The Tapi Tapi Legacy: The 'New,' the 'Old,' and the Gatekeepers.

Going way off the thread but did you see the Blazers blow a lead with 2.9 seconds to go and let Kobe and Robert Horry sink 2 three pointers to win the game?!?
That's nearly as bad as (insert something here concerning Jeff Delaney)!
Buffalo bound for a couple of cold ones.

Ooooohhh, I know the hurt. I have to really empathize with you and the Portland fans on this one. Having suffered from the Cleveland Browns' meltdowns in the AFC Championship games in the 1980s (at the hands of the Raiders and twice against the Denver Broncos, including that infamous "Drive" by Elway), the last second shots by Michael Jordan to eliminate the Cleveland Cavaliers from the playoffs in the late 80's and early '90's and the losses by the Indians in the 1995 and 1997 World Series. Losing the 1997 World Series to the Florida Marlins really really hurt. Bottom of the ninth, the Tribe is up 2-1 and two outs away from the first World Series title since 1948 and they blow it. That hurt big time.

So I know what it's like. :(
Originally posted by modarnis

Sorry that you are taking this so personally Paul. In your last post you describe receiving flyers for camps and other things that would lead me to believe you are "somewhat in the loop". At least 6 months prior to the Professor's death, the website (The one which is for all intent and purpose the IMAF Delaney site) had contact info for the Professor, including his wife's phone number in B.C.

If one wanted to be in the flow of information, little or no effort would put them in touch with numerous people who had up to the minute reports.

I received word of the Professor's death from 6 separate sources, within 8 hours. 5 of those sources were mailing lists from seminars/camps I had attended.

The problem here is that we who have computors assume that everyone does! About 50% of the US have them in thier homes. As far as the website goes, Remy never promoted it. You would never hear Remy say "If you want more info check out my site". Many Modern Arnis people are not on the net. I think that it would have been easy for the IMAF to make up a postcard with contact info to let everyone know. If you can send out flyers for camp, why not ones to help inform our Modern Arnis family on such a great loss?

All of us were saddened by the Professor's death. Many of us had him as guests in our homes and schools or hosted repeat seminars with him.

Paul is one of these people. I have been with Remy in Paul's home. Paul hosted Remy for seminars. Remy liked Paul more than one of his many students.
I initially heard about the Prof. in a strange way. Sounds wierd but I was mowing the lawn and felt a "disturbance in the force" and couldn't get Remy outta my mind. I called a friend in Chicago who new that there was something going on but didn't know what. I called Tim Hartman who filled me in up to that point. I then made phone calls to specific people and then went to Victoria the first time. This is a digest version but basically how it went. This was before the press release or anything else.
When I asked who else knew, I was told that at that point Remy didn't everybody knowing due to the worry factor and the stress that all the phone calls and visitors would bring. Still, some people knew. Dr. Shea, Tim, David Hoffman, Myself and some others. Any of us could have begun making phone calls to everyone we knew, but didn't. Again, there were alot of people who felt close to Remy that didn't know at that point. It was not a personal thing. I even called another person who I am friends with and who was very close to Remy who wouldn't openly tell me anything because he was asked not to talk openly yet. I was a bit surprised but understood that he was doing what he was asked. I think that to take all this personally, given that it was such a stressful time with alot of matters to take care of, would be a bit near sighted. I certainly do not mean to belittle Pauls feelings. He is entitled to feel the way he does. Paul, I hope that it doesn't color the way you feel about certain people. I know you say that it does not, but who do you want an apology from? I could fell the same way about certain people but it would not be edifying and could stunt my growth. It is a mature attitude that you have in saying that you would still like to train with everyone. We were all hurt by the whole situation surrounding Remys illness and passing. It will take time to heal. You're a good man, Paul. I hope to see you soon.

