Pay To Spar


Yellow Belt

I was wondering if there is a system where you pay to mma spar some one or join a mma sparring session? I don't want to pay for mma school membership but just do mma sparring. I am learning mma and want more sparring time. Has there ever been something like that. If yes what is it called. I think pay to spar existed in the 70's through 2000. If there was or is something like that what was/is called?

I can’t help you with the MMA question, but there wasn’t any pay to spar going on from 1970 to 2000.

How many MMA places are available to you where you are?
You may find a gym with open mat/open ring time, and there would likely be a fee for it. I doubt anyone has a stable of guys/gals standing around waiting to pick up matches for a few bucks...

Maybe it's a business opportunity?

I was wondering if there is a system where you pay to mma spar some one or join a mma sparring session? I don't want to pay for mma school membership but just do mma sparring. I am learning mma and want more sparring time. Has there ever been something like that. If yes what is it called. I think pay to spar existed in the 70's through 2000. If there was or is something like that what was/is called?

It would be location specific. If there are a lot of traditional gyms in your area, that is where I could check first. You are just going to have to do the legwork at the schools in your area. Look for places that have open mat nights.
The liability of it is going to be a limiting factor.
Some gyms have open mat sparring sessions that are open to people from outside the gym. Sometimes these are free, sometimes there is a mat fee. The only way to find out is to call the gyms close to you.

Hiring sparring partners is also a thing. Professional fighters do it all the time. However the cost per sparring hour would likely end up being significantly more than you would be paying for a regular MMA gym membership.

BTW - you asked this same question 7 months ago and it was answered then.

That said, how exactly are you "learning MMA"? You say that you don't want to pay for membership to an MMA gym. Your previous posts ask about potential gyms and martial arts, but I don't see any mention of you actually starting to train anywhere. (I also don't see any mention of any other martial arts training you might have.) If you aren't training with any MMA coaches or fighters or other students, then you aren't learning MMA. Watching video isn't going to cut it. And if you want to just step into MMA sparring with trained fighters and you not having any training or experience yourself, it's not really going to go well.
We do sparring dedicated classes. And have outside guys come to that.

The cost is not being a flog. (And a mat fee)