*peeks in* ahem...newbie here...:-p (and a game for us!)

Storm techniques are stick/club defenses.
Kenpo is one of the several martial art styles.
Styles can sometimes be very useful when predicting and describing how someone will move or act - truly gifted artists transcend them, however.
Contradiction of opinions exist within groups of people.
Regularly practicing your martial art moves will help improve your skills.
Skills may be enough to win some battles, but for others it takes heart.
"Born in the USA" is/was a popular song heard frequently on the radio.
Able to think quickly and react automatically is good self defense.
Originally posted by Ceicei
Able to think quickly and react automatically is good self defense.

Defense is the act of defending against attack, danger, or injury.
Injury is best avoided by keeping the body strong and flexible - do that and you should see consistent progress.
Originally posted by pknox
Injury is best avoided by keeping the body strong and flexible - do that and you should see consistent progress.

Progress is a hard word to start a sentence off of. :eek: