Just pokin the bears ;)

You all have obviously never visited the upper West Side of NYC, which is where the altercation took place. A bastion of liberalism, as opposed to the upper East Side, which is primarily Bush country.

Wanna bet the old lady is a relative of Robertson's????:idunno: :)
If she'd shared my genetic material, she wouldn't have hit anybody, especially not for such a silly reason as this.

She'd have outargued everybody else and provided better references.
Not over something as dumb as that. Beer, the Orioles, fishing, Jacques Derrida--something serious, sure.

But as I've remarked before, I don't think that martial arts is really a matter of fighting, anyway.
rmcrobertson said:
If she'd shared my genetic material, she wouldn't have hit anybody, especially not for such a silly reason as this.

She'd have outargued everybody else and provided better references.

Besides, she was extremely articulate in her interview.:)

Off to watch the debate.
Been quiet lately....


A statement of belief in Bush



How sweet it is, to be able to mouth off to your boss.
Or your ex-boss, anyway. I'm talking about Murray Light, the former editor of The Buffalo News. He hired me 11 years ago, and I always liked that about him (along with his knowledge of what makes a good martini).

But for months now, I've had to weather his attacks on President Bush. One column bore the headline "Bush popularity hard to understand."

And guess what? Now, I can speak up.

If Bush's popularity is hard to understand - well, I'll explain it. The best way to do this might be by explaining what makes many Republicans like myself tick. This Buffalo gal believes that:

• Fundamental to the human spirit is a yearning for freedom. Given the choice, people in Iraq, though they've never known freedom, will embrace it. Democracy is the greatest gift America can offer the world. I flatly reject the argument that cultural relativism gives tyranny a pass.

• Bush has a real war plan. It's easy for his opponent, John Kerry, to say, had he been president on Sept. 11, 2001, that he would have done everything differently. As Patti LuPone puts it, "Coulda, woulda, shoulda."

• I say, right war, right place, right time. In the short term, Bush's plan takes the war to the enemy so we don't have to fight them here at home. In the long term, a free Iraq will weaken its totalitarian neighbors. It will be much harder for Arab nations harboring terrorists to operate with a U.S. ally on their borders. Bush believes the democratization of these tyrannical states will be the stabilizing force that brings a peaceful future for our children.

• Bush is realistic. In Thursday's debate, Kerry relished proclaiming that Osama bin Laden, and not Saddam Hussein, attacked us. True, but that doesn't mean bin Laden is our only enemy. In action movies, civilization is saved by offing one mega-villain. Reality, though, is different.

Al-Qaida is designed to be fail-safe, like the Internet - decentralized, redundant, tough to eradicate. Islamic fundamentalists have declared a take-no-prisoners holy war against the United States. They won't be stopped by diplomacy, sensitivity or a six-month war. The Democrats' politicization of the Iraq war shows some of them missed the 9/11 wake-up call and others have a callous disregard for our security. We need real resolve.

• Kerry lacks that resolve. He has said we have to win in Iraq but has often contradicted himself for political expediency and said the war has been a mistake.

• Bush believes 35 percent is the highest income tax rate anyone should pay. Me too. Income taxes weren't originally intended to redistribute wealth or punish achievement but to fund necessary government services.

• Most feel-good social programs championed by Democrats have harmed many people. While arguably a worthy experiment, they've condemned generations to a cycle of poverty, dependence and shame while depriving society's weakest members.

• I can't stand the way Democrats patronize people with incentives not to succeed in order to perpetuate an underclass voting constituency. John Edwards' "Two Americas" is a tired trick to divide America and rally the poor against the rich, encouraging the poor to stay poor and voting Democratic.

• I like Bush, personally. You know where he stands. I respect his convictions, even the few I don't share. I get a kick out of that schoolboy giggle: "My opponent could spend 90 minutes debating with himself." And I like how he doesn't hide what he's feeling. Yes, he looked tired at Thursday's debate. Kerry had spent the day getting a manicure and a tan. Bush had to work.

• The debate's first question was: "Who can best prevent another 9/11?" Bush can. He already has.

e-mail: mkunz@buffnews.com
Well, there is a lotta garbage in the previous post (no offense) that I personally disagree with, but this one stuck to me...

The Democrats' politicization of the Iraq war shows some of them missed the 9/11 wake-up call and others have a callous disregard for our security. We need real resolve.

I absolutely love how conservative Republicans collapse 9/11 and the Iraq war --- even though we all know full well now that there is absolutely no connection between Saddam Hussein and "terrorism". Talk about politicization. These guys are going to be using 9/11 to justify everything they do for the next 25 years.

Gawd. :rolleyes:
heretic888 said:
Well, there is a lotta garbage in the previous post (no offense) that I personally disagree with, but this one stuck to me...

I absolutely love how conservative Republicans collapse 9/11 and the Iraq war --- even though we all know full well now that there is absolutely no connection between Saddam Hussein and "terrorism". Talk about politicization. These guys are going to be using 9/11 to justify everything they do for the next 25 years.

Gawd. :rolleyes:
And further to your comments, Herry: cheapening the deaths of almost 3,000 innocents, whose only crimes were being Americans and reporting to work to earn a living wage to feed and support their families and themselves is despicable. To use 9/11 as a political cudgel is disgraceful. If it was so important to Bush, where's the rest of the federal funds we were promised??!!

New York should secede!
While it's impossible to sort through the endless tangle of goofy nonsense, distortions of history, bizarre ideology, and just plain lies in that newspaper piece, I DID think that the single funniest bit was, "Bush is realistic."

Here's a guy who honestly thinks that gigantic tax cuts for the wealthiest will lead to financial stability and that we can nation-build in Iraq (though his VP several times claimed that we couldn't, which was why we shouldn't go into Iraq)--and oh yes, who honestly believes he's been chosen by God to lead America.

And he's the realistic one.

Oooookayyy, all righty then.
Feisty Mouse said:
I'd want to keep it! If nothing else, the finances of the country would suffer.
That's happened without New York seceeding(sp?). ;)
:) True - but it just wouldn't be the same without people from all over the country going to wander around Manhattan and be engulfed by waves of impatient, irritable, interesting people.
Feisty Mouse said:
:) True - but it just wouldn't be the same without people from all over the country going to wander around Manhattan and be engulfed by waves of impatient, irritable, interesting people.
What makes you say that? Huh? Huh? :ultracool

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