How the Israelis handle airport security
- U.S. authorities have stepped up airport screening after failed Christmas Day attack
- Consultant Isaac Yeffet says Israel safeguards planes by interviewing all passengers
- He says well-trained agents can detect attackers and prevent incidents
- Yeffet: Security people need to be constantly tested -- and fired if they fail
CNN: What do you think of using full body scanners?
Yeffet: I am against it, this is once again patch on top of patch. Look what happened, Richard Reid, the shoebomber, hid the explosives in his shoes. The result -- all of us have to take off our shoes when we come to the airport. The Nigerian guy hid his explosives in his underwear. The result -- everyone now will be seen naked. Is this the security system that we want?
We have millions of Muslims in this country. I am not Muslim, but I am very familiar with the tradition, I respect the tradition. Women who walk on the street cover their body from head to toe. Can you imagine the reaction of the husband? Excuse me, wait on the side, we want to see your wife's body naked?... This is not an answer.