drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
It depends on your environment. We can say that because we can escape the situation.We're falling back into macho again, which is not self-defense. It's defense of honor, or face, or ego, but it isn't self-defense.
Self-defense is defense of the physical self. It concerns itself with remaining alive above all other considerations. Everything else is secondary. Extend that to family/innocent others if you wish, but it's still not about face-saving or keeping up a tough appearance.
In true self-defense, one does what one must to preserve one's life. Run, fight, beg, use dirty tricks, etc. One engages one's brain and decides the best possible choice of action and applies it. As conditions change, one may have to modify their response.
I am glad most of you have never been in a fight for your life and most likely won't ever be. You'd get dead with a quickness.
I've heard the various protests from those who'd rather die on their feet than live on their knees, and it's boring and stupid. As they posture and pose for the sake of some Hollywood ideal of manliness, the bad guy shoots them dead and does what he wants to their loved ones mister macho can no longer protect. But hey, at least he was manly as he died, right?
I can no longer run, which means that option doesn't exist for me. That's part of the reason I still train.
A bullied kid in school for example is locked in with his predators every day. And may need a bit of mucho face saving to survive that.