Guro Scott VanDerzee Modern Arnis Seminar


Blue Belt
Hello Everyone,

Mr. Scott VanDerzee & I would like to invite everyone to his seminar this September 28th. Hope to see everyone there. I hope to learn & share with all.

Enoch T. Carlton

Taught by Certified Instructor Guro Scott VanDerzee

Developed by Grandmaster Remy A. Presas.

By blending Filipino Dumog (Grappling), Karate and Stick Fighting

into a brilliantly conceived, versatile and effective Martial Art,

Modern Arnis was born.

Through a relaxed teaching style, you will learn a fascinating variety of

Stick, Empty Hand, and Grappling Techniques.

In this exciting seminar, Guro VanDerzee will cover:

Obstruction removal with stick and empty hand, Sinawali boxing drill with applications,


The Professors TAPI - TAPI

(Counter for Counter Stick drills, which include, baits, locks, disarms, throws into grappling)


September 28th From 1:00pm - 4:30pm

Cost: $35.00 Before September 21st / $45.00 After Sept. 21st

IMAF Members: Only $30.00

Bring Training Clothes, Arnis Sticks & a Positive Attitude.


Zen Martial Arts / NAAMA Karate

5722 15 mile rd.

Sterling Hts. Mi. 48310

(586) 978-2855 /

Good luck to you and Scott on the seminar. I will try my best to swing by and I will make sure my students know about it.

Talk to you soon!

For people in the area Scott is a great guy and hit the road quite a bit to follow Professor around; it should be a good time.

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