I'm not sure what Christians you are seeing, but in my 13 years of Christian education, being married to two devout Christians, attending their churches, and having Christian friends, I have never heard that just because you are not Christian that you are inferior, immoral, or incapable of being good. That is with exeptions, of course, namely people like Phelps and his ilk.
Well......in all my life: being the son of an Episcopal priest, the grandson of an Episcopal priest, the descendent of multiple generations of ministers, a religious studies student,having numerous Christian friends (of various stripes), friends of other faiths (of various stripes), being married to two Christians myself, attending various churches-having made something of an.....er....hobby of other churches in my teen years, I can say that I've seen all kinds, and I have heard that just because you are not a Christian you are inferior, immoral, incapable of being good and surely going to hell. In fact, I've heard that if you're not a fill in the flavor of Christian, then you're not really a Christian, and you're inferior, immoral, incapable of being good and surely going to hell. Over the years I've seen all kinds of people do all kinds of beating each other up with the good book, and years before I heard of Fred Phelps-and these weren't active "haters," like Phelps-they didn't say that God "hated" anyone, or anything of the sort-just that in their interpretation of scripture you were going to hell if you weren't a Christian-you were "worshipping a false God," or-sometimes worse-not worshipping any God at all. I've heard ministers say that they "like Jews, but they're damned to hell for not accepting Christ," and worse......
I mean, have you never seen a Chick Tract?:
Jesus hates this false religious system(Catholicism)
In fact, God calls all of us his children and to love your fellow man, not just fellow Christian. Who want's to love someone that is incapable of those things.
And I'd agree with you-but there are those who don't. Scripture is confusing for some-especially interpreting it.
During the Cerro Grande fire-after the whole town of Los Alamos had been evacuated- one of the people I worked with suggested to another that they should get their congregations together somewhere for a service. The older one, who was some sort of minister for his congregation said, "That'll never happen..." and proceeded to quote a whole series of verses showing why. I was flabbergasted-I liked an respected both men, but was a little taken aback by the silly pettiness of his misinterpretation. It easily could have been worse, though.....
And just to clarify, I am not a Christian.
Neither am I.
People are not being told that they are inferior, immoral, or incapable of being good..
People are being told that-just not by the Christians you know.