TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 4, 2004 #1,181 Receiving criticism is taken usually in the spirit in which it was given.
Ceicei Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 4, 2004 #1,182 Given a choice, most people will choose pleasure over pain.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 4, 2004 #1,183 Pain isn't noticed as much when you are in the martial arts. (least not until a day later )
Ceicei Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 5, 2004 #1,184 Martial arts, for many people, is a favorite activity that takes up a lot of time.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 5, 2004 #1,185 Time is best spent in activities that you most enjoy.
Ceicei Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 7, 2004 #1,186 Enjoy what you have for no person knows how long life (on Earth as we know it) will last.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 8, 2004 #1,187 Last night, I was leg tired from walking all day through art fairs.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 9, 2004 #1,189 Visits to friends or loved ones that have no airport are easier done in the summer even though it is too hot.
Visits to friends or loved ones that have no airport are easier done in the summer even though it is too hot.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 16, 2004 #1,191 Common interest in martial arts makes MartialTalk so successful.
Ceicei Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 17, 2004 #1,194 Relative or not, we are all related in some way--depending on how far back you go.
Lisa Don't get Chewed! MTS Alumni Aug 18, 2004 #1,195 Go tell it on a mountain, over the hills and far away!
Ceicei Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 18, 2004 #1,196 Away went the foot--and the body--when the kick is done incorrectly.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 20, 2004 #1,197 Incorrectly done form for a test would certainly result in failure.
MA-Caver Sr. Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 21, 2004 #1,198 failure can happen sometimes, it's the often known inability to accept it that's the problem.
TigerWoman Senior Master Lifetime Supporting Member Aug 22, 2004 #1,199 Problems to a martial artist either have to be solved or they can be a hindrance at minimum or a roadblock at maximum.
Problems to a martial artist either have to be solved or they can be a hindrance at minimum or a roadblock at maximum.
Ceicei Grandmaster MT Mentor Aug 23, 2004 #1,200 Maximum dedication to training is often found prior to promotion.