Towel SNAP Game!


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
MT Mentor
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Here's the rules:

Discussion starts and the key word (chosen and bolded by the writer) must contain two contiguous letters of the word "SNAP" with P and S considered contiguous only in that order.

Player one types a sentence with a key word that must contain "S" and "N". Player two types a sentence relevant in conversation with Player One with a key word that must contain "N" and "A".
Player Three also types a sentence relevant in conversation with Player Two with a key word that must contain "A" and "P".
Player Four types a sentence relevant in convo with Player Three with a key word that must contain "P" and "S".

For ease of reading, please bold your key word and CAPITALIZE the key letters.

The idea is to continuously spell the word SNAP - so the keywords have to contain the key letters IN ORDER.

At any time, I might PM a player with the word "SNAP" and when I do, that person has to interject "SNAP!" into the conversation and is responsible for snapping the next person.

I'll start. Ready?
I often struggle to reprimand my oldest boy, with all SeriousNess, to quit picking his nose in public.
Sam said:
thats not going to spell sNAp over and over

its gonna spell

snnaapps over and over

There ya go, Sam!

Next Player!!
PerhapS he will grow out of it.
If he doesn't, you may have to grab him by the NApe of the neck and shake him some.
Kacey said:
If he doesn't, you may have to grab him by the NApe of the neck and shake him some.

APparently, even that doesn't work.
Let me tell you how I spent my evening last night. Yesterday afternoon my son slipped off the monkey bars and his elbow went SNAP! Swelled up nasty and we had to spend most of evening in the emergency room. Honest.
*DOH! Realising that she messed up! ..okay back to the game.

Don't worry green meanie, give him a few weeks and he will be off SiNging happily again.
Flatlander said:
ROFL! You did too. This rules to this game require a KNACK for details....

... and an APtitude for paying attention. :ultracool

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