint pen is deadliest weapon anyone could carry. Guy was old Korean war vet and could easily see how with a pen= throat -out,ripped open.shoulders -hit into the joints and disable the arm.Break wrist or through inside of elbow. All the laws to protect the riders and the most dangerous weapon = simple pen. Now search for bombs= understand. but of all the so-called illegal items,many are a JOKE. I try to remember always to carry two pens in shirt pocket. w/o removing the top/can still do devastating damage to anyone slower than I am or equal speed.End game is all about who can move faster.
Fun part is to remove your pen and loudly demand "What's your name.I am going to write"-stop AND STRIKE while opponent's brain is engaged with what a big joke you are and how funny you are-"down your name!!" SSun tzu-"the art of war is the art of distraction." Prem Pal Singh Rawat-"anytime someone is distracting you-they are making a fool out of you." I would go for the shouldre joints,or between/down the ribs for max PAIN, as throat strike could kill, easily KILL.
My grip=always same as for knife -point forward held like kitchen knife while cutting a steak.
Decade ago.Was getting onto Greyhound bus.Security guard and I were joking about how he had to search all.everyone for fingernail clippers etc ,small illegal items.But we were laughing about how the simple plastic ballpoint pen is deadliest weapon anyone could carry. Guy was old Korean war vet and could easily see how with a pen= throat -out,ripped open.shoulders -hit into the joints and disable the arm.Break wrist or through inside of elbow. All the laws to protect the riders and the most dangerous weapon = simple pen. Now search for bombs= understand. but of all the so-called illegal items,many are a JOKE. I try to remember always to carry two pens in shirt pocket. w/o removing the top/can still do devastating damage to anyone slower than I am or equal speed.End game is all about who can move faster.
Fun part is to remove your pen and loudly demand "What's your name.I am going to write"-stop AND STRIKE while opponent's brain is engaged with what a big joke you are and how funny you are-"down your name!!" SSun tzu-"the art of war is the art of distraction." Prem Pal Singh Rawat-"anytime someone is distracting you-they are making a fool out of you." I would go for the shouldre joints,or between/down the ribs for max PAIN, as throat strike could kill, easily KILL.
My grip=always same as for knife -point forward held like kitchen knife while cutting a steak.

The TSA once confiscated my wives tweezers, while I was carrying a large, sturdy, metal-bodied pen.
I always carry a ball point pen and sharpened pencil with me just in case. I've done so since the 9/11 attacks. For some reason it occurred to me that if I had one on a plane I wouldn't be defenseless in the situation. Plus you can bring pens anywhere, pencils especially. 14 years later, I've learned you can roll a magazine into a baton, and even use a coin to gouge.

Heck, I imagine even a handheld lighter could act as a kubabaton, or at least a tiny one. Jackets can be easily used to handle a knife attack as well, and perhaps taking it to a ridiculous extreme, when I wear sandles I think about how I could kick it into the person as a distraction and then wallop them.

So I suppose what makes something a weapon, in its essence, is how you use it. A jacket for example wont do too much damage if you whip them with it or swing it, etc, but it could be life saving if someone is trying to stab you and you use it to shield. I remember once coming to a friends house and his dalmation attacked me; had I not had a book I was holding for whatever reason to cover my wrist I would have been seriously mauled. I still have the book and there are two deep holes in it from where the dog attempted to bite me but got it instead. I got lucky I suppose. The cell-phones I buy have to be hand held, and small enough to fit in my hand while still being large enough that if I swung with them they could make a point of impact before my hand does. I suppose I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to what I wear and keep on me.

Anything honestly can become a weapon, but pens seem ready made to be so- the sharper its point the more it can rend and tear, but I do not think it can cut smoothly. The cut it will make would probably be akin to a cats, where it jumps from point to point in the serrated line. But then I could be wrong- I have never cut or stabbed someone with a pen. One thing this post made me wonder is, if its a pen that bleeds easily, can the ink itself become a poison? Surely with applied pressure and movement along the tissue the ink would come out as well. Not saying you should do that as that seems overly malicious, but it seems like something that would happen if it were utilized.
Heh, why not? I'm trying to think of how though. I suppose at the least you could jam it in their eye if its balled up. I guess I have to take the jab; is it single ply?

Cause that's already kind of a weapon to a lot of people's bums haha.
A piece of toilet paper?

toilet paper shank

Those pens look awesome! I would definitely buy one.
I once had a similar, slightly less sensible line of reasoning with stainless steel chopsticks. I thought it was clever at first but....
yeah it didn't really end up being all that clever.

Heh, those chopsticks look like pens also. Wouldn't that be interestingly utilizable if done well?

I'm also wondering if that TP shank used only one roll.

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