Pelosi: 500 Million Americans will lose their jobs

Well I, for one, am greatly happy now that we have smarter, more moral, leadership. *beams*

Democrats: The best people in the whole world.
I feel so much better knowing that such great mathematicians are in power.It makes me feel warm all over. Mind be the global warming though.
Pretty funny stuff. Especially since she said it twice, so apparently nobody bothered to mention that by her estimation, the entire planet will be jobless within a year.

As for Americans... wow... we'd better get moving, we only have ~8 days until we're all without jobs! (130 M working Americans, 500 M losing their job every month...)

Why do statements like these make me feel so much LESS confident about little things like trillion dollar economic stimulus packages?
She misspoke. Meant to say thousand. Find something meaningful to complain about.

Wow double standards afoot how many times have you in the past bagged on Bush for "mis-speaking" come on empty hands your better than that...
It's clear if you listen to the second clip that she meant what she said and tried to pla off the interviewers correction. Considering that she supported the banking bailout that was fast tracked without proper protections, and is now trying to fast track another ill designed bailout, her credibility and reliability is in question, as is that of almost all of Congress, and the President (since he as a Senator also was in favor of the prior and as President of the latter).
Maybe she meant BLOW jobs.

In which case I am receiving far below my quota already ... :angry:
Never, actually. Clearly, you are unfamiliar with my posting history.

And how many times in your posting history have you told those who bagged on Bush for misspeaking to "find something meaningful to complain about"?
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Any conspiracy theorists how there who notice that the Patriot Act 'just happened' to be ready right after 9/11 find any comparisons to this stimulus package and how fast it got to Congress considering it's size and scope?
The screwed up one from November, the one currently being fasttracked, or the one the are currently working on that'll be fasttracked next month? (Yes, there is another one planned -after- this one is passed.)
And how many times in your posting history have you told those who bagged on Bush for misspeaking to "find something meaningful to complain about"?

A few. I've also criticized those who used terms like Chimpy, BuSh and Bushitler. I've always tried to keep my criticism meaningful, and I hate the conversion of politics into warring playground name calling. It's easy to criticize Bush on substantive grounds, why bother with the stupid stuff?
It's easy to criticize Bush on substantive grounds, why bother with the stupid stuff?

MOST critics were just parroting what the media said without any critical thinking or looking past what the liberal talking heads were spoon feeding them.