Head on a pike...

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Elder, you crossed the line. I have notified the moderators. Thanks.

Which line is that, billi?

The "post a photo you put into the public domain line?"

The "post a decapitated faceless head on a pike-also completely in the public domain, and on topic-line?"

THe "post a music video line? "

I know-the "completely impatient with obtuseness" line.

I confess, I have anger management issues. Of course, I wouldn't have them if some people didn't have stupidity management issues....:lfao:

It's been years since I wore my hair this way, but he does kinda look like me, and this one is real! The guy was running from a cop, fell off a building, and decapitated himself on a fence!
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Oh, and the music video? The theme from the series True Blood. Decapitations and gore galore! Love it!

You sleep well, now billi....:lfao:
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Please keep the conversation polite and respectful.

Asst. Admin.

Bill's been a good sport about the poems, digs, barbs, and outright BS thrown in his direction. But it ends.


I will remind -everyone- that this isn't an insane asylum, and that this site has rules.

I strongly suggest reviewing Sections 1.9 and 9.5, re: Stalking and Harassment.

9.5 Harassment / Stalking

Members may not harass other members. Harassing behavior directed towards an individual or group with the intent of creating an intimidating, offensive, or hostile environment on the boards, with or without use of explicit or implicit threats is strictly prohibited. Stalking is also not allowed. Stalking is defined here in part as constantly searching for a user, following them around from thread to thread and attempting to always be the next poster after them.

If anyone makes you feel uncomfortable, end the interaction and ignore him or her if they persist in trying to contact you. If they won't stop, if you are a teen, report them to your parents; if you are an adult, report them to the police. Law enforcement is taking Internet harassment, stalking, and exploitation very seriously and will take action. If you feel that another member is being pushy or putting you in an uncomfortable situation (such as pressing you into an email exchange), please let our staff know and we investigate.

Bill's not as far as I am aware breaking any rules. His positions, views, and conclusions may not be in the realm of 'popular', or 'accepted', but I don't recall having a differing view as a rules violation.

So enough already.

As to the use of his photo here without his consent, let me remind everyone that posting a photo on Facebook does NOT place it in the public domain. The regular number of Take Down notices, DMCA notices and invoices I send out for unauthorized theft of my own work makes that legally clear.

Sections 4.17, 7 & 8 of our TOS btw.

Since this threads degenerated into a mess, it's locked.
Good night.
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