Paul, you forgot one group, what I call the
"Bizarro Professor Clones".
These are the guys who act like they can teach, but know they are really not able to do so. To compensate, they go around imitating Profesoor, word for word, action for action, and, worst of all, try to give themseleves a bad Filipino accent!!!
And I do not mean the ones who 'move' like Professor because they are pretty good, or the ones who like to imitate Professor's voice out of fun and love.
These are the ones who are so tall that Profeessor may have had to stand on tippy toes sometimes to demonstrate a 'particular' technique, so now, when they teach it, they do so too. Even if they are tall enough that would never need to reach so high.
Or those who really do not understand a technique, and could not explain it if their life depended on it, so say things like, "Can you do this..., good, then do this!" When we all know that they at least graduated with a North Amercain Highschool diploma, and we have heard them speak their point of view numerous time, in English, to know that they should know better. I think they do this to try to get people moving, otherwise they might have to admit that they can not explain it better.
How about those ones who, after they finish a technique, they stand there and try to shake their stick, or their shoulders in a vibrating motion, to try and create the illusion that they are moving real fast!?! Come on, get real!
I think these people imagine they are paying tribute to the Professor, when I think they are just ruining his memory!
I feel a little sorry for them, maybe they do not know better.
But it still makes me ill!

another point to keep in mind. I've been told by several people that they wouldn't believe it until they read it in BlackBelt or similar publications. That the web -must- be wrong.

Renegades right, the majority of MA folks I know are just not PC people, or likely to surf on a regular basis. Sure the info was out there, but if you weren't checking regularly, you just didn't find it.

For many reasons, information was not broadly released. Person A had an agenda, so they kept it close. Person B was concerned, so they kept quiet. Person C thought Person D was handling the phone calls. Person D just wanted a chance to say good by, and didn't even think about the phone, or the web Person E was too heartbroken from the loss to function. Persons F-H were wondering why everyone got quiet lately.... etc etc etc.

Remy was a great man, but his death didn't make the 6 o'Clock news. The local papers didn't put the notice on page 1 (or any pages really). The majority of us found out when it was too late.

Tim sent out notices and it was on his web site. JD had the notices on his. It was mentioned in ED and there was a short couple of threads on RMA about it, and I believe Sandor had it on his site too, but thats really all I saw.

Sadly, for -many- reasons, people were left out of things. Many are angry about the feeling of exclusion. Personally, I don't think there were many purposeful exclusions. Rather, a communications breakdown that hopefully we can avoid in the future.

School owners, Organization leaders hold the responsibility to get information out to people. If you would just take 5 minutes at the end of each class to update your people on the big picture, post a quarterly news-sheet on your school BB, and mail a few 'keeping in touch' newsletters each year, we would all benifit from a tighter sence of brotherhood in the arts.

Remy is gone, but the memories, and the gifts he left behind should be shared in the spirit he did.

Lets all just put the past behind us, and share and train together. I think thats the best way we can all honor GM's memory.

Come on, guy's....the Lions:p

Roland: Bizarro Professor Clones!? Isn't that the name of the new Star Wars movie? :D

Modarnis: Unfortunatily, you have missed the point of this entire thread. :(

Renegade: Thank you. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Oh, and 1 more thing.....

3 day's til camp! WOOOOOOOOOO!

MAO: I don't want anyone to feel guilty for not personally calling me. I just thought that a mailing, or even a funeral card, or something would have been nice. You did help to clarify a few things. Thank you. It does make me feel better. I know that there are a lot of good people out there, and I'm not holding a grudge TOWARDS anyone. You know me, and I think that you know that I'm not going to let what happend get in the way of furthering the art, or my own personal growth.

I'm not letting what happend alone color my feelings towards certain individuals, however, I can't deny the fact that I do have negative feelings towards some individuals. These negative feelings, however, are not based on what happend to me regarding Prof. death, and now I'm trying to place blame. These negative feelings have been compiled over years of being around them, training with them, and THEN watching the way they have been conductiong themselves over the past few months. I think that these people that I'm thinking of basically used Professor to everyone else's detriment, and they owe EVERYONE an apology, not just me.

I'm not really going to sweat that, though. If I ran into any one of these people today, though, I'd be as cool with them as I could be. And no, not because I'm a fake bastard, but because I'm the kind of person who will always give someone the benifit of the doubt, or a second chance.

So, basically, it's all cool. :cool: I'm moving on, as I have been, and I'll peice it all together as I go along.

