Parents tattoo kids....

I always told my kids that they can anything they want to their hair and bodies before they’re 18 just so long as its not permanent. My daughter has traditional earrings, nothing out of the norm. My son had hair down to his ***. A couple of months after he turned 18 he got a tat of our Scottish family crest on his shoulder, and cut his hair to “normal” length. No problem, he’s legally an adult.

Bruno is correct, children are by definition not “property”.

If children had their way, if we allowed them to fulfill their every whim, they’d all stay away from school, eat crap food, watch TV all day and play on the computer. We know that they are kids, and as such do not have the life skills to make judgment calls regarding decisions today that will have consequences years down the road.

I know many people who got tattoos years ago when they were younger and regret the decision today.

I think we are all in agreement that the parents were wrong in this situation. If the kids are so hell bent on getting tattoos, a six year wait isn’t so long for something you truly want.
the world needs burger flippers too, and dont tell me to chill out, i am perfectly calm. I dont need to calm down OR chill out, DUDE

I just dont think the government needs to get into the people business.

And how we raise our kids is NOT the governments concern.

and following your logic, you cant name your kid something stupid, because it might make life harder for them

following your logic, you cant home school, since it might make it harder on them later..

following your logic, a case could be made for not allowing people to raise thier kids as christians, since it might make it harder on them later

see where it is going?

you are setting yourself up for the government to come in and rule every aspect of your life.

screw that

that isnt what america is about.

I do not agree with these parents, but i damned sure dont think the government needs to be involved in how we raise our kids.

Just because they may not physically harm their kid, ie: beating/abusing them, doesn't mean that the after effect of the tat will not mentally harm the kid. So, going by what you're saying, you'd see nothing wrong with a parent letting their young kid stay up all night, no sleep and then sending them off to school? So, when the kid ****s up, fails, drops out and becomes a total loser, thats ok...because they're not HARMing them?

"Would you like fries and a coke with that burger sir?"

Ahh..yes....thank God for job security! LOL! LOL!
Perhaps this is another option.

Wears off, and it may be a good trail period for someone who's considering getting a permanent one.
the world needs burger flippers too, and dont tell me to chill out, i am perfectly calm. I dont need to calm down OR chill out, DUDE

Actually, I think you do. Frankly, you're getting your panties in a wad, and IIRC, you've already been spanked for actions like these before, so keep it up Dude! :D Funny, how you can't seem to participate in a discussion without causing disruption. I'll be sure to RTM some of your recent posts. Let the non involved mods decide whether you need a time out or if you can act like the adult you claim to be.

I just dont think the government needs to get into the people business.

Has nothing to do with the govt, but instead some common sense, which is obviously lacking with these people.

And how we raise our kids is NOT the governments concern.

and following your logic, you cant name your kid something stupid, because it might make life harder for them

following your logic, you cant home school, since it might make it harder on them later..

following your logic, a case could be made for not allowing people to raise thier kids as christians, since it might make it harder on them later

see where it is going?

you are setting yourself up for the government to come in and rule every aspect of your life.

screw that

that isnt what america is about.

Then perhaps you should move to some deserted island in the middle of nowhere, where you can run things the way YOU think they should be. Like it or not pal, the govt. tells us what to do all the time. As I said, if someone wants to be dumb, and tat their kid, who can't think for themselves, then so be it, as long as the parent is willing to accept the fact that they will be dictating how their child survives in the world, once they're old enough to go out in it, on their own.

I do not agree with these parents, but i damned sure dont think the government needs to be involved in how we raise our kids.


Oh, and as far as the burger flippers go...LOL, LOL, sure, thats right, God knows we need people to work in DQ, BK, and McDonalds...but if thats the extent of the career that that person wants, because they look like they do, then so be it. They'll move from burger flipper, to fry monitor, to shake mixer. LOL!
did your parents have you circumcized?
Yeah. Had no choice in that one. Interesting how many men wish they hadn't been mutilated by their parents over a fad.

Kids don't make the most rational of decisions. Neither it seems do parents. Sorry, but I'm in agreement with the LAW here, that tattooing minors isn't a smart thing to do.
now YOU are starting with the personal attacks, which i have not done, and that WILL get some panties in a wad, DUDE.
I agree with that too bob, but i (1) dont like the double standard and (2) dont like the anti-tattoo bias i saw here and (3) some people are getting into my **** and I dont like that since I have been perfectly calm and reasonable and (4) this country was founded on the idea that the government was to be kept on a tight rein, OUT of the lives of the people as much as possible.

I think these parents are prob idiots, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT

if it isnt harmfull, it isnt the governments business.

Yeah. Had no choice in that one. Interesting how many men wish they hadn't been mutilated by their parents over a fad.

Kids don't make the most rational of decisions. Neither it seems do parents. Sorry, but I'm in agreement with the LAW here, that tattooing minors isn't a smart thing to do.
now YOU are starting with the personal attacks, which i have not done, and that WILL get some panties in a wad, DUDE.

Personal attacks? Really? Hmm...then RTM my posts, if they're so out of line. Sorry, but that wasn't a personal attack, that was fact stating. I can see that you're getting a bit hot under the collar....then again, typical par for the course I suppose.

As I said, you're entitled to your opinions, as I am mine. Difference is, you're getting soooo upset, because I disagree with you.
ok, now you are clearly getting delusional.......
Naw, the question here is, if we put my pic next to yours, would your mamma be able to tell which one was her son, and the other a really big dick?
I agree with that too bob, but i (1) dont like the double standard and (2) dont like the anti-tattoo bias i saw here and (3) some people are getting into my **** and I dont like that since I have been perfectly calm and reasonable and (4) this country was founded on the idea that the government was to be kept on a tight rein, OUT of the lives of the people as much as possible.

I think these parents are prob idiots, BUT THATS NOT THE POINT

if it isnt harmfull, it isnt the governments business.

Sigh....once again, I'm not anti tattoo. As long as the person getting them understands that it very well may have an effect on the rest of their life. As for the parents....I'm not the only one thinking those people are a few donuts short of a dozen, so....

And as for the govt...sigh...once again John...can I call you John, or will that offend you too.....if you're so unhappy with the govt., then move away to somewhere, where YOU can be your own boss, and wont have to listen to authority. Hmmm...then again....oh, never mind...what I was about to say may have been a personal attack. ;)
since you clearly dont know what a "persoanl attack" is let me help you out.


then again, typical par for the course I suppose.

is one

Let me spell it out for you REALLY simply

I could not care less if you agree with me or not, you NOT agreeing with me? that gives me a happy.

I am not hot about anything, but you are starting to get on my nerves.

Not because you disagree, but because of your comments towards tattoos and people that have jobs you consider for "losers"
Anyone who wants to have a minor tattooed is welcome to bring their minor to Massachusetts, where it is legal to tattoo someone underage with the parent's permission. We could use the tourism dollars here in New England. :idunno:
I'm not the only one thinking those people are a few donuts short of a dozen, so....

as do i, but that again, ISNT THE POINT

government interferrence in the lives of the people isnt what this country is about.

civics 101
sorry cant help you there, apparently the roads are covered with snow and ice and John dont drive on snow and ice

Anyone who wants to have a minor tattooed is welcome to bring their minor to Massachusetts, where it is legal to tattoo someone underage with the parent's permission. We could use the tourism dollars here in New England. :idunno: