Pay to fight a professional

Must be nice to have so much free time and money to want to do this type of stuff.

Must be nice to have so much free time and money to want to do this type of stuff.

I wouldn’t know personally. The Dom is just a good old friend that kinda fell into that business and has done quite well for herself. Maybe you could get a black vinyl cat suit and 6 inch stilettos and give it a go…
Must be nice to have so much free time and money to want to do this type of stuff.

Frankly, I think these guys do this because they think "something else" might finally happen this time.
I wouldn’t know personally. The Dom is just a good old friend that kinda fell into that business and has done quite well for herself. Maybe you could get a black vinyl cat suit and 6 inch stilettos and give it a go…
Lol huh? Well at least they have a safe word. Lol