Speaking of training, I have to meet my Girlfriend's (of 6 mo.) family for the 1st time way out West Michigan THE SAME WEEK AS YOUR SEMINAR. I already promised. If I can get out of it somehow w/o breaking my promise, I'll let you know.

Until next time........:jedi1:

Everyone: I didn't start this thread so I could cry over my woes. :wah: Really. I started it because I wanted everyone to THINK! To take inventory on themselves, and what's been going on around them. If people can't take a good look at themselves, and put their baggage and ego's in the garbage, then people will never be able to move foward.

So I'm ready to move foward. I hope you all are to....:)
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

Tapi tapi, the drill, is exactly just that, whether done right on right or left on right. Once one begins to think out of the box then it expands to a conceptual level and becomes more.

You are abspolutely correct Dan, too many people fail to think outside of the box; they see the drills, but not the applications that are possible. Some see the applications, but only those stressed by Remy and anything else is heresay or "wrong".

Originally posted by Mao

This has been said. By me for one. We are saying the same thing. Tapi tapi is more than a drill. You can treat it like a drill if you want to, but your not getting the whole point if you do.
Another point that I made earlier was that people are going to have differing opinions according to what Remy had said to them and according to their level. Let's move on.

Mao, you have nailed a significant problem right through the middle of the target! A signicant number of people "...have differing opinions according to what Remy had said to them...".

Remy said a lot of things to different people and he also said different things to the same person(s) depending on time, place and circumstances. In short Remy lacked consistency in his comments. There is very little that I will discount, out of hand, when I am told that Remy said this or that. I have witnessed changes in statements by Remy. I have witnessed him creating titles on the spur of the moment and I have seen/heard him disavow earlier statements, that I KNOW that he made.

Dan Anderson, wrote:

Paul It sounds like the gatekeepers are the MOTTS, in your view. If so just say so. I haven't found so much a superior snot-ball attitude in them as I have a real unwillingness to communicate and that can be taken as attitude. Personally, I feel they are in a type of a no-win situation - damned if they do and damned if they don't sort of thing. They were with RP at the last (along with Tim Hartman), were given the reins of IMAF and now have to carry on in the face of all the stuff which is occurring in the total heirarchy of Modern Arnis (other organizations, prior senior students and the like). Remy Presas is a tough act to follow without him passing away on us to add to it. [end of quote]

The MOTTs and Delaney have created some problems for themselves as has Tim Hartman. They will work through them as best they can, but failure to communicate only adds fuel to this firestorm of charge and countercharge. None of these groups have been very open to information and ideas from outside of 'their own select circle of friends'.

If people want to move above and beyond this current mess, then they need to open the lines of communications and STOP using Remy statements as their compass. In the best of times he was not consistant in his statements; now all we have is what he told us before he passed away. If people took the time to talk with one another and compare the statements, most would realize that this is very bad case of the students engaging in "martial arts organizational fraticide". In reality it is a waste of everyone's time and energy!

People need to get on with their martial organizational lives. If someone is too closed minded to invite you to do a seminar or participate as an instructor at a camp, get over it! Do not spend your time and money with them! Go where people are ready to welcome and work cooperatively with you!

Belive me people, that is life outside of the IMAF, the MOTTs and WMAA. This is not an insult, it is a fact of life. People can create whatever titles, organizations and documents that they wish, but the bottom line comes back to this:

Can you do the art, Do you have good solid basics, Do you move and shift away from the on-coming weapon, Do you know how to adapt and 'translate' the techniques to fit the new situation, Can you move beyond the drills, Do you see the art as a living expression of yourself, Can you make the art 'flow' with precision? Look inward at yourself before looking outward and criticizing others.

I enjoyed the Buffalo Camp this past weekend. I met some new people and renewed a couple of older contacts from my days in the IMAF under Remy. Tim is to commended for the effort and stepping outside of his own organizatin and small circle of friends to bring in different instructors. The significant question that has to be asked and answered by both the Delaney Group and the MOTTs, is quite simple - are they open to doing the same kind of thing - working beyond their immediate comfort zone of what Remy said and taught? As Dan Anderson, noted in a post regarding another thread, the above mentioned groups do not seem to be open to independents!

