As I mentioned in the Tapi thread; my view points, maybe my understanding of drills, etc. etc. has changed over the years. As I read over some of the previous threads on the subject in 2002-2006 time frame here on MT, people were discussing that the Professor stressed 3 things; The Flow, Counter for Counter (Tapi Tapi), and It's all the same. I think the posters were saying that the Professor said that anyone of those three things were the heart of Modern Arnis at one time or another. And there was a lot of debate as to where the Tapi drills fit.
Not meaning to really rehash the Tapi debate; but I was wondering how your understanding, your emphasis maybe on teaching Modern Arnis, etc. etc. has changed if at all over the past 15-20+ years. I say 20 years because I started in 1995 in Modern Arnis under the Professor (actually it was 1994 under Hock in Presas Arnis but.... I started at the camps in 95 with Remy so I'll start there for purposes of discussion). Of course I use the + for those that started before me and the 15 years to represent when Remy was still teaching at the camps.
Not meaning to really rehash the Tapi debate; but I was wondering how your understanding, your emphasis maybe on teaching Modern Arnis, etc. etc. has changed if at all over the past 15-20+ years. I say 20 years because I started in 1995 in Modern Arnis under the Professor (actually it was 1994 under Hock in Presas Arnis but.... I started at the camps in 95 with Remy so I'll start there for purposes of discussion). Of course I use the + for those that started before me and the 15 years to represent when Remy was still teaching at the camps.