The answers to the questions above will be the real indicator of whether or not these folks are working within a living art or they are working to cast everything in stone so that art becomes an instrument of *orthodoxy*.

Jerome Barber, Ed.D.
Well said Dr. B !!!

I thought one of the highlights of the WMAA camp was the round table discussion. It offered a lot of input from some very different people who shared the professor as a bond.
From reading this thread from the beginning, I have no ¨respectful disagreeing¨ but some major problems with what has been said. I am enraged by what I am reading.

It sounds to me like Paul is a foreman of Tim Hartman. Since his profile states his alignment with the WMAA and instructorship of the WMAA in Michigan, I presume my assumption is correct. However to my confusion, neither Michigan school nor instructor is listed on the WMAA website. Ironically, all the comments he has made which could and have been interpreted as bashing of the MOTTS have only served to give Mr. Hartman a change of topic.

Conveniently Mr. Hartman announced how ¨He’s going to step in here¨ and changed this thread from a topic of the hierarchy of tapi-tapi instruction to the topic of communication problems instead. Ok then, if we are going to change the topic of the thread, let’s change the thread.

ItÂ’s a shame one cannot state a view differing the popular opinion of the WMAA coalition on this forum without being ganged up upon, as I probably will be as soon as I release this post.

Paul took an intelligent post by Modarnis and simply shot it down by saying it is missing the point when he/she counters the communication problems. To my reading of these posts together, the points made by Modarnis seem very relevant. Ironically Paul doesn’t counter as “missing the point of the entire thread” all the sports banter which truly has no place here, just the comments that, can we believe, disagree with his.

Renegade: ¨Besides MAO and myself, none of Remy´s students would call to just shoot the breeze¨ Are you sure of that? Could anyone else disprove you on that? I find that hard to believe amidst all the close friendships that have grown out of training and fellowship in Modern Arnis over the years.

I was notified within 36 hours after the Professor fell sick in Germany, and in person, not by e-mail. I was notified of his death within 12 hours by telephone as well. Both of these communications, as well as updates whenever they came through during his 9 months of sickness, were from the Modern Arnis instructor I was then training under. So why, Paul, didnÂ’t Mr. Hartman call you?

You also state that you believe some of the MOTTS are still good people but then are not for sure ¨given that it’s been over a year since I’ve talked to them. ¨ Whose fault is that? Is no one able to accept mutual blame here?

¨To take inventory on themselves, and what's been going on around them,” requests Paul. Please follow your own advice, Paul. What is your agenda here? You wrote the first post knowing full well that your words would be perceived as attacks. Then Renegade took the post and changed it to another topic that again has caused yet more attacks and controversy. No one can argue the fact that the Professor taught tapi-tapi in what he thought was the best way to communicate his ideas. Nor can anyone argue that the Professor personally installed the majority of the players in the hierarchy of Modern Arnis leadership. If one wants to debate the relevance of tapi-tapi in this “friendly” forum, keep it to that without the personal attacks on the leaders one might not like.

Yes IÂ’m bitter too. I wish I had a group I trusted to train under, one that doesnÂ’t backbite and bicker, as I currently perceive most of the groups doing.
A few points: (I'll let the others who are better qualified address any others)

1- PAUL / WMAA Web Site : I'm the webmaster for the WMAA. I received Pauls info this past weekend at the camp, and have not had a chance to do the updates. It will be up along with the camp photos, etc within the next few days.

2 - Differing opinions - as the Administrator of this site, I welcome -ALL- opinions. Invitations to all major US Modern Arnis groups were sent out repeatedly since our launch. Some came, some didn't, some came later. There are a larger number of WMAA folks here than other groups due mostly to the fact that Tim Hartman is 1 of our biggest promoters. We also have high ranking members from both IMAF groups, MARRPIO and other groups (Datu Hoffman, Datu Knuttel, D. Presas to mention a few). I wish they had more folks here, as no one has the full picture, and only by sharing can we truely see more. If you would like to see more non-WMAA people posting here, please, pass the word and encourage them to sign up and get involved. Personally, I think it would make things a lot more balanced. (yes, I am a WMAA member. That doesn't mean I won't train with the IMAF, MOTT, etc.)

3 - Communication - my understanding is that there were communications issues. 1 of the reasons for this forum is to help everyone keep in touch and stay up to date. Beyond that, I really can't say.

4 - Tapi-Tapi, etc - Please, discuss the techniques and concepts of the art. This forum (meaning the Modern Arnis section) could use a good, in depth look at what makes up MA, its history, influences, and direction.

5 - Sports refs, tangents, etc - it happens. We try to stear things, but ultimately, its the responsibility of our members to focus, and not wander. Policing things, and spliting off topics every time they branch would be a full time job. Sometimes, we try to interject a little humor to allow for a cooling of heads when things turn hot (like this one).

Your points are very valid. Perhaps we should have split this into 2 threads. We as students in this art can bang our heads against the wall, shutting ourselves off from those who can 'fill in the gaps', or we can agree to disagree on some points, yet move beyond that and share that which has been left to us.


Bob Hubbard
Here we go..:argue: :soapbox:

It's funny how one can drive a point home so well, yet it is missed by some who REFUSE TO LISTEN!

Celadora; you, like Modarnis, HAVE COMPLETELY MISSED THE POINT! :rolleyes:

So, of course, I'm going to "shoot down your post" as you call it. And given your tone, what'd ya expect?

So, once again, I'll illustrate my points and intentions CLEARLY, so that anyone with an IQ above 65 will be able to understand.

Here we go:

a). I wanted to trace the development of Tapi-Tapi as I have seen, explain how it connects with the 'Flow' concept, and how it all fits together with Modern Arnis.

b). I wanted to discuss Practitioners who's training was concentrated on before 1990, and pre-Tapi-Tapi ('old'), practioners who's training concentrated after 1990 ('new'), and practitioners who believe that they, and only they and their group have the entire picture of Modern Arnis, and that one can only see the entire picture of Professors art through them ('gatekeepers'). I wanted to discuss the relationship between these factions's, and how the relationship effects the progression of Modern Arnis.

C). My intention overall: To spark some ideas so that people can take personal inventory, so that they may grow. The hope is that we will all eventually grow together, so that we may all someday unite, despite different affiliations, organizations, and opinions.

There, now was that so hard? :rolleyes:
You see the original thread had absolutely NOTHING to do with me taking communication barriers too personally, or MOTTS, WMAA, or anything that you and Modarnis had mentioned, therefore it IS safe to say that both of you have missed the point of this entire thread.

Now IÂ’ll address some other points that you have mentioned.

1. First, here is my relationship with Tim Hartman. When I was 15 and went to my 1st summer camp at Michigan State, he was there. My teacher at the time, Ted Redish, was a black belt under Professor, and friends with Tim. All throughout my training Tim had been there for me, and helped me out. He helped me to get better. Plus, over the years weÂ’ve hung out and had a good time at the seminars and camps. I canÂ’t say the same about some of the other higher ranked students. Plus Tim was a black belt when I started going to camps; therefore I always viewed him as a teacher. Most of the MOTTS where not black belts when I started; IÂ’ve always viewed them as students who were my senior. Ted got preoccupied and stopped teaching when I was 17. So, I began running my own training sessions just to have people to train with, but Professor became my primary teacher. After he had passed away the natural progression of things was for me to join up with Tim. I had always viewed him as a teacher to me, unlike the others.

My relationship with the WMAA is fairly new. Until recently, I wasn’t really considered one of ‘Tim’s guys’. My info will be up on the WMAA site fairly soon, as Kaith explained. I happened to like what Tim is trying to do with the WMAA, and I’m proud to be a part of it. This doesn’t mean that I’m not friends with and willing to train with others from other orgs. I consider Whoopass and Mao friends, who are on this forum, for instance.

Oh, for the record: Tim did try to call me, by the way, but wasnÂ’t able to get a hold of me. Pretty big of him considering I wasnÂ’t officially his student then, I was on the old IMAF mailing list (where all of my new contact info was) and not on his. All of this, plus considering that he was pretty busy fighting to see his own teacher himself, while certain people tried to keep him away. Overall, IÂ’d say he tried his best.

2. In regards to what Tim had said: The ‘communication barrier’ subject is completely related to the thread, as was everything else he had said. You see, would there be this barrier if people weren’t trying to ‘gatekeep’? Hmmmmm?

3. My Communication with MOTTS: Once again, I was Professors student, not theirs. They are my peers. I take mutual blame for not keeping in touch with them, but I really didn’t have to. They weren’t my teachers. I kinda assumed that whoever took over the old IMAF would have made sure that everyone knew what was going on. They didn’t. Whoops-e-daisy! Guess that because I wasn’t online during that period that I get screwed. Oh well, right? If you need clarification on the ‘communication argument,’ it’s been discussed. Maybe you should READ the other posts.

4. In terms of me ‘Bashing the MOTTS’: Like many other points you’ve made, they’ve been discussed in other posts on this thread. Maybe you should READ them, too.

5. In terms of your whining about WMAA members jumping all over you: Well, why donÂ’t you just cry. :wah: Or, you could realize that this is an open forum for all Orgs., not just WMAA, and everyone is entitled to their opinion.

6. Personal attacks: I never once name dropped, or pointed fingers at anyone, either IMAF groups or MOTTS alike. ‘Gatekeepers’ could be in ANY organization, or independent. You equated the ‘Gatekeepers’ as an attack on the MOTTS, even though I clarified before that attacking individuals or groups wasn’t my intention. So, it is YOU who have equated MOTTS with ‘Gatekeepers’, not me. If that’s your opinion of them, though, then I guess you’re entitled to it.

7. Notification: I’m so glad that you got notification of Professors situation; that you were ‘in the loop’ so to speak. You should feel real special. Maybe you should, like, create a cool title for yourself, such as ‘Grandmaster of people who were in the loop” and go on tour. Just a thought. Or perhaps you could respect the fact that many where kept out of the loop, and were hurt by it.

8. Follow my own advice: If you READ what I’ve said before, I have already. Why don’t you follow yours about “bite back” and “Bickering” ?

Well, thatÂ’s it. Yea, I knowÂ…IÂ’m kind of an @$$hole in this post. But it doesnÂ’t really matter. Celadora and Modarnis have proven to me their inability to LISTEN to what others are saying, so it doesnÂ’t matter what I say here anyways. ItÂ’s not like youÂ’ll actually LISTEN to me anyhow. You both have also not shown me civility, so why should I show you any?

To everyone else; sorry you had to witness my angry ranting.


P.S. In terms of the critique about keeping on subject, and all the in between sports talkÂ…. :2xbird: Â….and read my signature.
Please, keep the conversation polite and respectful.

All Modern Arnis groups are welcome in this forum and we have had a number from the WMAA, the IMAF (Dr. Schea's group), the WMAC (from before its inception), the DAV (the German group), and MARPPIO, as well as independents (such as Mr. Anderson).

-MT Mod-
Firey little beast, aren't you. I can't believe that you wrote such a long post and didn't mention how wonderful I am. Not even once. This shows, to me, a very serious lack forethought and preparation in your thoughts. Now I understand why I never got the jacket.
Originally posted by Dan Anderson

I can't believe that you wrote such a long post

When I found out that the person riding in the backseat of the car on our way to Applebees this weekend was PAUL from this board, the first thing I said was "You're the guy that wrote that long-winded post!" (Then I went back to cracking on the Canadians.) I see he has no intentions of stopping--they're all going to be long.

and didn't mention how wonderful I am

Since this is a short post, I'll pass comment too. :D
I am laughing rather than crying, Paul. Your callous words have only served to prove my point more efficiently. Unless of course I cry over the significance of what I read here. What type of impression do you give to yourself and your organization with harsh remarks such as these? What type of leadership do you display by responding in such a manner to what can be interpreted as constructive criticism?

My attacks focus on Paul, but my frustrations come from the current state of Modern Arnis as a whole. As I have stated long before in similar words in other posts, What would the Professor think if he could read what has been written here of his teachings and of the organization he founded?

I never began the idea that Paul was attacking the MOTTS. That connection was first mentioned by WhoopAss in the third post and was continued along the thread. I only reiterated the point that PaulÂ’s statement has been interpreted in such a manner. DonÂ’t shove that blame on me.

I found quite interesting the discussion on tapi-tapi and would love to add my personal sentiments. I as well felt that tapi-tapi is a bit advanced for beginners, and I would often leave camps and seminars feeling overwhelmed. Luckier than most, I had a strong base of training partners and instructors to reinforce the basics outside of camps. However, I trusted that tapi-tapi was the way Professor thought best to teach, and who would know better than he?

As for Gatekeepers, I never saw them. Anyone of greater, equal, or lesser rank than I was a teacher, and advice and instruction were always welcome.

The disgusting parts of this thread are the parts that have been perceived as personal attacks against leaders and what some feel is a lack of communication directly blamed on the leaders. Whether or not Paul intended the post to be an attack, it has clearly been interpreted that way for 3 pages already. Once more I restate, What would the Professor think if he could read this and see what has become of Modern Arnis today?

Yea, yea....I know. I sorta lost it in that last post. Those who know me know I'm nutz-o, but I can usually curb my wacko behavior on a talk forum. I apoligize to all who had to witness my behavior. My points may be valid, but I probably didn't help the situation much. :shrug:

With all my long winded rantings, and I didn't once mention how cool Dan Anderson is. Sorry Dan! I'll be on my way to lansing to wrestle Scott down for his jacket after this post.

Arnisador, I didn't make fun Canadians once yet either! There's a lot of ammo too; like when I stopped at Taco Bell and they where serving cheese fries. Whaaa!?!? That's almost stranger then chedder cheese on apple pie, cinnaman on carrots, or other strange Buffalo foods. I'm not even going to get into the salty bread and roast beef. :barf: :rofl:

Celadora: I really don't have much else to say to you, dude. I know that you want to propigate that your first post was "constructive criticism," but seriously, you can't honestly believe that. You did not constructively critique anything; you blatently attacked me, Tim Hartman, and the WMAA. The funny part of that is you're absolutily not a credable source for your 'points.' You don't even know me, what I'm about, or the dynamics of my relationships with the Modern Arnis world. So, I attacked back. Maybe that wasn't the best decision, but what type of reaction did you really expect with your post? The bottom line is that thusfar you have not proven to me yet that you want to openly discuss anything. The only thing that you have shown me is your inability to listen to others, and your intentions to start arguements to attempt to try to make others look bad. So, I refuse to entertain you any longer. Until I see that your willing to openly and peacefully talk (and a childish response to this thread won't prove to me anything), I don't see myself responding to anything else you have to say.


P.S. The wings lost to St. Louis 6-1! :cuss:
Originally posted by Celadora

What would the Professor think if he could read what has been written here of his teachings and of the organization he founded?

He would probably say, "Dan, this is not good."

I found quite interesting the discussion on tapi-tapi and would love to add my personal sentiments. I as well felt that tapi-tapi is a bit advanced for beginners,

Hoo wah yes!

However, I trusted that tapi-tapi was the way Professor thought best to teach, and who would know better than he?

No problemo there.

The disgusting parts of this thread are the parts that have been perceived as personal attacks against leaders and what some feel is a lack of communication directly blamed on the leaders.

Sorry, man. It's the leaders who lead or get shot when they don't lead. If they are supposed to lead, they should or get out of the way. The no-communication is an indicator of ability to lead. I am a stickler on communication and the no communication issue on the subject of my teacher's illness is no secret to anyone who has been within earshot of my indelicate voice. You got lucky and were in the loop so perhaps you haven't imagined yourself in the position of hearing that data third or fourthhand.

Once more I restate, What would the Professor think if he could read this and see what has become of Modern Arnis today?

Again, he'd probably say something like, "Oh! Dan! What is this?They are very upset! This is not good. You must talk to them so they will be happy."

That's what my teacher woud have said to me.

Dan Anderson
6th Degree Black Belt
Senior Master Modern Arnis
Remy got sick. He assigned various positions. He passed away. It is very sad for us. Now we all know. The playing field is level. Can we move on? So much bickering is not edifying. And it sucks.
Perhaps some of this could be taken to a private arena so that if some one new visits this forum they are not turned off to modern arnis. Dan's right: "This is not good."
